Okay, quick straw poll. That thing in the bottom half of Panel 2: navel or butthole?
It's a cat, so definitely a butthole. A cat's navel is about halfway between its legs. As Tommy Refenes of Team Meat once said, "owning a cat means seeing butthole".
I think its a navel. A cat's butthole is always touching the surface it is sitting on. Scientists believe this is intentional as it allows the bacteria in cat excretions to get into our food and control our brains. This is why cats are always trying to jump on kitchen counters and why people with cats are more likely to think that acquiring more cats is a great idea.
Nah, it's totes a butthole.
Between the cats who take up odd contortions to lick themselves, or the ones who just sit like lazy slobs, you're a million times more likely to see a cat's butthole than it's navel.
For one thing, their navels are covered with fur.
It can't be a navel, but really, the buttholes are more of a * than an x. And they're not fur-colored. If you're going to represent it, you've got to go whole hog! I think we deserve better, frankly.
It can't be a navel, but really, the buttholes are more of a * than an x. And they're not fur-colored. If you're going to represent it, you've got to go hole hog! I think we deserve better, frankly.
It's a cat, so definitely a butthole. A cat's navel is about halfway between its legs. As Tommy Refenes of Team Meat once said, "owning a cat means seeing butthole".
Between the cats who take up odd contortions to lick themselves, or the ones who just sit like lazy slobs, you're a million times more likely to see a cat's butthole than it's navel.
For one thing, their navels are covered with fur.
It's definitely a butthole.
pedantman, awayyyy
can anyone remove the bubbles? I'd like to use this cat as my userpic
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