At least you don't lose your ult on death. Unless you switch characters or are playing the game type that switches every time you die.
I definitely had a few matches when playing that mode where I just managed to get Mercy's ult up then died.
NEVER wait to pop ults, in any game. I mean, obviously don't waste them, but if you use them early and often, that's that many more uses you can get in a match. If it's got a 90 second cooldown, and you waste 3 minutes waiting to pop at some perceived optimal time, you effectively wasted 2 more opportunities to use your ult. That is ON TOP OF the fact that you may get killed before your perceived optimal time.
Zomagic on
Golden YakBurnished BovineThe sunny beaches of CanadaRegistered Userregular
Man, how amazing would it be if voice-chat altered your voice to sound like whatever character you were playing as?
I feel ashamed as a cooldown hoarder. Normally I never use cooldowns because I am saving them for the absolute maximum yield. But I played Mercy exclusively for the day of beta I played, and I didn't even realize her rez worked on multiple allies. I assumed you had to target a downed ally, too, so I may have missed a bunch of opportunities.
"But I might need that Elixir later!"
"This is the final boss."
"... He has another form after this one, right?"
I wonder if there's game that makes the last or bonus boss(es) stronger for every one-time-use-super-item you still have in your inventory. It could power itself up by forcing more on to you and striking before you can use them.
A great solution for that hoarding problem is in the zeboyd RPGs. You get a certain amount of the item and it refreshes with every battle. You can't just hoard a ton to make the final boss trivial, and you have no incentive to hold onto everything just in case.
I definitely had a few matches when playing that mode where I just managed to get Mercy's ult up then died.
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Given that you can have multiples of the same character on a team it would get really confusing.
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3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
I thought that was what had happened since I, for some reason, seem to read these Last panel, First Panel, Second panel
I blame video games teaching us to hoard everything.
"This is the final boss."
"... He has another form after this one, right?"
We're gonna end up like the generation who went through the Great Depression.