They're forty, alcholics, and living off an inheretence. The other day, they had a party. My condo door
refused to open because there was a man passed out. I had to jump my terrace wall, walk across the roof of my condo, and climb down a matinence ladder to get to school.
They bought one of those little kid car toys, the one big enough for an eight or ten year old to drive, and did donuts with it until the engine died (about ten minutes, gah)
They throw their garbage over the terrace wall which seperates our terraces in half. Everything from cigarette butts to a Fleshlight (my mother thought it was like, a hallowe'en prop, thank God)
The most I can really do is alert the condo security every time they lock themselves out in a drunken, high stupor and hope they get carted away.
what are you trying to apply
I'm sixteen. It's not really a problem, at that point :P
Maybe if you gave him more blowjobs, that wouldn't happen.
uh oh the se++ guys are here
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
I highly suspect that it happens because he uses auto log in, not because of insufficient blowjobs.
My brother used to throw parties at our house. He used my digital camera to take naked pictures of his girlfriend, and someone took a dump in our drier. He found another place to throw parties after that.
No way to know for sure unless you try.
Alternately; pee on that fucking passed out guy
I hear there is a tank of drunkness that men in uniform will often take these drunk people to. you can reach them by phone apparently
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
also take a shit reversed so it leaves a fat streak down the front end of the toilet bowl
I have been looking for you and wondering how the fuck you do that and now i know
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
Okay, brb.
all like 'yea mom ill just hang onto this and save it for next halloween'
sometimes it is more hassle than it is worth because you have to take your shoes and pants off
when youre drunk and it seems like a rad idea, those are pretty hard tasks to perform
oh fuck
are you also the guy that kicks bathroom stall doors open so they can't lock?
are you also the guy that leaves logs in the toilet?
are you also the guy that sprays shit up the wall and all over the seat in the staff bathroom and fucking leaves it there and how the FUCK DOES YOUR ASS MISS LIKE THAT
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
the stealing light bulbs and batteries one is actually funny though
over time
I made a TD for iphone and windows phone!
in first year of high school i had english in this one room
there was a bookcase in the back corner away from the teacher
some guy put a sandwich in there behind a couple of books
this was probably like halfway through the year
the next year we have a couple of classes in that same room
people are kinda annoyed at the dude because the entire corner of the room stinks but no one wants to go near it
probably about halfway through the year he gets sick of it too, and decides to throw it out
just a plastic bag filled with black liquid mush
Maybe it wasn't perfectly good any more.
cap on tight
placed in a heater vent
(it results in a buildup of gas with breaks the glass and then old chicken and milk curds flow out making a putrid smell)
that happened to us to
it was a tuna sandwich placed behind a picture
it stunk up the whole room and they cleaned the carpet to get the smell out, it didnt work because the sandwhich was still there
finally one day someone couldnt handle it and removed the black goo bag
that room still smells apparently.
cos i handed in a mouldy assignment
another dude shat in a classroom
if it worked that well that quickly you could go try pouring some of it into vents and stuff
behind bookcases
oh a good place for smelly stuff could be in a closet, take out the drawers and put stuff inside and put back the drawers
then they will notice a smell and look through the drawers but not think to remove them