Different "workbenches" (including armor, weapon, etc) within a settlement are linked. And junk in there gets broken down automatically when you need materials that that junk gives (if you have no spare oil, but a lighter in the workbench, the lighter will get broken down to give you the oil and additional materials).
I *think* that if you have the Charisma based perk it's shared between settlements as well (the one that shares resources between settlements, trade routes).
You have to tag a settler send them to a specific settlement to link them. A lot of people send everyone to Sancuary, but I basically made a big spiral. Once they're linked, everyone in that chain shares resources. It's pretty great.
As for boosting Strength to be able to fast travel when overencumbered, instead of Buff Out, you should start carrying some Grilled Radstag, it increases your STR without any chance of addiction.
I love the podcast and all, but Jerry? If you could do me a favor, like, a solid? Try to cut down on your use of the phrase "you know what I mean?". It would mean alot to me, in relative terms.
I *think* that if you have the Charisma based perk it's shared between settlements as well (the one that shares resources between settlements, trade routes).