So I built the PC I'm using late last year, it's an i7-4790K, 16gb RAM, Windows 10 on a 446gb SSD and a 2.7TB HDD. I almost exclusively use this for recording and editing let's plays, so I run Premiere from the SSD while keeping all the video, audio, and project files on the HDD. This has performed absolutely fine up until the last couple of days, when Premiere's performance seems to have become really erratic. When resuming a project, it takes forever to load the timeline correctly, and if I'm scrubbing through anything or jumping to a different point, where it would normally take a couple of seconds to catch up, now it's taking many times longer to do the same. Also if I'm previewing the timeline, the sound will often cut out after a few seconds.
I spent last night running virus scans to see if I'd picked up something, but that came up empty. I don't know the best way to check what kind of performance dips I'm getting, so I've no idea how to proceed in diagonsing this one.
edit: if I had to take a wild guess, I'd want to say that it feels like my HDD is acting up. I've no idea what could be causing that, whether it's physical or software, though.
And don't buy a Seagate drive.
Or do. Buy whatever has ok reviews and is cheap. All brands have hard drive failures, and all drives will fail eventually.
Yeah I'll order a new internal drive and an external for backing up. I do hope that turns out to be the problem!