Borderlands Cosplay PAX East Gathering/Takeover!

LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular
edited April 2016 in PAX East
Borderfam unite!
Wearing a Borderlands costume? Do you have a crazy obession or at least kinda like Borderlands (unaware that your love Borderlands will only grow stronger!)? THEN COME TO THE GATHERING!

FRIDAY - 2pm - 3pm in front of PAX sign at the entrance. At 3pm we will all parade our cel-shaded butts upstairs get in line for the Gearbox panel at 4pm #hype

SATURDAY - Same as Friday

SUNDAY - Same as Friday

We have a group event on Facebook here>>>

But of course we will keep you guys updated here as well!

Anyways... are you bringing a Borderlands cosplay?
What are you wearing?

My team will have two groups (one for the gathering... another for some other day during PAX)
Tales from the Borderlands - Rhys, Vaughn, Fiona and Zer0
Borderlands 2 - Krieg, Maya, Zer0 and Tiny Tina the next day (yes tea parties will commence!)

Post photos if you got them Kiddos!


LMcosplays on


  • eilonwyeilonwy Registered User regular
    We've got a Vaughn, a Rhys, and a Fiona!

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Even though I am not cosplaying I will so be there. Huge borderlands fan!

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    If I'm actually able to make it for Saturday/Sunday, I'll be doing Axton one of those days.

  • cuviicuvii new jerseyRegistered User new member
    Bringing Zer0 and Lilith probably Friday/Sunday!

  • DarkshowersDarkshowers Registered User regular
    I don't cosplay but I have finished most of the first game and almost done with the main story in the 2nd game. I'm down.

  • Evie AppleEvie Apple Registered User regular
    Yay for Rhys and Fiona and Tales from the Borderlands! Sounds like there's going to be a few of us there this year. :) We're doing the ending, vault-hunter costumes. I'll probably be too lazy to do much cell shading, but hopefully we'll be recognizable all the same.

  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular
    SO EXCITED to see more Tales cosplays! My group is doing past characters (specifically episode 2... because socks and Shirtless Vaughn). WE NEED DERPY SELFIES!

  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular

    FRIDAY - 2pm - 3pm in front of PAX sign at the entrance. At 3pm we will all parade our cel-shaded butts upstairs get in line for the Gearbox panel at 4pm #hype



  • LMcosplaysLMcosplays Registered User regular

    FRIDAY - 2pm - 3pm in front of PAX sign at the entrance. At 3pm we will all parade our cel-shaded butts upstairs get in line for the Gearbox panel at 4pm #hype

    SATURDAY - Same as Friday

    SUNDAY - Same as Friday

  • zombie247zombie247 Registered User regular
    My daughter and I plan on being there Friday and Saturday as Salvadore and tiny Tina! My fifth or so PAX but first time cosplaying!

  • LoveofCountryLoveofCountry Registered User regular
    OMG....I loved Tales...I'm going to Swoon over anybody dressed as Fiona Rhys or Gortys, apologies in advance.

    I'm grinding to finish Rule #63 Athena, I'll be part of a big group Saturday (Salvatore, Zarpedon, Clappy, and possibly Nurse Nina!)

  • JackWrenJackWren Registered User regular
    LoveofCountry, I gotta ask. What wig (if any) are you going with for that? I did a genderbend of Athena last year and my wig was so crappy that I abandoned it at the last minute. Also, were you in that group with the huge puppet Claptrap and Zarpedon?

  • LoveofCountryLoveofCountry Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    hehe...ya those are my buddies, sadly I wasn't BL-ed up last year I was casual Dante from DMC. I believe it's the Magnum or Magnum long from Arda, I can double check when i get home. But the styling and cutting has been pretty minimal and painless, I think this is my first attempt throwing an image up on here so bear with me. Also, I should probably note I'm going for her Electron Warrior skin, so it's an aqua green.

    zerzhul on
  • icevalkyrieicevalkyrie Registered User regular
    My friend and I will be dressed as Lilith and Dr. Zed (Borderlands 1) on Friday for sure we hope to make it for the meet up.

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