PAX Arena at Prime 2016?

itzzzdaeitzzzdae So. Cali.Registered User regular
Will there be PAX Arena at Prime 2016?
If so I hope Smash Bros WiiU will be in the line up!



  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I would say portents point to yes, to a PAX arena at PAX West 2016. This is just a guess, but South and East both had one, and they were popular.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Almost certainly. West 2015 had a theater devoted solely to Rocket League and it was a huge success. So, in one form or another, I'm sure West will have an e-sports theater. And if you want Smash, the console freeplay area might as well be named "Smash Freeplay". Especially in the evenings after the console tourney machines free up.

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Almost certainly. West 2015 had a theater devoted solely to Rocket League and it was a huge success.
    Mental note: Don't forget a vuvuzela if Rocket League is in the area this year...

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