Iiiiiiiit's the Very Commercial Christmas, starring all your favorites! Will all the
new toys heroes and their friends save christmas for little consumers everywhere? Or will the Badfunnogiftniks ruin it? Tune in to find out!
This is a design your own role Phalla with a dash of gift-giving and festive cheer for all!
What is Phalla?
Phalla is the Penny-Arcade Forums' version of the party game Mafia.
The Basic Rules
The "village" consists of all players in the game. Included in the village are a small number of bad guys, commonly known as the "mafia". Normally, the mafia members all know one another at the beginning of the game, but nobody else knows anything about anyone other than themselves.
Each day (normally a 24-hour period) the village discusses and publically votes for one person to be executed that night. At the same time, the bad guys choose one person to kill each night and PM the name to the narrator. In larger games, the bad guys might get two kills per night or other abilities to use.
The good side wins if all of the bad guys die. The bad side wins if the number of good guys is less than or equal to the number of bad guys (on the assumption that at that point, they control the vote plus get their kill, so it's inevitable). Large games generally take between a week and two weeks. Small games usually last a week or less.
Usually, there will be one or more "special" roles among the good guys (and occasionally among the bad guys). Exactly who holds each role is only known to that person, and it may not even be known which or how many specials will be in any given game.
Each night, the narrator gives the details of who died, and normally whether they were a bad guy. Some games also include clues or outright statements if someone who died was a good special.
Living players may not communicate regarding the game with dead players and vice versa, unless there is some specific mechanic in place to do so. In that case, communication normally goes through the narrator. If you are dead and the moderator allows a "goodbye" post, make sure it includes absolutely no information about the game, even if you think the information is obvious. If you receive a PM or see a post breaking this rule, notify the person running the game immediately.
You may not use any anonymous method of communication to discuss the game. Forum-based PMs, external IMs, e-mails and other message boards (like proboards) are allowed as long as the person you are talking to knows who you are. You may not use screencaps to "prove" anything to anyone. Do not speak in code.
Along similar lines, don't use the "Add to conversation" feature. Phalla requires a certain amount of uncertainty, and since adding a person to a conversation allows them to see the entire thread, it can serve as a form of verification along the same lines of screen captures. If you wish to communicate something from a PM/conversation to a new player, then start up a new conversation with that individual.
Play nice. It's okay to argue, but don't get too hostile. If it's getting to the point where you're asking other people to quit the game, you're going too far. We're all here to have fun, so take it easy and keep as level a head as possible. Respect others and they'll respect you.
Common Variations
Many larger games contain multiple groups of bad guys working at cross-purposes (a Mafia vs. Werewolves game). Other games may put all players into different factions with each faction’s goal of eliminating a certain subset of the other factions - there may or may not be a common Mafia-style faction that all groups will need to eliminate to achieve victory.
Additional voting or other mechanics can also be used. At least one game has included a council or single person elected every other night who is able to use a power publically. For example, one game had an elected council able to shift the execution vote to the second person. Another had an elected emperor able to choose a person to kill.
In a small game, the typical size for a group of bad guys is 15-20%; the player population, although an individual game may lean toward the high end, particularly if there is only one group of bad guys in a larger game.
Often, everyone gets a "flavor" role in the game. Bad guys and good specials usually get a normal "villager" role in addition to their special role. This keeps people from using their initial PM to verify someone else's role. The two most common ways to do this are to (a) use the exact same message to everyone, or (b) give everyone a unique villager role.
This holiday special is prepared for 20-30 people to peddle thei- participate.
Design your own? (Explanation shamelessly stolen to Romanqwerty's setup)
In addition the normal
signup rather than me assigning roles, each person will make his own role and send it to me in a PM. I will then collect all the roles and 'balance' them. This 'balancing' might take a variety of forms. I might impose some bizarre restriction on what you sent me, modify it slightly or just flat out ignore your suggestion and give you something else. You're welcome to suggest win condition/faction along with your role but don't be surprised if that changes. The roles of each faction really depend on what gets sent in by everyone. It is heavily suggested that you pander to our corporate sponsors, but not required.
Be creative - The more interesting and flavorful your role is, the more likely it is to survive my tender ministration and the network censors.
Be unique - No, not everyone can be the Krampus AthanThrallvig (Original Character Do Not Steal). Roles that tie into the theme in interesting and surprising ways have a better chance of getting in unscathed and have way more chance of being pushed as the hot holiday item this season!
As my own twist from previous years, I will also be implementing a new rule:
White Elephant
All players, in addition to their role, must submit a
gift power. This should be something helpful, but possibly with a tricky restriction or drawback. It must also be a one shot power. These powers will then be shuffled up and distributed among the players behind the scenes. Each player will receive a number along with their finalized role. Each day, a certain amount of players will get to open their presents and access their powers! So give early, and give well! Remember, it's the thought that counts. (And how much you spend, don't forget that!)
Signups start now and will conclude either 24 hours after we get 20 players or when we reach 30 players, whichever comes 1st
"Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
Hail Hydra
1. Anialos
2. Grunt's Ghosts
3. Void Slayer
4. Burnage
5. Lostninja
6. lonelyahava
7. Auralynx
8. AustinP0027
9. Dragon6860
10. discrider
11. Megafrost - Oogie-Boogie - The Vote
12. Sir Fabulous
13. jdarksun - Baron Von YOLO - All Wrapped Up
14. Virgil_Leads_You - Christmas Chocobo - prepped for the oven
15. Gizzy
16. Preda
17. daemonIzual
18. Slym
19. Zombie Hero
20. Kime
Thralls? Millers? Conversions?
Clarification Denied (For now)
When does vote end?
10 PM PST, to give everyone time to settle in for a long winter's nap
Order of Actions
Vote > Defensive Actions > Mafia Kill > Offensive Actions
Summaries and results
Day 2: All in
edit: left. Dammit
Island Name: Felinefine
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Also, I'm finally getting around to playing Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines. THANKS @Assuran
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Please, we here at a Very Commercial Christmas are looking to cater to consumers from all walks of life. (but mostly the 5-12 crowd who'll nag their parents incessantly for the latest and great merch of the season)
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
So give me at least until tomorrow night please.
Actually, scratch that, I forgot I also have tickets for tomorrow. Give me till Sunday?
Star Wars spoiler danger is at maximum as well. I have my headphones in at volume level so I can't hear anyone else. None of these jackholes in line are gonna screw this up for me.
Headphones are a super good idea, Obi. Especially since there already may be some repeat customers in the theater\line by then.
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
All of the reserved seating places were sold out before I could get tickets.
I'm a bad Star Wars fan.
(That said not seeing it in 3D so there may be hope)
Why can't you phone post in a role whilst standing in line?
I'm not gonna phone post in a role. My role is gonna be awesome with pictures and formatting. Not doing that on a phone.
What a sad life.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906