Details. Now.
9pm EST until 11pm EST on CBS. There is a stream available
Where is it?
Greenville, South Carolina
Who is moderating?
John Dickerson, Major Garrett, and Kimberley Strassel
Why is this debate important?
To be honest, the time between this debate and the next primary is so far away that I dunno if people will remember it. However, if we get another brawl like between Rubio and Christie last time, then that could leave a lasting impact on voters. Also, we have the first truly "big name" candidate to drop out, the aforementioned Chris Christie, so candidates will be fighting over his supporters.
Tonight's Players
Trump remains in the lead, although it looks like national polling data is still not updated from the last debate. Trump had a...weird performance in that one, and you may in fact call it weirdly brilliant. He called out the audience as shills for the GOP establishment, and while he lost the crowd entirely it probably got your Joe Sixpack at home cheering. Trump won New Hampshire quite handily, so I imagine he'll be riding fairly high tonight. I'm not exactly sure what he'll do tonight, as the man clearly isn't all that well-groomed and prepped for debates. Which yeah, his say whatever the fuck he wants attitude has worked well, but it also gets in him stupid situations like arguing over birth certificates and fighting the audience. His best strategy is to probably just keep his head down, but you know Trump can't keep his mouth shut for two hours stright.
Cruz is still trailing Trump, but unlike Trump he's less volatile which means he just has to keep setting up traps for Trump and going in hard when Trump falls for it. The good news for Cruz is that, while he's behind in SC, he has plenty of time to catch up and give Trump a legitimate race. The bad news is that Cruz has a week to make up a deficit of roughly 15 points to even be competitive with Trump. However, primaries aren't a zero-sum game like the general election, so more votes can mean more delegates even if he ultimately loses.
Rubio had a really bad time this week. The one thing people remember from last debate is how Christie humiliated the man in front of the nation, and honestly it may be the most memorable moment of ANY of these debates. However, it hasn't really damaged Rubio's numbers that badly. This could be because I have outdated data, but it may just be that...Rubio supports don't give a shit? They want a safe, republican candidate and Rubio is the stand-out with those properties. They don't want fringe weirdos like Trump and Cruz, and no wailing from Christie is going to change their tune. Not to mention that anyone who was swayed to Christie's side is now left empty-handed since he dropped out, so where else are they going to go? Bush? We'll see if Rubio can pull himself back together, or if the other candidates will smell weakness and keep twisting the knife.
Bush seems to be having something of a resurgence, but that could just because we've shed quite a few candidates now. I mean, Fiorina people have to go
somewhere, after all. I don't really have much to say about Bush? He'll probably perform a bit better since he doesn't have to compete with as many people for airtime, but I feel like he's just spinning his wheels and hoping for Trump, Rubio, and Cruz to be struck by lightning before March. I mean, there is a chance he could become a competitor if Carson and Kasich drop out and he gets the lion's share of supporters, but I dunno.
Carson is another one of those "bottom half" dudes that I don't have much to talk about. He looked like a clueless idiot last debate, and he just kinda looks sleepy while saying the occasional "No,
I'm the bigger asshole." statement. I think a few people actually thought Carson dropped out after New Hampshire, which should tell you something about how his campaign is going. Expect Carson to do the same thing he does every debate: looking for any excuse to get airtime, and then whine about not getting airtime despite getting plenty of it for the guy polling behind Jeb fucking Bush.
John Kasich balanced the budget.
Perhaps we'll see some of that tonight. Maybes the crazy tries to pivot towards the center a bit (probably while still bitching about the horrible establishment along the way).
And with Christie gone, who is going to obsess about Hillary? They all will to some degree, but my money is on Cruz. Of course, the odds on that bet are even anyway.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
Alternatively, Rubio might have a new script that's basically Clinton mad libs to avoid getting wrecked like he did with Christie.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.
Well Jeb will say his mom. Rubio will hard boot and say Obama. Cruz will say Goldman Sachs and Trump is going to nominate Ben Carson.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
If we're talking dead fantasy judges, why not go whole hog and say Abraham Lincoln?
Do not engage the Watermelons.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
Why aren't you great anymore?
Do not engage the Watermelons.
geez I hope they return the body when they're done but Cruz might want to keep it
Do not engage the Watermelons.
It was a bold move to have Carson go first, if he'd stop, they'd all run into him 3 Stooges style.
Carson gives off a contact high.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
I think that was mostly due to people being in shock and disbelief that he is still in the race.
Do not engage the Watermelons.
It will ding. It is just that one ding won't stop them.
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
It's CBS. Price is right horn.
Wow. Starting off right now with the replacement questions.
Sweet, there's a punishment for going past the time?!
"'ll hear this!"
Welp, looks like they're gonna keep talking.