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How to get on a panel

XpertLevelGamingXpertLevelGaming StreamerTexasRegistered User new member
I am a long time gamer looking to extend my reach into the community, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to apply to panels? I figured a good place to start would be how did you become a paid gamer type of panel. If anybody has a connection that they'd like to reference I'd be more than thankful. It doesn't have to be a super large convention or anything...I'd love to know how strenuous an application to a large panel such as PAX goes as well. Also, if you have any questions on starting up or going from free gaming to paid I am an open book.


  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    PAX Panel applications are pretty simple. When they open up, submit your panel and panelists and if you're accepted you'll get a time and a room and further instructions.


  • Jumping JackJumping Jack Registered User new member
    Wait, you're a paid gamer! How does that happen?

  • K!LL@RK!LL@R Registered User regular
    Go to his panel and find out. :P

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