Come Play a MegaGame for Child's Play Charity!

Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
edited March 2016 in PAX East

After 2 excellent games at PAX in the past (once at East and once at Prime), Watch the Skies is back once again to help your human children!

20 guaranteed tickets will be sold in advance, with all proceeds going to the amazing Child's Play Charity. Advance tickets are on sale now and you can find them HERE at Eventbrite.

For those of you who want to play but can't buy in advance, signups will be first come first serve on Saturday the 23rd and Sunday the 24th at 10am at Tabletop HQ.

Not sure what a megagame is? The awesome and talented people at Shut Up and Sit Down have done an amazing video about their experience. Five minutes of the video and you'll understand how crazy fun a megagame can be! The game has been completely changed so there are no spoilers if you've played it before or watched the video... who knows what the aliens are doing this time around???

See you at PAX!

Midas244 on


  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    This has been added to the event thread already =)

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • H.E. LadypantsH.E. Ladypants Registered User regular
    edited March 2016
    Sorry we missed it! Thaaaank you!

    H.E. Ladypants on
  • davethebabedavethebabe Registered User regular
    Will this be the same story as the last game played at PAX East? I've played that one and two more in MA since then. I would love to play again, but I just don't want to have/give away spoilers.


  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    Absolutely changed story, changed mechanics and a lot of new things... prior knowledge will absolutely not spoil anything. We'd love to have you back!

  • Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    Thanks for doing this btw!

    Some guy.
  • davethebabedavethebabe Registered User regular
    This was my favorite part of PAX the last time, I'll definitely be a part of it again!

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    Happy to save/destroy Earth for a good cause! Our battle cry of "FOR THE CHILDREN" shall echo in the cavernous halls of the BCEC while we develop new super plagues to destroy the world

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    As SpacePope, I will be happy to stop by and grace you all with my presence. :)

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    @ilta you were SpacePope at the December game? I didn't get to tell you at the time but holy crap you were amazing. Thank you so much for being awesome, you made the game fantastic for me (and all the players as well!)

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    I was! Thank you so much! I had a really great time. :)

  • H.E. LadypantsH.E. Ladypants Registered User regular
    If anyone wants to get a taste of what a megagame looks like, BRIC produced an 8 minute segment about our December game.

    Action! Adventure! The presidnet of France can't open a bottle of champagne!

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    We sold out of guaranteed tickets BUT FEAR NOT! We added a couple more, get em before they're gone!

  • H.E. LadypantsH.E. Ladypants Registered User regular

    We're also going to have t-shirts and posters for sale! All proceeds will go to support Child's Play. :)

  • H.E. LadypantsH.E. Ladypants Registered User regular
    We'll be ending sales for guaranteed tickets for our PAX East game in support of Child's Play tomorrow at noon!

    We'll be doing registrations for the rest of the game at Tabletop HQ on Sat and Sun. Sign ups at PAX are free but first come, first serve.

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    We've sold out of the guaranteed tickets but there are still plenty of spaces available for the game! Come by tomorrow or Sunday to sign up and get a spot, no donation required! Or come by to say hi, ask us about the game or what our favorite Steven Universe character is.

    (A lot of people asked if no spots were left, there definitely are!)

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