As an owner of the ASROCK P67 Extreme4 mobo, I had wondered why my CPU was always at 100% utilization. Upon googling, it I found this thread which pointed to simply flashing the new BIOS.
Reddit Thread
The flash went just fine, I reset all of my bios settings to AHCI and chose the correct boot order. However, now my main HDD is unbootable. After some more googling, it appears that with absolutely no warning on the ASROCK website, that the new BIOS is only compatible with Ivy Bridge, and may not work with Sandy Bridge. I find this thread
ASROCK Forums. Some of the posters here are saying that literally the only thing that will fix this is buying and installing a new chipset.
Currently, I am able to boot the machine, onto a different Win 10 install that I had still lying around on my old storage HDD (after forcing a safe mode boot like the end posters suggested). However, when I try to boot off of my SSD, I get a CANT READ DISK, CTL-ALT-DELETE post message, so I can't pull that trick. However, I do have access to the drive in my other Win 10 booting.
One poster says that the Win 10 SATA driver needs to be changed and registry keys, can I do this across Windows installations to my other HDD?
Edit: I've found an older version of the BIOS, some people say it works, some people say there's bad interactions with Intel IME. I'm not sure if I should try it out or not.