Enter the Gungeon is a Roguelike or Roguelite or whatever the hell we're calling these games nowadays by Dodge Roll. It's very similar to the Binding of Isaac, with the general progression being the same: you clear rooms, kill a floor's boss, and repeat on succeeding floors until you get to the final boss. An entire playthrough takes maybe an hour, but the replayability is deep due to the randomized items, floor layouts, boss encounters, and unlocks that add more stuff to the game. The game also features permadeath, so once you die you have to start over. As common in these games, there are also multiple characters with different starting items that encourage different playstyles.
Gungeon differs from Isaac in that it's more focused on shooting and skilled play over hoping you get an overpowered combination of items that lets you steamroll the game. You have a dodge roll button that gives you invulnerability frames, along with a limited number of blanks on each floor that destroy bullets and knock back enemies. Rather than altering one weapon with passives, there's also more emphasis on amassing a ton of varied guns with different properties, and carefully managing ammo between encounters. The game is also particularly stingy with health pickups, and the only reliable way to increase your max HP is to defeat a boss without taking a hit. So yeah, it's a bit harder. Also, instead of stale memes and dead baby jokes, the game has gun puns. Gungeon also has local co-op, and even a few items specific to that mode.
Here are hot tips for novice Gungeoneers.
- The Ammonomicon describes item functions, enemies, and so forth. It's not exact numbers, but it should give you an idea of what something will do so you don't waste it or hurt yourself.
- It's better to save blanks for bosses as beating them flawlessly nets a heart container.
- Many guns do not have perfect accuracy and will spread like a normal gun. Take this into consideration when attacking distant enemies.
- Ammo can be a very precious resource, and it may behoove you to stick with your starter weapon (has infinite ammo) when you can afford to do so. You really don't want to be stuck fighting a boss with a bad weapon.
- Rolling away from a bullet is more likely to damage you, as only the first half of the dodge animation makes you invulnerable. If you dodge away from a bullet, it is very likely you will waste the i-frames as the bullet catches up to you, only for it to hit you once you are in the vulnerable latter half of the dodge.
- Rooms can spawn additional enemies once the initial batch have been cleared out. You know a room is cleared when currency starts flying towards you, but traps are still active.
- You get new blanks with each floor, so don't let them go to waste.
- Chests can be shot for a chance at random drops if you lack a key. However it's best to finish the whole floor before doing so, as rooms and the boss have a chance to drop them.
The game is out on Steam for $14.99 and also a collector's edition for like ten bucks more that includes a comic, soundtrack and gun unlock.
Have a trailer:
If you need gameplay, here is Northernlion doing a playthrough. Intentionally short to minimize spoilers
And I'm calling them roguelike-likety-likelike-likers-likes nowadays.
Binding of isaac kind of does this, but its so fast to find the first item room/boss its of no consequence to restart. This game takes significantly longer and it feels worse for it. Maybe if the peashooters hit slightly harder or something, I really can't tell what else would 'fix' it. Right now most rooms on the first level are:
*stand still, unload on enemy*
*side step one bullet*
*wait forever to reload*
*repeat until room clear*
The only thing i'm not really liking is the Blank being mapped to L3+R3. i tend to be a bit hard on the directional sticks when moving/aiming and i am forever blowing blanks when i'm not intending to.
Still, yeah, this is a good 'un.
時計仕掛けの子の丸々太った磁器の顔に表情は無いが、転がりながら、口がカチッと開閉して、腕が上下に動い た。
ー無名狂師、翻訳者 (俺)
Wanna watch a gaijin butcher monsters and the Japanese Language all at once? Sure you do, and now you can!
I'm enjoying it more than Nuclear Throne, I think because it's a little more methodical feeling. I'm also greatly enjoying the gun themed everything. It's got a really greath aesthetic.
I haven't run across a gun I absolutely hate yet
These gun puns are great
automatic weapons seem better against bosses while aoe seems better against enemies.
I really need to stop rolling away from bullets.
Some secret stuff!-
If you can't move a water barrel the barrel of fish will put out the fire
There's secret rooms! Shoot walls with non starter guns and if it cracks use a blank.
I don't think you can kill the shop keeper he has a reflector shield like Ser Manuel
Drop guns for the gun in the sewer grate and he'll give you shells for them
The vampire girl sells stuff at a discount but you get cursed when you buy from her.
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The Unfinished gun kinda sucks a turd. Also the sail boat gun is not so good. Maybe useful on a crowded room. I did find a lower case r that fires the word "bullet" with an announcer saying the word too. that was neat.
You can remap blanks. I have them on O on the PS4 controller.
Like I said in the Steam thread: someday I'll be able to consistently make it to Floor 3. Someday.
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Also, unexpected Memento reference.
Was it really so necessary to crap on Isaac like this? Gungeon is fun and good and all but so is Isaac. And it's been around for five years so ripping on its "stale memes" is a little silly.
There's also an armor of thrones item that increases your roll damage. I need protips for Lead Maidens... "use your damn blanks!" is probably the best tip, but I can't stop wasting them because "I have a good feeling about this wall!". On the rare occasion I keep myself from wasting them, I'm afraid of using them on anything but a boss...
Lead Maidens suck. They suck hard. Some rooms they're not so bad, but rooms that luck decent cover they're a 100% blank eater for me. There is a method for their bullets when they come off the walls: they always head to where you were when they released. It can get SUPER hard to track everything depending on what else is happening around you though.
For those who don't know, blanks also act as bombs in this game. So they blow open secret rooms. The economy for blanks is very interesting.
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
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I really don't like Q, E, and space. Kinda considering mouse buttons as alternatives. I've got forward and back buttons on my mouse, and could probably live with space.
I'm of the same opinion. While I haven't spent a ton of time with the game yet, what I have spent has left me feeling like it would be almost perfect if the first level had a guaranteed gun drop in the first room.
I don't like the music as much as nuclear throne, but the stellar pixel art of the enemies more than makes up for that.
Speaking of boss battles...if I get the Beholster as my second boss, I may as well just reset at the moment. Gorgun and Ammoconda I have pretty reasonably down pat, but Beholster just wrecks me every time. Need to get a handle on his patterns...although I think the eyes he summons are what screw me up.
Yeah, blanks on Q is awful. Just awful.
I might eventually buy it to support the devs, but this has all the trappings of a game I enjoy seeing played but wouldn't actually enjoy sitting through - too twitch shooter for me and I'd never progress very far.
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Yup, just noticed that this morning... of course, now instead of wasting my blanks, i just forget to use them... but i think that'll be an easier habit to break.
時計仕掛けの子の丸々太った磁器の顔に表情は無いが、転がりながら、口がカチッと開閉して、腕が上下に動い た。
ー無名狂師、翻訳者 (俺)
Wanna watch a gaijin butcher monsters and the Japanese Language all at once? Sure you do, and now you can!
Then I got to the tank boss, who I'd never fought, and he DESTROYED me. It was a sad display. Barely dented the guy.
I also had a gold key I didn't get to use. No idea what it does but I'm sure it was something good!
How does one unlock the shop where you can spend those credits bosses drop?
Ah man, I must have overlooked a room somehow, nooooo.
Well there are a few characters that literally do exactly that. You give up something in exchange for that perk, but character traits don't matter as much later on anyway.
EDIT: Sadly, I have not been able to replicate the feat in subsequent runs. Beginner's luck, I guess.
So far I can only beat one of the bosses I've found at the end of the first floor. That was the first one I encountered so encountering the others was a rude awakening.
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3DS: 3454-0268-5595 Battle.net: SteelAngel#1772
I did find a shrine with a damage up buff at the cost of a health container, but I was killing even the regular enemies in the same number of hits so [sad trombone]. I think the main thing is that the shop should have an affordable gun available, and you should be able to afford it by clearing the floor. When all that's left is the boss room, I shouldn't be incapable of buying a $30 gun.
I think the walls have cracks in them, but I've only ever seen 2 cracked walls. In 13 runs, I've only ever found 2 secret rooms and one of those was in the tutorial.