Penny Arcade - Comic - Everything Old Is New Again

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited February 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Everything Old Is New Again

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular

  • Train DodgerTrain Dodger Registered User regular
    Oh god. Those faces. The feels.

  • Andrew_DraperAndrew_Draper Registered User new member
    So Tycho jealous of Gabe in this? Is he mad that Gabe had an escape room and he didn't? Lol.

  • Rudiculou5Rudiculou5 Registered User new member
    The smile at the end is priceless. Like he's telling himself, "yeah, that's what happened. It was an awesome puzzle escape room, nothing bad, nothing bad at all... (now smile.)"

  • KherusKherus Registered User regular
    Perfect. I finished a hard days work, logged on, let my eyes roll over those three perfect Windows into the souls of immortal gods of jest and pain, and I become happiness. I will forever subscribe, here's my wallet, here's my PIN number, take it all. I am home.

  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Outstanding comic, A+.

  • Shadow of DeathShadow of Death Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    So Tycho jealous of Gabe in this? Is he mad that Gabe had an escape room and he didn't? Lol.
    I think it's leaning more towards "Gabe has a repressed childhood memory where something very bad happened". Maybe.

    Shadow of Death on
  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    So Tycho jealous of Gabe in this? Is he mad that Gabe had an escape room and he didn't? Lol.
    I think it's leaning more towards "Gabe has a repressed childhood memory where something very bad happened". Maybe.

    Not maybe.

    That's 100% what it is.

  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    So Tycho jealous of Gabe in this? Is he mad that Gabe had an escape room and he didn't? Lol.
    I think it's leaning more towards "Gabe has a repressed childhood memory where something very bad happened". Maybe.
    I'm vacillating between the two scenarios. I think they have left it deliberately ambiguous.

  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu PIGEON Registered User regular
    zepherin wrote: »
    So Tycho jealous of Gabe in this? Is he mad that Gabe had an escape room and he didn't? Lol.
    I think it's leaning more towards "Gabe has a repressed childhood memory where something very bad happened". Maybe.
    I'm vacillating between the two scenarios. I think they have left it deliberately ambiguous.
    There's no ambiguity here. It's for sure the bad one.

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    Tycho's face... 'eh forces the joke too much, Gabe's face HILARIOUS.

  • ElijahBaileyElijahBailey Wordsmith. VirginiaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I've never said this about a PA comic before but man, they phoned it in on this one like they didn't even care.

    ElijahBailey on
    "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."
  • ArtoriaArtoria Registered User regular
    I did one of these once. The goal was the escape the room and I did. I kicked the door down. Needless to say they were not amused.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I've never said this about a PA comic before but man, they phoned it in on this one like they didn't even care.

    You don't know anything about making comics son.

  • ElijahBaileyElijahBailey Wordsmith. VirginiaRegistered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    I've never said this about a PA comic before but man, they phoned it in on this one like they didn't even care.

    You don't know anything about making comics son.

    I mean, that's fine but neither character moves in three panels. There's one panel of dialog. The backgrounds are solid colours. I feel pretty comfortable making an observation of my opinion, regardless of my lack of knowledge regarding the intricacies of comic-making.

    I understand that not every comic out of a million is going to be groundbreaking but it's not an unreasonable conclusion that this one wasn't a gem.

    "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    I've never said this about a PA comic before but man, they phoned it in on this one like they didn't even care.

    You don't know anything about making comics son.

    I mean, that's fine but neither character moves in three panels. There's one panel of dialog. The backgrounds are solid colours. I feel pretty comfortable making an observation of my opinion, regardless of my lack of knowledge regarding the intricacies of comic-making.

    I understand that not every comic out of a million is going to be groundbreaking but it's not an unreasonable conclusion that this one wasn't a gem.

    But.. the joke works best in that environment. More dialogue and movement would oversell it.

  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    I've never said this about a PA comic before but man, they phoned it in on this one like they didn't even care.

    You don't know anything about making comics son.
    PA has phoned it in on comics before, but this was not them doing it. This comic was very well executed and thoughtful, as well as small details on each that require a lot of time.

    Jew Lemon was kinda phoned in. The joke kinda meh, and only 2 panels were really drawn (top and bottom), and then the other 4 were just changes to roughly 5% of the the other panels. It was worth a chuckle but it was phoned in.

  • ElijahBaileyElijahBailey Wordsmith. VirginiaRegistered User regular
    I mean, okay, I get it. Other people think the comic is better than I do. I just don't feel like the joke or the comic was good. It was a simple matter of opinion.

    "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."
  • darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    Simple and well executed, didn't need anymore to it.

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  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Lazy photographers, just pushing a button. They don't even grow the forest or build those buildings, they just take pictures of them.

    MichaelLC on
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    The temptation in any sort of creative work is always to do more, and so often the difficult part is deciding exactly how much to leave out.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    I like this comic. I hope we don't get another nontroversy over it.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    I mean, okay, I get it. Other people think the comic is better than I do. I just don't feel like the joke or the comic was good. It was a simple matter of opinion.

    You didn't say the comic was bad though. Do that all you want. You said that the comic was lazy. It isn't lazy. Everything in it is designed to create a particular effect as efficiently as possible.

  • ElijahBaileyElijahBailey Wordsmith. VirginiaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Tube wrote: »
    I mean, okay, I get it. Other people think the comic is better than I do. I just don't feel like the joke or the comic was good. It was a simple matter of opinion.

    You didn't say the comic was bad though. Do that all you want. You said that the comic was lazy. It isn't lazy. Everything in it is designed to create a particular effect as efficiently as possible.

    I didn't say it was lazy, either, though I implied it. My intention in saying that it was "phoned in like they didn't even care" was that the "particular effect" that everything in it was designed for was, in my opinion, lackluster and was far below the usual quality of the other comics. The joke is, I think, not great. The comic is, I think, not great and definitely below their usual quality of work. If my personal opinion of an assessment is that the comic produced is significantly below the usual quality (both in design and in joke) when I know that they could have made a (subjectively) better one, that fits my criteria for "phoning it in". Just because the comic was designed to create the effect of that joke does not mean that either the joke or the comic isn't below what I expected of it.

    I'm genuinely not trying to argue this. It was an offhand comment about me not thinking they "gave 110%" on this joke. Seriously, not worth arguing about.

    ElijahBailey on
    "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."
  • ChiselphaneChiselphane Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    I mean, okay, I get it. Other people think the comic is better than I do. I just don't feel like the joke or the comic was good. It was a simple matter of opinion.

    You didn't say the comic was bad though. Do that all you want. You said that the comic was lazy. It isn't lazy. Everything in it is designed to create a particular effect as efficiently as possible.

    I didn't say it was lazy, either, though I implied it. My intention in saying that it was "phoned in like they didn't even care" was that the "particular effect" that everything in it was designed for was, in my opinion, lackluster and was far below the usual quality of the other comics. The joke is, I think, not great. The comic is, I think, not great and definitely below their usual quality of work. If my personal opinion of an assessment is that the comic produced is significantly below the usual quality (both in design and in joke) when I know that they could have made a (subjectively) better one, that fits my criteria for "phoning it in". Just because the comic was designed to create the effect of that joke does not mean that either the joke or the comic isn't below what I expected of it.

    I'm genuinely not trying to argue this. It was an offhand comment about me not thinking they "gave 110%" on this joke. Seriously, not worth arguing about.

    'Not trying to argue' doesn't mean 'keep arguing'.

  • ElijahBaileyElijahBailey Wordsmith. VirginiaRegistered User regular
    'Not trying to argue' doesn't mean 'keep arguing'.

    That's fair. I think I should've said something more along the lines of, "I don't see why it's such an issue that I didn't like the comic."

    "Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."
  • pilfropilfro Registered User regular
    Oh dear.

  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    I do feel like this is a lesser version of a joke they've done before.

  • SIXytSIXyt Esq STLRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    These guys childhood is just... so bad. I'm going to leave this right about here and

    SIXyt on
  • WordherderWordherder Registered User regular
    Am I going crazy or are their heads getting bigger?

    Why the crap did I ever make my original name "cloudeagle?"
  • DissentDissent Mr. Fancy Pants Flavour CountryRegistered User regular
    +1 for them using minimalism to emphasis the subject, -1 for everyone that thinks this is a Ha-ha joke.

  • KeroanKeroan Chicago, IllinoisRegistered User regular
    I'm really loving the new exaggerated art style. Great job Mike! You've really pushed your art to super interesting places and it's fantastic to see how far you've evolved over the years. I wish I had a quarter of your talent.

  • GigimeGigime Registered User new member
    Damn, never had one of these comics hit in the feels. Awesome artwork and character expressions.

  • BursarBursar Hee Noooo! PDX areaRegistered User regular
    Tycho should understand. He played Alone in the Dark all the time as a kid.

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  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    'Not trying to argue' doesn't mean 'keep arguing'.

    That's fair. I think I should've said something more along the lines of, "I don't see why it's such an issue that I didn't like the comic."

    That's the thing, it's not that you didn't like the comic, anybody's seriously free to not like it, it's just that accusing them of 'phoning it in' and describing why you believe that to be the case, it's stating a lot more than just that it didn't meet your personal tastes. I'm not trying to have a go at you, we cool, I'm just trying to explain what happened.

  • ZetxZetx 🐧 Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Great facial expressions in this one. Here's a quick gif:

    Zetx on
  • PonyPony Registered User regular
    Tycho and Gabe having horrific childhoods full of trauma (especially Tycho) is a running gag at this point basically

    how much this is actually reflective of Mike and Jerry themselves, idk

  • DubiousCometDubiousComet Registered User new member
    I feel like they rushed to the punchline on this one. Two panels of reaction faces doesn't really do it for me, even if they are well drawn.

    I don't know; maybe it's just Tycho's that feel over the top.

  • GundamZphyr7GundamZphyr7 Registered User regular
    I love Gabe's thousand-yard stare. That's really the punchline imo, along with Tycho's reaction to it.

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