While it would be a horrible thing to do and I am in no way endorsing it... it occurs to me that the next step would be creating a bot that sends these out on dating sites to try to find out if any of these could ever merit positive responses.
While it would be a horrible thing to do and I am in no way endorsing it... it occurs to me that the next step would be creating a bot that sends these out on dating sites to try to find out if any of these could ever merit positive responses.
I fully endorse this 'graduate thesis' for 'online dating.'
While it would be a horrible thing to do and I am in no way endorsing it... it occurs to me that the next step would be creating a bot that sends these out on dating sites to try to find out if any of these could ever merit positive responses.
It's like performance art. Or journalism. I'd definitely read an article about it and it would go viral no problem.
and I wonder about my neighbors even though I don't have them
but they're listening to every word I say
Great thing about escalators is that they don't shut down when they lose power. They just turn into stairs.
Funny thing, where I work the escalators are not very good.
And it turns out, because of legal stuff, if you fall down an unpowered escalator and hurt yourself, the establishment is responsible, since they're not actually classified as stairs.
So we have to make sure that none of the guests ever use the escalator when it's off or else we can eat a huge fine.
I think my favorite bit of his was his appearance in Dr. Katz. Where he told the story about stealing money from his friend and how he knew it was wrong. But he just couldn't do it, because he had to buy a nice birthday present for her.
OrthancDeath Lite, Only 1 CalorieOff the end of the internet, just turn left.Registered User, ClubPAregular
Firing it up for the first time, I received:
"Hello, lick I want to spank'n'wank forever."
So far I'm calling it a success.
Second trial returns "hey Angel! I wana save it."
I am seriously astounded at how accurate these are after like 10 minutes of work. Imagine what the generator could do if fully fleshed out!
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
We could make an entire thread out of that generator; keep us posted.
I'm dying.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
I fully endorse this 'graduate thesis' for 'online dating.'
"Jan 22 9:41 pm
You're on an escalator and there is a power cut. What do you do?"
Hey, he didn't compare the escalator to his dick (yet), this seems like a pretty good message.
It's like performance art. Or journalism. I'd definitely read an article about it and it would go viral no problem.
but they're listening to every word I say
Thanks, Mitch!
Probably one of my favorite things he was in below.
but they're listening to every word I say
Funny thing, where I work the escalators are not very good.
And it turns out, because of legal stuff, if you fall down an unpowered escalator and hurt yourself, the establishment is responsible, since they're not actually classified as stairs.
So we have to make sure that none of the guests ever use the escalator when it's off or else we can eat a huge fine.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
I think my favorite bit of his was his appearance in Dr. Katz. Where he told the story about stealing money from his friend and how he knew it was wrong. But he just couldn't do it, because he had to buy a nice birthday present for her.
Respond with:
"panic, knock the pregnant women down in my rush to get out, then burn the building down so that nobody will ever know about my cowardly behaviour.
Some people say I over react in stressful situations, but I still think it was a reasonable response "
Then follow up with:
"Oh, you meant hypothetically, just ignore that last message."