I was playing a game at Pax East on Sunday and it was an Indie game (but not in the mega/minibooth) and it was black and white. You could move your ball around and switch between colors which would also change the gravity, similar to flash games like shift, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the game! They also didn't give out business cards, and asked people to take a picture of the game (which I didn't do). Does anyone remember it?
You are looking for OVIVO
Steam Me
I believe you're talking about Moonshot.
No, it was a video game. I kept passing it when I didn't have time to stop and when I went to go find it, I couldn't. Goat Somethingorother.
Sorry, this wasn't it. However, that looks amazing for $8 (currently on sale during Early Access). Will be adding this to my wishlist when I get home.
The view was from above and behind your ship and there was a colored tail (I believe it was blue, but each of the other players had unique colors) showing movement. I wish I could find the promo video that was constantly looping on the floor. I would sit through it just to find this game.
Found it!
GoGo Electric Samurai Site
This looks so enjoyable. UNF.
Steam Me
No, it was something else.
This game was towards the back of the indie megabooth. The people showing it were also letting people play Superhot and gave you a 25% off code for it.