Is it weird...

Rod.HRod.H Running from the Dropbears...Registered User regular
Or just normal to fixate on collecting subsets of pins? I seem to be currently working on three such sets with outliers: Kemper, MTG & PAX Aus ’13.
However most of my recent pin acquisitions have been via eBay with an extremely poor hit rate, thanks to snipers. Though that’s probably more to me not getting ebay and focusing on other things: grinding XP in my TOG for Maus & blasting raiders to goop/ash in the wasteland(s).

As for trading, I’ve mentioned in other posts that I’m regretting not buying more core sets when I’d the chance in order to create a starter stockpile, but it’s early days for me and it might get me into clearing out some of my CCG stockpile…or not(I keep on getting into ones that die or have a limited player pool).



  • purevalpureval Somersworth, NH Registered User regular
    No it is not weird. As the years go on I expect the vast majority of people will be collecting subsets. Kemper and Magic are both popular subsets. I personally am trying to keep a complete run of PAX East pins, but a few vendors are making that rather difficult for me.

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    My collection decisions are subsets:

    - Gabe & Tycho
    - Anything directly PA related
    - Any game/IP that I am especially fond of (Blizzard especially)

    I'll go after some other stuff if I think it looks particularly good, but generally the above three categories will drive my choices.

    orthancstone on
    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015
    It's totally normal :smile: My main goal has been every single core set and every show LE (shields, polygons). I grab single pins here and there on the side, but aiming for a subset rather than 100% saves a lot of stress in my opinion.

    Lazorz on
  • theoriginalztheoriginalz PhillyRegistered User regular
    Lazorz wrote: »
    It's totally normal :smile: My main goal has been every single core set and every show LE (shields, polygons). I grab single pins here and there on the side, but aiming for a subset rather than 100% saves a lot of stress in my opinion.

    and more money left in your pocket.

    Trade pins with me! Pinny LanyardjlB4Ded.png
  • callmegarcallmegar Registered User regular
    You are all weirdos... But I think collecting subsets is normal too :)

  • Rod.HRod.H Running from the Dropbears...Registered User regular
    I've found some of the pins I'm after on ebay, though I think seven pins for CCG booster box money is a bit up there.

  • surettesurette kill the switch Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I think it's weirder to be obsessed with collecting all 100%. :P

  • luckycharmluckycharm Perth, AURegistered User regular
    Don't feel too bad, that is the cost of rent for just 1 week in Perth!

  • Rod.HRod.H Running from the Dropbears...Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    Ah, that one. It's 2-3 CCG booster boxes or half an average weeks pay for me. Oh and pitance of a weeks rent in Melbourne.

    Rod.H on
  • theoriginalztheoriginalz PhillyRegistered User regular
    So crazy that 1 week in Australia = half a month in Toronto.. Our dollar is almost the same.

    Trade pins with me! Pinny LanyardjlB4Ded.png
  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I'm the same, always trying to get all the Kempers. (I'm close at the moment, though!) The only show sets I want to collect in their entirety are Aus ones, simply because it's my local PAX and it's generally not too difficult to get one of each. As we get more pins down here I fear for my future, but at the moment it's manageable. As for US sets I only get the cores/LEs if I can, and any third party pins for games I like.

  • surettesurette kill the switch Boston, MARegistered User regular
    luckycharm wrote: »
    Don't feel too bad, that is the cost of rent for just 1 week in Perth!
    yeah I was gonna say I wish that was half my rent haha

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