Does anyone know if Valve will be here this year?

rebeltacorebeltaco Registered User new member
I looked at the map for the expo hall this year, and didn't see Valve to be there. Does anyone know if they'll be there for sure this year?


  • koolarookoolaroo Registered User regular
    They won't be there. They haven't in a long time.

  • rebeltacorebeltaco Registered User new member
    koolaroo wrote: »
    They won't be there. They haven't in a long time.

    They were there last year, I remember they had a shop set up with merchandise.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Valve was not at PAX East last year. You're probably thinking of WeLoveFine, who sells a bunch of Valve merchandise and has been a PAX regular. They are at this show, booth #5212.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • rebeltacorebeltaco Registered User new member
    whypick1 wrote: »
    Valve was not at PAX East last year. You're probably thinking of WeLoveFine, who sells a bunch of Valve merchandise and has been a PAX regular. They are at this show, booth #5212.
    This was what I was thinking of, thank you!

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