Speculation: 2016 Polygon LE pins part of a larger set?
So I have a little theory about the Limited Edition Polygon pins for the next few years. The X this year is part of a set that combines to be the new logo. 2017 will be the 'A' and 2018 will be the 'P'. So you will be able to spell PAX using LEs from each color or mix it up. Then 2019 will be the 15th anniversary pin.
Although the general feeling I got when speaking with people at East was that the LE pin this year wasn't a hot item, I think once the full set is released people will appreciate it more. Thoughts?
@SkeleVader I wasn't aware they messed up the color, that would definitely effect any plan they originally had.
Also since the X design is like last years LE minus the states, which also counts against them.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Well yeah, this explains why the South pin was yellow after all :kappa:
This is also the last year of the Poly theme, hopefully next year and so on aren't terrible.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig