Hi H/A,
For about... I'm not sure, perhaps 5-6 years now? I've had episodes of extreme internal pain (and am having such an episode right now). The pain lasts for about 12-20~ hours after it first sets in, then leaves without further symptoms / complaints until the next episode. Episodes used to happen about once or twice a month... lately they've begun to occur about once a week.
I'm not sure how to describe it; it's almost like a very extreme heartburn sensation, and it 'surges' in intensity for the duration of an episode (going from essentially annoying to crescendos of absolute torture). I'm also unsure of the part of me that is having the complaint - I'm fairly sure it isn't my stomach or anything below that, but it's below my heart & lungs.
It is not accompanied by any symptoms other than the pain itself (no nausea, etc), it is not triggered by anything obvious to me (occurs regardless of how well or poorly I'm eating for example, occurs regardless of how much sleep I'm getting or how physically active I've been), it is not impacted by antacid tablets, Advil or Tylenol. Stretching / exercising / showering likewise has no impact.
...Does anyone have an idea of what may be causing these episodes based on my admittedly vague description?
I realize this is not supposed to be 'Amateur Diagnosis: The Forum', but I've twice gone to the hospital during an episode and the doctors have essentially shrugged at me (in fairness, it
is an ER and they have plenty of acute problems to deal with right then, so I get where they're coming from). I just want some semblance of an idea what is happening & if there's anything I can do to manage the symptoms or make episodes less frequent (or both).
I could say it's chronic idiopathic neuropathy but all that means is "it hurts and it keeps coming back and we don't know why"
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
maybe GERD, maybe cancer, maybe you're already dead
The answer for me was biliary fibrillation caused by gall stones, and the end result was surgery to remove my gall bladder.
I also went to the ER a couple times and was sent home, once because it went away while I was waiting to be seen. The last time I got an ultrasound to check for stones in the bilary tract and then I ended up becoming jaundiced and was admitted to the hospital for surgery.
So, my advice to you is go see a PCP and don't take no for an answer, when they shrug say now what, what is the next step to get resolution. you have to be your own advocate.
Your health is the most important thing, without it you have nothing. Call your doctor and get started.
Note that the pain COULD be your stomach. Your pain from internal injuries/diseases can be represented by pain in a completely different area of the body (this is why some people who have heart attacks say that they felt pain or numbness going down their left arm, rather than their chest or in addition to chest). I would not exclude stomach problems.
Pain that comes and goes tends to lead me down three separate and non-exclusionary causes: Obstruction (a section of your gut is tight, and stuff has problems passing through... could also be a hernia of some sort, intestinal or stomach/esophageal), Gall-bladder issues (not necessarily gallstones... there are a number of gall bladder issues that can cause abdominal pain that do not involve stones), and Pancreatitis (which can also be secondary to gallstones). I assume that they did an abdominal ultrasound or CT when you were at the hospital last time?
The differential diagnosis for recurring, episodic abdominal pain is HUGE. So yeah, this is something to get evaluated. On that list are a lot of scary things.
That's where my head went too but he described it as severe heartburn. I associate my Costochondritis more with a "hey my chest is going to crack in half" kind of pain.
You should get a covered GP anyway, you have a condition
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.