How much experience do you need to play the tabletop games, will the DMs/GMs be assisting the newer players or is prior experience required.
seeing pathfinder on the timetable, always wanted to try as i love D&D but never played it.
There is an entire community of people who can help new people play as well as experienced Enforcers who can sit and teach people how to play the games from the Tabletop Library. You may even see games in progress who would likely be happy for you to sit in and learn while they play. See the Enforcers at Tabletop HQ on the day and they can help you out.
There'll be signs of tables of people looking to teach games, or needing players. There's facilitated games, and even designers promoting their games. The tabletop space is way friendlier than the expo hall in that way.
Plus, at least with the groups I've played with at PAX over the past two years, if you are standing about looking interested, we'd ask you to sit down and join in. It's what PAX is about.
We're expecting most of the D&D players to be new, so you're welcome to join in at our tables as well. We have 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour adventures on offer.
Plus, at least with the groups I've played with at PAX over the past two years, if you are standing about looking interested, we'd ask you to sit down and join in. It's what PAX is about.
Our schedule:
(I'm just redesigning character sheets to be friendlier to new players. )
Merric Blackman
D&D Adventurers League Local Co-ordinator