East 2016 Room Shares - trying out a new policy, so please read the OP

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
edited December 2015 in PAX East
We are going to try out a new policy for this PAX and see how it goes. I am also trying this out for PAX South 2016. While strict enforcement of the one post per person rule has cut down heavily on the reposting to get on the front page, it has also caused some problems with posts that need modified late in the game but are stuck on an old page.

There is still a one post per person policy, but I will be starting to cull posts from the thread that have been struck out or marked as no longer valid. I will try to do this as necessary, but there will not be a hard schedule for this purpose. This will mean that there should not be a wall of inactive posts to sift through in order to find active ones. Also it means that if someone had a post that was culled from early on, they can freely re-post it later if shit went south. If you abuse this, your ability to post in this thread will be revoked entirely.


Post here if you are looking to share your room, or looking for a room to share. Please keep your posts up to date!


You get ONE post in this thread per UNIQUE room share situation. Do not re-post your offer/request. Re-posts will be deleted.

If you need to modify your post and cannot edit it yourself (accounts below a certain participation threashold), PM me and I will make the edit for you. Not having permission to edit is not a valid excuse for re-posting.

If you *really* think you have a good reason to post for a second time, PM me first.


If you have a room and want to fill space, use this format:



Total Cost:
Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Number of Spots Available:
My Gender
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes/Requests:


If you are looking for a place to sleep, use this format:


Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes:


zerzhul on


  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    edited March 2016

    Hotel: omni parker
    Total Cost: 925.00 (130.00 a person) willing to work on prices if u are just looking for a few days instead of the whole stay
    Date Arriving: 4/21 thursday
    Date Leaving: 4/24 sunday morning
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender male
    Your Gender: male or female does not matter have roomed with both.
    Best Contact Method:
    facebook- https://www.facebook.com/ryan.stentiford.3
    email- sufi1989@aol.com (I check this one the least so would suggest 1 of the 1st 2 for quickest response)

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    This is my 3rd year doing this. I ask for a 70.00 non refundable deposit payed to me on paypal to hold your spot this will come off your final total it is just to make sure that u will hopefully not back out as I have had this happen before. It makes it so if you do i dont have to cover all your cost. I have no problem getting to know you on facebook or through text before you do this though I can not hold your spot intill I get this. Everyone I have roomed with will vouch for me that they have had no issues at all. Any questions feel free to ask.

    rascrush on
  • ervtronervtron PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    edited November 2015

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Spots Needed: 5
    My Gender: Male x5
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: alexervtron@gmail.com

    Additional Notes: If someone is looking to get rid of a room entirely I would be interested in that as well. I know 5 people is a lot but we're willing to cram!


    ervtron on
  • Jamm828Jamm828 Registered User new member
    Have Space Available:
    Hotel: The Midtown Hotel
    Cost per night: $189.00
    Date Arriving: Thursday (4/21)
    Date Leaving: Sunday (4/24)
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Male/ Female
    Best Contact: PM or jetsrule11@gmail.com

    I am looking for people to join my room, I am looking for 5 people I don't care of who is in. I will be 23 by the time the con is going. I am going to try to dedicate to become a Pax Pokemon Leader. I will get up early and stay all day. Never in the hotel except to sleep, shower, and change. I have roomed with 5 other people before. Thank you for your intrest. Let's have a fun time! Happy Pax. We will figure out the price later.

  • sythesythe Registered User new member

    Hotel: Hilton Boston Airport
    Total Cost: $90/person/night
    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Number of Spots Available: 1-2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: PM/email - me AT sythe.me

    Additonal notes:
    You don't need to sign up for every night, and a ferry makes this hotel pretty convenient (no traffic).

  • zambixizambixi Neko Nanny Washington, DCRegistered User regular

    Date Arriving: Friday
    Date Leaving: Sunday
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Woman (me) Man (bf)
    Your Gender: Don't Care
    Best Contact Method: PM or e-mail at rennicole @ gmail

    Additional Notes:
    First PAX for my boyfriend and I. We've got a free place to stay out in the suburbs, but we're hoping to get a little closer so we can enjoy more of the convention! We're both in our mid- late- 20's, neat, don't smoke or binge drink (boyfriend doesn't drink at all), and pretty easy-going. Looking for something within ~30min transit time to the BCEC, with a bed (that we'll share), at or under $85 pp/pn (if at all possible).

  • milo1312milo1312 Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: 4/21/2015 (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: 4/25/2015 (Monday)
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Male (me) Male (friend)
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: camiloj1312@gmail.com

    Additional Notes: would like to have bed space. Also as close as possible to the convention. price is not an issue.

  • BrigzZBrigzZ Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: 4/21/2016(Thrusday)
    Date Leaving: 4/24/2016(Sunday) <- Negotiable
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter to me!
    Best Contact: PM or itsbrigzz@gmail.com

    Additional: Might sound weird but I really don't even need a bed. Floor sleeping is definitely an option! As long as you don't mind a PAX first timer I can be the best roommate!

  • thelettucekingthelettuceking Registered User new member
    Need Space Please!

    Hotel: preferably under 450 total
    dates: 4/21- 4/25 or 4/24
    spots needed: 1
    my gender: female 21
    best contact: ttremss@gmail.com or twitter: magickrapp

    this is my first pax so all the help is greatly appreciated!

  • GlakeGGGlakeGG Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Sunday Evening
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: GlakeMicoleRiuno@yahoo.com

    Additional Notes: This will be my first PAX, but not my first time in Boston. Would prefer to split a room with larger amount of people to reduce costs, but I'm open to anything depending on the price.

  • LyingSageLyingSage EarthRegistered User new member

    Hotel:Seaport Hotel
    Total Cost:190-159
    Date Arriving:4/22 Friday
    Date Leaving:4/24 Sunday
    Number of Spots Available:2
    My Gender:male
    Your Gender:doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: jdrlarp@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: There is 4 of in the room but I would like to fill it up to 6. As of now there is one unoccupied bed (we're okay sleeping on the floor). We mostly use the room for sleeping and food. We are an easygoing group that loves pax.

  • TrIxX114TrIxX114 Registered User new member

    Hotel: Boston Park Plaza Hotel
    Total Cost: $1,018.60 - ($254.65/person for 4 people. $203.72/person for 5 people.)
    Date Arriving: 4/20 Wednesday
    Date Leaving: 4/25 Monday
    Number of Spots Available: 2
    Our Gender: Male (25), Male (28), Male (22)
    Your Gender: Irrelevant
    Best Contact Method: trixx114@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: There will be 2 double beds. We can rotate as necessary. This will be our 3rd year PAX East. We would prefer you leave your drama behind.

  • corsevcorsev Registered User regular
    edited February 2016

    Hotel: Boston Park Plaza Hotel 2 bed hotel room
    Total Cost: ($611) asking 300 total for the 3 nights
    Date Arriving: thursday 21rst I have a apartment 50minutes away if you want free parking then we can take the train to boston.
    Date Leaving: sunday 24
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    Your Gender: 23 year old male
    Best Contact Method: @corsevig on twitter is best method to contact me or sevigdeedss@gmail.com
    Additional Notes/Requests:
    Looking for non smokers also be in my age range

    zerzhul on
  • NicolasAustinNicolasAustin Registered User regular

    Date Arriving:4/21 or 4/22
    Date Leaving:4/22
    Spots Needed:2
    My Gender:Males(Ages 19,19)
    Your Gender:Either
    Best Contact Method: nicolasaustin123@gmail.com

    Additional notes:
    we are looking for any available space anyone has open!

  • NikkifiedNikkified Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: 4/21 (Th)
    Date Leaving: 4/24 (Sun)
    Spots Needed: 2
    Genders: Female and Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: nicolejechan@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    Looking for a room for my boyfriend and I. We're both 25 and have done room shares in the past - this is my 6th PAX, his 2nd. We have an air mattress if beds are an issue. Ideally looking to share with 1-2 (3 max) people. Closer the better, Seaport is probably preferable? Just need walking distance. We're clean and considerate people and are content in a corner. We're Nintendo enthusiasts equipped with 3DSes (Smashhhh?) and we're also open to playing board/card game type things like CAH! Nonsmokers, but alcohol is good.
    Please email if you have anything available! Thanks!

  • JgamingJgaming Registered User regular
    edited April 2016

    Date Arriving: 4/21/16
    Date Leaving: 4/24/16
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: jberastain@live.com or on here.

    Info- Hey everyone i'm looking for a room for pax, I did the room share last year and honestly it helped make the experience of pax that much more fun (while also saving quite a bit of cash). Currently looking for a room for this year so feel free to shoot me a message thanks!

    zerzhul on
  • FizzsterFizzster Registered User regular
    edited April 2016

    Date Arriving: 4/21/16
    Date Leaving: 4/25/16
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: email: hialan@fastmail.fm

    Info - Looking for a room for PAX. My room fell through and I'm working with an exhibitor. I'm looking for a fairly quiet room close to the convention center. I've room shared before and it was a favorable experience :)

    zerzhul on
  • moggdmoggd Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    updated 2016-02-24

    Hotel: Seaport Hotel walking distance to convention center
    Total Cost: $85/night floor space, $115/night roll-away bed, $130/night double bed (if they run out of cots/roll-away beds you will get the floor rate)
    Date Arriving: 4/21 (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: 4/24 (Sunday)
    Number of Spots Available: 3
    My Gender Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: jmanesh1@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: I'm a laid back guy in my mid 20's. Big fan of pc gaming, tabletop gaming, and I might be bringing an N64. No crazy rules but don't be a dick to anyone, respect everyone's stuff and clean up after yourselves.

    zerzhul on
  • ArthragArthrag Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday Apr 21st
    Date Leaving: Monday Apr 25th
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: gc_emi@hotmail.com

    Additional Notes:

    Ideally would prefer a room at Seaport, but will take anything really

  • RoseiewoodRoseiewood Registered User new member

    Hotel: Hilton Boston Logan Airport
    Total Cost: $421.18
    Date Arriving: 4/22 (Friday)
    Date Leaving: 4/24 (Sunday)
    Number of Spots Available: 2
    My Gender F, M, M
    Your Gender: Either
    Best Contact Method: email me at wildlife.misz@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    I'll be bringing cookies for the room.

  • Nightwing128Nightwing128 Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: 4/22
    Date Leaving: 4/24
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: https://www.facebook.com/james.wurtz.7 or reply to this on the Forum :D

    I got approved a Press Pass so I need somewhere to stay for Saturday and Sunday ^^. Getting there Friday won't be a problem for me

  • Livster493Livster493 Registered User new member
    edited March 2016

    Date Arriving: Thursday April 21st
    Date Leaving: Monday April 25th
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: I'm a 22 year old female and my buddy Dan is a 25 year old male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: Email me at livster493@gmail.com.

    Additional Notes: Westin or Aloft preferably. We're both working at the con so the easier the access the better :)

    Livster493 on
  • RenegadexBlackoutRenegadexBlackout Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday night
    Date Leaving: Monday morning
    Spots Needed: 2 (maybe 3)
    My Gender: 2 or 3 guys
    Your Gender: doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: email airxforcexandshock@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: We're all fun, laid back guys, we will sleep on the floor no problem! Really only going to use the room to sleep and shower.

  • RoyalFinoRoyalFino Registered User new member
    edited March 2016

    Hotel: The MidTown Hotel
    Total Cost: $800 in total Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun Nights
    Date Arriving: April 21st
    Date Leaving: April 25th
    Number of Spots Available: 1 Bed and floor space. I want my own bed and there is a 2nd bed.
    My Gender: Male (and my girlfriend will be joining me the last 3 of the 4 nights
    Your Gender: Does Not Matter
    Best Contact Method: RoyalFino@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: I'm not really in desperate need of sharing with anyone but I thought I would throw this out there to see if I can find the right person to save some money. If someone needs a place to stay Thursday night only or something, that's fine too. Just make me an offer, we can start talking and I will consider it.

    A little about me: 29/M. This is my 3rd PAX (2012, 2015). I am helping out at a fairly large game booth.

    I'm pretty chill. I plan on drinking at least 1 of the nights (not too heavy though as I don't have the money to be spending a ton of money on drinks) but I don't smoke or do any drugs. I'm meeting a lot of friends at the convention as I know a lot of people that are driving in locally (I live outside the city) and I know some developers as well.

    RoyalFino on
  • ifgrasscouldtalkifgrasscouldtalk Registered User new member
    edited March 2016

    Date Arriving: Thursday, April 21st
    Date Leaving: Sunday, April 24th
    Spots Available: 1
    Your Cost: $345
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Female
    Best Contact Method: littlebirdcanflyhigh@gmail.com

    Additional Notes: Hi! This will be my first PAX, but I'll be there to write articles on what's being presented, so really my only necessity is a place to sleep near the convention and an outlet to charge my laptop. If you want to find a place with me that'd be great too! Females only please!

    zerzhul on
  • Hatter1031Hatter1031 Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: April 22nd
    Date Leaving: April 24th
    Spots Needed: 1 spot for meeee
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Whatever
    Best Contact Method: email me at aholt1031@gmail.com

    Additional Notes: I am 23 and this is my first full weekend at PAX, last year was a disaster for me and this year is already turning out to be a pain, I am just looking for a good con experience and I guess the first step is finding a room that won't charge me an arm and a leg and is not too far from the con.

  • SovereignvsSovereignvs Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: April 21st, Thursday
    Date Leaving: April 24th, Sunday
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Whatever
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: I'm looking for someone who wants to share an Airbnb room. I'm open to a hotel, but prefer Airbnb just so we don't have to cram into a hotel room with others. We can hang out at the con if you want, perhaps share a ride or whatever. I'm pretty open to anything. Just be really super awesome. :P

  • Dr. JoeDr. Joe Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: 2016-04-21 (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: 2016-04-26 (Tuesday)
    Spots Needed: 1 room
    My Gender: M, but kinda n/a?
    Your Gender: Also n/a
    Best Contact Method: smaddock@gmail.com

    Additional notes: Super unlikely, I know, but I'm looking for an entire room at the Westin Boston Waterfront. Basically, if someone has booked a room and no longer needs it (at all), I would be greatly obliged if s/he would be willing to transfer said reservation to my name (and credit card, of course) rather than just cancelling outright.

    If anyone is willing and able to provide this Christmas gift in April, please shoot me an email.

    Best of luck to everyone working out their crazy hotel shenanigans!

  • ChiyeukChiyeuk Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday April 21, 2016
    Date Leaving: Monday April 25, 2016
    Spots Needed: 2-4
    My Gender: 1F, 3M
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: chi64ave@gmail.com

    Additional Notes: My team (UBC) is competing in Riot Games' uLoL Campus Series at PAX East and we require extra accommodation for our support staff.

  • Riftblade PrimeRiftblade Prime Registered User new member
    edited April 2016

    Hotel: Hilton Boston Back Bay
    Total Cost: $800 ($200 per person if I can fill all 3 spots $150 per person for 4)
    Date Arriving: April 21 (Thu)
    Date Leaving: April 24 (Sun)
    Number of Spots Available: 3-4
    My Gender: M
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: riftbladegaming@live.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: Non-smoker with an extra bed and floor space available. Hotel is located 2 miles from the convention center and a block away from The Cheesecake Factory. I will be driving and bringing an air mattress in case it is needed for potential roommates. Willing to take in cosplayers.

    Riftblade Prime on
  • Daft IngenuityDaft Ingenuity Registered User new member

    Hotel: Hyatt Regency Boston
    Total Cost: $690 for double occupancy, $765 for triple and $840 for quad. All split evenly.
    Date Arriving: April 21 (Thu)
    Date Leaving: April 24 (Sun)
    Number of Spots Available: 3
    My Gender: M
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: stolar.alex@gmail.com

    This'll be my eighth PAX and my sixth PAX East specifically. The hotel is under a mile away from the convention center. Non-smoking.

  • jshirlandjshirland Registered User regular
    edited April 2016

    Hotel: Hampton Inn & Suites Boston Crosstown Center
    Total Cost: $840 divided by # of people in the room (aiming for 4 people, including myself)
    Date Arriving: Thursday, April 21st
    Date Leaving: Monday, April 25th
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: jss0@uw.edu

    Additional Notes/Requests:

    jshirland on
  • sudokensudoken Registered User regular

    Hotel: Aloft Boston
    Total Cost: $650 total for 3 nights. According to the reservation this is a 2 bedded room.
    Date Arriving: Thursday 4/21
    Date Leaving: Sunday 4/24
    Number of Spots Available: Negotiable
    My Gender: F
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: Message

    Additional Notes/Requests: So here's the thing. I booked a room but now the person who was helping me pay for it. Whose card we were putting the reservation on can no longer go. I still would like to go. As I have this nice space. If you wouldnt mind an extra person I would be OK with transferring this reservation to you and paying my share.

    Pax East: 3 Day [X] Hotel [X] Time off [X]
  • infornographinfornograph Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday night
    Date Leaving: Sunday evening
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: Prefer a hotel close to PAX but places nearby that allow easy commutes may interest me. Will be taking bus departing around 5/6PM from NYC to Boston right after work on Thursday and plan to leave on a later bus Sunday evening. If you are an Ingress Resistance player that's a plus too! Will spend some time after convention floor closes for UPV/UPC/Missions. Room shared last year but I'm not sure if they're doing it again this year. I'm neat, clean, have good hygiene, and do not do drugs nor smoke (prefer same). I drink alcohol, usually just beers with meals and probably won't in the room, but might buy beer from local breweries to take back home.

    Thank you.

  • PaxEasterPaxEaster Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: 4/22/16
    Date Leaving: 4/24/16
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: M
    Age: 25
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: Looking for a room close to the convention center. Pack light, clean and courteous.

  • omgjerryomgjerry Registered User new member
    edited April 2016

    Hotel: Aloft Boston Seaport
    Total Cost: Total Cost is $1350 for 3 nights (2 bunk beds)
    Date Arriving: Friday 4/22
    Date Leaving: Monday 4/25
    Number of Spots Available: 1-2 spots Total of 3 or 4 people
    My Gender: We're both males in our twenties
    Your Gender: Male of Female
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes/Requests: me and my friend are looking for a 3rd ($450 per person for 3 nights) or even a 4th individual ($350 per person for 3 nights) to bunk with us. We have two twin beds. We're both clean and friendly individuals. Feel free to contact me via PM for any questions. Thanks! :) We can make bedding accommodations to make it more relaxing for everyone.


    zerzhul on
  • hizzohizzo Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday Evening
    Date Leaving: Sunday Night
    Spots needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Best Contact Method: PM/enyork@aim.com

    Additonal notes:
    I'm 34, drinker and laid back. This will be my 3rd PAX

  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    edited April 2016

    Hotel: Westin Boston Waterfront
    Total Cost: $285 total per person
    Date Arriving: 4/21
    Date Leaving: 4/25
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Whatever
    Best Contact Method: PM or text 603.203.4958

    Additional Notes/Requests: I am requiring payment ahead of time to make sure I have money to cover the reservation since I will need to cancel the reservation by tmw if things go south. If that's cool with you hit me up.

    EDIT: Spots may be open here. Updated 4/17 1:16PM est

    robirex on
  • cypheroftyrcypheroftyr Registered User new member

    Hotel: Hyatt Regency Boston
    1 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111, USA
    Total Cost: $925
    Date Arriving: 4/21
    Date Leaving: 4/25
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender Female
    Your Gender: Female
    Best Contact Method: email, cypher.of.tyr@gmail.com

    Additional Notes/Requests: Non smoker, no partying in room, no drugs. I'm an introvert and am pretty quiet. Early riser even at conventions. I have a cat, so allergic persons should be aware of that. Hotel is approx 1.6 miles from convention centre and not on shuttle route. No shuttle from/to airport either.

  • BrparadoxBrparadox Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: 4/21
    Date Leaving: 4/24
    Spots Needed: 2-3
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: Phone number: 5162865414, Email Address: Halogodd117@aol.com

    Need a room for my two friends and I. We are ages 19,20, and 25. Non smokers and non drinkers. We plan to come into Boston on Thursday Night, and leave Sunday afternoon.

  • Senior_CyclopsSenior_Cyclops Registered User regular

    Date arriving: 4/21 (Thursday)
    Date leaving: 4/24 (Sunday)
    Spots needed: 1. Floor is fine.
    My gender: Male
    Your gender: Any
    Age: 25
    Best contact: PM or email at seniorcyclops@gmail.com

    I don't smoke or party. I keep my area neat and clean. I plan on going to the concerts so latest I'll be out is around midnight. Just looking for something within walking distance of the convention. Will be bringing some board games and handhelds. Let me know if you have any questions I can answer.

This discussion has been closed.