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2016 Schedule

LynbmwLynbmw Registered User regular
They haven't updated the app nor added a 2016 schedule for Pax South. Just a warning that if you download the app for it, it's the 2015 schedule.


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    The schedule is available on the website right now. I assume you must be speaking about GuideBook

  • village alchemistvillage alchemist Library Lurker Collegetown, TXRegistered User regular
    you have to get the new app, if i'm remembering correctly, and to do so you have to make sure your phone is on the newest OS.

  • ahstoddardahstoddard President-kidnapping Ninja Houston-ishRegistered User regular
    There is a link on the guidebook website to download, but at least on Android the app it downloads still has the 2015 guide. Instead of being a guide you add to your Guidebook app, it is a standalone, as a lot of cons seem to be doing. I am guessing it will update itself sometime this week.

  • DoctorbatmanDoctorbatman Registered User regular
    I think the 2016 schedule just isn't up yet. I'd wager it goes up with the map of the expo hall. Unless the map of the expo hall is up and I just can't find it. Either way, I'm sure it'll be online soon.

  • ahstoddardahstoddard President-kidnapping Ninja Houston-ishRegistered User regular
    I think the 2016 schedule just isn't up yet. I'd wager it goes up with the map of the expo hall. Unless the map of the expo hall is up and I just can't find it. Either way, I'm sure it'll be online soon.

    The web link is at just the phone apps have not been updated.

  • LynbmwLynbmw Registered User regular
    They updated it all finally. New app is up and they've kept the 2015 one in the app stores too.

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