The world's a shambles. Two great Crashes have left us in a bad way. Eighty percent of people now only exist as wageslaves, signing away their freedoms for a lousy paycheck and meager security. The last twenty are split. Ten percent enforce the system as it is, and reap plenty from it.
Then there's us. We live by our own means. We were either left out by design, through not having a legitimate System Identification Number. Or we left by choice, rejecting the deal the corps gave us. Either way, we make our money in the shadows. Where we do the jobs that others can't or won't. Where trust is valuable, but not as much as a good payday. Where you need to shoot straight and watch your back. And where everything has a price.
Are you game, chummer?What's this?
This is a recruitment thread for a PbP game of Shadowrun 5th edition, aka Neuromancer, the RPG! Come be a person trying to live their own lives in a time where doing so is deadly. Preference is given to new players, both because it's always fun to get new players involved, and because I'm also new-ish to the setting and the blind leading the blind always ends well, right? Right now you can grab the Core Rulebook off of for $20, otherwise I'll be happy to assist people in generating a character with the basics.
Roll up a character using either the standard or new runner table given in the core rulebook. The more background info you give in your submission, the better it'll sound, and also the more likely I'll choose it! Also include in your submission your preferences for the following:
- Setting of either Seattle (the de-facto setting for a Shadowrun game, brimming with opportunities), Chicago (Large quarantine zone of bug spirits, what's not in there is either controlled by the mob or really racist. Your life is bleak if it's not 30+ miles west of Downtown) or San Francisco (Controlled by a Japanese Dictator until ~6 years before game start) - I'll provide a more in-depth rundown of the settings shortly
- Choice of one splatbook you would like to use to upgrade from in the future
- Whether or not you know other runners in this group, or if you're meeting them fresh. If you want to start out knowing each other, you don't have to just be the standard group of Shadowrunners if you don't want to! There's tons of different angles to take; your group can be a squad on a LoneStar / Knight Errant High Threat Response Team, or a new private investigation agency. You could be a Paranormal investigation squad, a group of wageslaves just now breaking out of the system, or an elite cadre of Yakuza operators! CHOICES!
- Above all, you need to submit a private goal that your character is working towards. Do they want to corner a piece of the stock market? Open their own pawn shop? Or just be the most famous runner that ever lived? Tell me!
Submissions will be open for the next couple of weeks, the game will probably start not long after the new year. PM me with any questions.
Current Submissions:
"Bauta", human Adept - Egos
Left Over
Remaining Money: 260 nuyen
Remaining Karma: 3
*note replace Cat mentor with Wolf
"Blackfish", Troll Shaman - Brody
"Blackfish" Orcinus is slowly drowning.
Metatype: Troll
BODy: 6
AGIlity: 4
REAction: 3
STRength: 5
WILlpower: 6
LOGic: 3
INTuition: 3
CHArisma: 3
Edge: 1
Current Edge: 0
Essence: 6
MAGic: 6
RESonance: 0
Active Skills
Combat Skills
Blades 2+[4]
Automatics 2+[4]
Physical Skills
Running 1+[5]
Swimming 1+[5]
Navigation 1+[6]
Survival 1+[6]
Tracking 3+[3]
Perception 2+[3]
Social Skills
Intimidation 1+[3]
Magical Skills
Arcana 1+[6]
Assensing 2+[6]
Banishing 2+[6]
Binding 1+[6]
Summing 5+[6]
Alchemy 1+[6]
Disenchanting 1+[6]
Counterspelling 5+[6]
Ritual Spellcasting 1+[6]
Spellcasting 2+[6]
Knowledge Skills
English N
Salish 1
Talismongers (Seattle) 2
Local Spirits (Seattle) 2
Magic Theory 2
Cascade Orks 2
Local Diners 1
Shamanic Totems 2
Lifestyle [Squatter]
Combat Knife
Survival Knife
-Spare Clip
-80 Rounds Hollow Point
Lined Coat
-Thermal Dissipation
Meta Link (Commlink Rating 1)
Fake SIN (Rating 1)
Fake Licence [Weapons] (Rating 1)
Survival Kit
20 Drams of Reagents
Detect Enemies
Detect Life
Detect Magic
Cure Disease
Increase Reflexes
Mass Confusion
Qualities and a big ass wall of text
Mentor Spirit (Sea) -5
Spirit Affinity (Beasts) -7
Focused Concentration [Rank 3] -12
Addiction [Alcohol][Severe] +20
Distinctive Style +5
"Tantrum", Troll Street Samurai - Maclay
"Breach", a human face/operator - Steelhawk
For Your Consideration...
Simon "Breach" Wilkins
Male Human Karma; 3
BOD:4(6) AGI:5 REA:5 STR:4 WIL:3 LOG: 3 INT:4 CHA:4 EDG:5 ESS:4.5 INIT:9
Influence Group (Ettiquete, Leadership, Negotiation): 5
Automatics:2, Blades:2, Longarms:5, Pistols:6, Sneaking:2, Unarmed:2, Ground Pilot:1, Con:5, Perception:4, First Aid:2, Survival:3, Thrown:3
Runner Hangouts:1, Fixers:1, Mr J's:1, Street Knowledge [starting city]:3, Criminal Orgs/Gangs: 3, Law/Policing:3, HTR Tactics: 2
Ambidextrous, Quick Healer (+2 Pool vs. healing tests), Toughness (+1 BOD vs, damage tests), Will to Live(2) (+2 Dmg overflow)
Fixer (3/3), Street Doctor (3/3), KE Police Decker (Victoria 3/4), Mr. J (2/3)
(2) Combat Knives (7P, Acc 6, AP -3)
(2) Predator V's w/ 4 extra clips (8P, Acc 7, AP -1, Ammo 15)
Enfield AS-7 w/ 1 extra drum (13P, Acc 5, AP -1, Ammo 24)
(2) Flash Bangs (10S, AP -4)
Lined Coat (9) - Everyday Wear or Armor Jacket w/ Helmet (14) - Special Mission Wear
Aluminum Bone Lacing (+2)
Cybereyes 2 w/ Flare Compensation, Image Link, Smartlink, Low Light & Thermo
Cyberears 1 w/ Damper & Enhancement (1)
Low Lifestyle (1 year prepaid)
(2) Fake SIN's 2
(2) Concealable Holsters
Decent Clothing
Commlink 2
(4) Thermite Burning Bars
Survival Kit
Medkit 2
DocWagon Platinum
"Frost", a human rigger - NotoriusBEN
here's my character finally done. As much as I'd ''love'' to go back and check out things in Rigger 5.0, I'll let you parse them out when we all have shopping trips...
Michael Khross aka Frost.
"Dumah", an ork adept decker - JohnnyCache
Gear listing for the groupPart 1, Job 1 - A Beatnik's Last Hurrah
For post edging rolls, use xd6h5. Everything else is xd6t5. For pre-edging, just use xd6t5, count the 6's and roll those again.
@Egos Heh, I knew my name was a fad in Phalla, didn't think it carried over to PbP. Same advice, I can throw up chargen basics sometime this weekend.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
5e Shadowrun uses the Priority system to generate characters. You have five core facets of your character: Metahuman type(race), Attribute points, Skill points, Magic/Resonance, & Resources. When making a character, you assign a Priority Level - A through E - for each of those facets. The higher the priority, the more points you'll have in that category (except for race choice, which will give you more freedom in choosing a race & more specialization points for certain attributes). After assigning priorities for each of these facets, you assign your points as specified, then use a starting pool of Karma to either purchase Qualities to enhance your character (or take negative Qualities for some bonus Karma), convert some Karma to quick cash for more gear, or use it to attain Contacts for your character.
After this is all done, you finish up with determining the stats that are derived from your attributes. The biggest ones are your health & stun totals, initiative value, and a newer mechanic to represent your inherent Limits, or how far your character can be pushed mentally, physically & socially. When making a test, you can only count the number of successes equal to the appropriate limit.
If people have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Seattle - The de facto Shadowrun setting. Seattle is a member of the UCAS, which is the entity that most closely resembles the United States of old. Despite this, it is completely surrounded by the Native American Nations, since the UCAS territory ends halfway through North Dakota. Seattle gained it's importance from a treaty between the UCAS, the NAN and the Elven nation of Tir Tairngire, located around what was Oregon & Northern California. Seattle was the mutually agreed-upon location to act as a trade hub. As such, many Shadowrunners consider this to be something of a haven, a beacon that calls people in the shadows to it. Just about anything can be found here.
Chicago - Not a very pleasant place. The Sears Tower was bombed by anti-metahuman radicals in 2039, and collapsed. The immediate area is called the Noose, and is one of the worst areas in Chicago. Where the Tower once stood is known as the Shattergraves, and is inhabited by ghouls, ghosts of those killed in the attack, and others drawn to such a tragedy. 35 years later, and the area still hasn't been bulldozed & rebuilt. The biggest development, though, was the infestation of bug spirits that happened in 2055. A massive quarantine zone was created, between Lake Michigan & the Des Plaines river. After three years, a very localized nuclear explosion at the Cermak power plant & the spreading of a bug bioweapon called Strain III by Ares, the CZ was lifted. Immediately, everyone who was trapped left however they could, leaving the Chicago megaplex a lawless zone run by gangs & organized crime. A few of the further west suburbs retained their wealth, but even then, organized crime operates behind the scenes.
San Francisco - California became a Free State in 2036, and was immediately seized upon in a massive land grab. The Elven nation of Tir Tairngire pushed down to Yreka, megacorps took a couple of cities for themselves. The biggest development was the Japanese Imperial State invading San Francisco. They occupied the city heavily until 2061, when massive earthquakes & volcano eruptions within the Ring of Fire led to widespread destruction in Japan, which led to the recall of all Japanese Imperial Marines. Two divisions of Marines in San Fran resisted, under the command of Colonel Keiji Saito. With assistance from some shady anti-metahuman groups, he took several air bases and marched on Sacramento, and declared himself Protector-General of what he called the California Protectorate, with San Fran as his capital. Pogroms and concentration camps related to all meta-humans were created. His reign lasted until 2069, when an underground force of Ares operators and meta-human resistance groups deposed his reign, and made California a free state again.
As of now, yes, since that's the only book I have. If you want to be a sweetie and buy me a copy of a splatbook, then sure you can make a character using those rules/gear!
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
I host a podcast about movies.
Also, I splurged & got Run & Gun, so feel free to use that during creation.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Also, I'm in favor of San Francisco.
Also be aware that the program isn't perfect. As far as I could tell it wasn't charging extra lifestyle costs for trolls and didn't carry over leftover karma to the character sheet. There may be more that I've missed as well.
This, the 5e system uses the Priority for all big things. People get 25 Karma for qualities, contacts, magic things, and emergency conversion into skill points or nuyen.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Sadly I know these stats more from the PC game than the PNP game.
Seconding Maclay, there should be an option that lets you switch it over to priority, although I think mine started up that way. Also, it lets you track how much floating karma you have at the bottom of the window.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
BODy: 6
AGIlity: 4
REAction: 3
STRength: 5
WILlpower: 6
LOGic: 3
INTuition: 3
CHArisma: 3
Edge: 1
Current Edge: 0
Essence: 6
MAGic: 6
RESonance: 0
Combat Skills
Blades 2+[4]
Automatics 2+[4]
Physical Skills
Running 1+[5]
Swimming 1+[5]
Navigation 1+[6]
Survival 1+[6]
Tracking 3+[3]
Perception 2+[3]
Social Skills
Intimidation 1+[3]
Magical Skills
Arcana 1+[6]
Assensing 2+[6]
Banishing 2+[6]
Binding 1+[6]
Summing 5+[6]
Alchemy 1+[6]
Disenchanting 1+[6]
Counterspelling 5+[6]
Ritual Spellcasting 1+[6]
Spellcasting 2+[6]
Knowledge Skills
English N
Salish 1
Talismongers (Seattle) 2
Local Spirits (Seattle) 2
Magic Theory 2
Cascade Orks 2
Local Diners 1
Shamanic Totems 2
Combat Knife
Survival Knife
-Spare Clip
-80 Rounds Hollow Point
Lined Coat
-Thermal Dissipation
Meta Link (Commlink Rating 1)
Fake SIN (Rating 1)
Fake Licence [Weapons] (Rating 1)
Survival Kit
20 Drams of Reagents
Detect Enemies
Detect Life
Detect Magic
Cure Disease
Increase Reflexes
Mass Confusion
Qualities and a big ass wall of text
Spirit Affinity (Beasts) -7
Focused Concentration [Rank 3] -12
Addiction [Alcohol][Severe] +20
Distinctive Style +5
Blackfish is slowly drowning.
Born a member of the Cascade Orks, her life was better than many trolls could expect. Sure, tribal life was full of hard work, and being a member of a predominantly ork/troll tribe added its share of roughness. But she was a troll, and all of that came with the territory. It also had the perk of lacking the inherent racism of groups with more "diversity." So why the hell did she leave? Blackfish.
Unlike normal, good little troll boys and girls, Blackfish heard voices, and from time to time her vision would be filled with swirling patterns of black and white. As she grew older, the voices became clearer, the visions less obscuring, and more a pattern calling her forward. Until one night she followed them. They led her to the river, and the voices seemed to merge with the whisper of the water, large black streaks with white spots weaving themselves into the ripples of water. The first night she resisted the demand to follow them further out into the flow. The second and third nights as well. She resisted for a week, but the call became clearer, and began to fill the waking day as well.
Finally, on the seventh day, the tribes local shaman called her to his office, where he oversaw the production of "authentic native american artifacts" by CNC mills and lathes. He asked her about her visions, and when she had finished her story, he told her to follow them. She had been called by the spirit of the Blackfish, an animal that had been killed off in the wild decades ago by SeaWorld's attempts to hook them up to sensory recorders so that you could 'Experience SeaWorld from the inside.'
That night, she walked down to the shore of the river, and found a raft waiting for her, as well as a small cairn topped with survival rations and a fishing spear. Blackfish climbed onto the raft, and curled up to sleep. When she awoke in the morning she was on the ocean, and the spirit was silent. To break her fast, she ate a full ration, assuming she couldnt be far from shore, for that matter, she can't really be on the ocean, a power boat would have taken days to make that trip. At miday, she was more cautious, and ate half a ration. For dinner, she attempted to catch a fish, and when that failed, she left the other half ration for the morning. After a week, she had reduced her meals to half a ration a day, and was nearly out of food. On the 10th day, she finally caught a fish, a beautiful, strong salmon, and she ate it raw. As her teeth tore through its flesh, she felt a warmth, starting in her face, and spreading through her body, and when the fish was gone, she lay down to sleep.
The next morning she awoke on a rocky shore, a moderate band of grey, abruptly ending in a dark mass of green. At the edge of the green, built on stilts, was a shack. Made of driftwood, and clearly incapable of keeping out water, it was none the less covered in intricate carvings. Blackfish climbed to her feet, and although her body ached, and she wanted nothing more to lay back down on the sun warmed pebbles, she was fairly certain that whoever was living there might have some god damn answers. So she pushed through the pain, a pain that grew as she grew closer, becoming an almost impenetrable haze as she reached the door, to find her body laying on the floor of the large, single room dwelling. Although her body wasn’t as she left it. Withered with starvation, and bronzed as though left out in the sun, and on her face a large black and blue tattoo, the blackfish totem.
Above her still form swirled a small pod of orca’s screeching to an ork sitting on a bed in the back of the room. He seemed to understand them, nodding from time to time and responding mostly in grunts. The pain quickly pierced her stunned mind, and Blackfish stumbled into the room, while the residents both turned to face her. The pod surged forward, looping around her and nudging into her, pushing her forward, while the ork smiled greeting her as one would a long lost friend.
The resuscitation was a blur, and the next couple of days are lost in a mixture of past haze, and current alcohol fueled mist, but her training in the ways of the awakened proceeded quickly. When some time had passed, Shaq explained to her that she had in fact drowned. The raft she had boarded had never really existed, and she had been swept away by the current, her mind pulled into another realm to be tested by her mentor spirit.
She worked to build her power, and as she did, she discovered the porpoise for which she had been chosen. The Sea was a jealous creature, and did not take theft lightly. Therefore, Blackfish’s tasks would be two. To murder every last son of a bitch responsible for the Orca Experience Project, and to FREE WILLY. (Sorry, it just kind of happened.)
To achieve this goal she entered the world of shadowrunners, learning the skills, and earning the resources that would be required for such endeavours. When she had finally earned enough to hire a crew of her own, she had struck. Breaking into the Seattle Aquarium hadn’t been particularly difficult, but getting the orca’s out was another story. One crew member was crushed under the rig used for extracting the pair of orcas, but for Blackfish, all that mattered was seeing the first true success of her life's work.
And then watched as the orca’s were murdered brutally by a group of megacorp higher ups out joyriding. The novelty of hunting an animal they had never seen drove them to cruelty, and so they drove the orcas, using small caliber weapons to wound repeatedly, until the orca’s finally stopped running. The collars then defaced the orcas, stealing their fins, and boated off to do more novacoke or whatever.
After such a crushing defeat, Blackfish has been slowly drowning herself in alcoholism, staying just sober enough to make the next run, to earn enough cash, to buy the next drink.
Blackfish is slowly drowning.
Seattle or San Francisco would be my prefered setting, but the character at this point likely can’t tell one smelly ass gutter from another.
So far, Blackfish hasn’t actually been the clear indicator of failure, and would be known as a dependable source of spirit/magic based defense.
Eventually, I will free Willy. All the Willy’s. Her goal is the systematic destruction of all things SeaWorld, and freeing/protection of any orcas left.
(Sorry for the double post, wanted to make sure the two were seperated.)
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
@Brody looks good so far. I will say that starting with a Severe addiction is ballsy, even if it is just to alcohol. Color me intrigued.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
I'll post what I've got, if for no other reason than as an example of a Chummer Character Sheet. It includes a fair amount of extraneous information (by default apparently), and I screen-capped it into gimp to get a usable format. And the backstory:
When she was 14, she met Frederick Klingmann. A troll who she could only define as ‘Zen.’ He was a very good influence on Ana, and as such, she found herself a better fit with semi-polite society. In time, they were married, and soon after had a little girl they named Lissel. Her relationship with Thomas waned, as they were rarely in the same circles any more.
Frederick took a job working with highfalutin corporate types. They called it ‘stress management,’ but Frederick wasn’t overly open about the specifics. It was good money though, so both Ana and Lissel could afford to go to good schools. Ana became a student of the arts. It was good for maintaining her calm, and she grew to like it a lot. When she did start to get impatient or angry, she hit the gym, more often than she would admit to.
Thomas had gotten himself a family as well by this point, though his was more of a “Family.” He changed his name to Johnny and started climbing the ladder. Contact between Ana and her cousin wasn’t overly common at this point, but they were always sure to mention that if the other needed anything, they need only ask.
It was Fall, Ana and Frederick had been married 16 years and after a long day the Klingmann family retired to bed. Ana couldn’t sleep, one of her lecturers was always dropping mild anti-troll commentary into his lessons and today had been pretty bad. She tried to leave the apartment quietly, but Lissel hadn’t quite fallen asleep yet. There was no school for either of them the next day, so Lissel offered to accompany Ana. They stepped into the elevator, and as the doors closed the world exploded around them.
Officially, they were among the dead. The explosion had not been an accident, and the intended target was unknown. Johnny gave them new identities, Lucy Mueller and her daughter Angie fell under the wing of Johnny’s other family. Over time, Lucy’s personality began to share more in common with her childhood self. She became an enforcer for the family and was quite effective at it. When she was working, she was called Tantrum.
A year ago Angie left. No warning, no reasoning, there in the evening, gone in the morning. Lucy tried unsuccessfully to track her down. She was angry, she was sad, she had trouble sleeping and was more likely to lash out violently than ever.
Three months ago Johnny, who had been looking to establish a larger footprint in (CITY), was informed by someone he trusted that Angie had been sighted there. He went out of his way to convince the Boss to move up the schedule, and was allowed to take a small contingent to start work there. Lucy came with, and while she still does violence for them, Johnny calls her in much less often, letting her focus on other matters. Most of their contact is through a low-level intermediary named Ray, so as to avoid mob ties potentially having an overly negative effect.
Now Lucy is digging into the city’s darkest, ugliest corners. When all is said and done, she doesn’t think there is much of a future for her. She doesn’t know what she will find, doesn’t know if she’ll end up regretting even coming to this place. She worries that maybe she didn’t know her daughter as well as she thought she did. But she’s family, and that’s everything. When she finds Angie she’ll be what Angie needs her to be, or work towards becoming it.
Re. other stuff: Open to anything. My first instinct is Seattle, just cos I like Seattle. I can easily work with the popular consensus for any of that sort of thing though.
Also so far we have a severe alcoholic & an uncouth insomniac. This is awesome. I don't even care if the party ends up being all trolls. Actually, that'll give me even more to work with if San Fran or Chicago end up being picked.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
dooooooo iittttttt
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Right below your Attributes. If your window is too small it might be hidden.
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Good thing for you it's my job to worry about them, then! I'll take your headaches for you.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
Which is good to know, but it's affecting my ability to make a character properly. :P I'm not sure which stats will be important for a decker.
Mental ones.
Geth roll 20d6o6t5 for more testing
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
Deckers really want Logic, as that affects nearly all your Matrix skills. Intuition affects your Initiative, and Int combined with Reaction is your meat defense roll. Putting a few points into Body & Willpower for more Physical & Stun boxes wouldn't hurt. If you really feel like shooting a pistol every once in a while you'll want some Agility, although if the decker has to shoot things the plan's gone to shit. After that it's all kinda meh for Deckers.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
If you want to go Technomancer, I'll be happy to work with you on house rules. Alternatively, you can buy me a copy of the PDF, at which point anyone can use it!
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!