PAX West sales have come and gone so now it's time to focus on our next hurdle for our pilgrimage to Seattle: cosplay!
Use this thread to discuss your upcoming cosplay, share wip photos and get help/advice on crafting techniques.
I've added PAX West's weapons policy below
Weapons Check Policies
All prop weapons brought to the show MUST be approved at the Info Booth as soon as you arrive. We will be looking for the following criteria:
- It cannot fire any sort of projectile. (Nerf guns are only allowed if they have been deactivated and cannot fire.)
- It cannot be an airsoft weapon. (Yes, even if it’s deactivated.)
- It cannot be sharp or pointy enough to cut or pierce someone with moderate pressure. This includes all real swords, daggers and knives. It also includes ceramic blades, needles, syringes and anything that can pierce (for example, a Little Sister syringe made of wood would not be allowed)
Upon approval, your weapon and badge will be tagged and cataloged.
Also, last year's rule about expo hall photography still stands: No stopping in the aisles of the expo hall to take pictures. If you are having your photo taken or taking the photo yourself, either step into a booth away from foot traffic or ask the cosplayer/photographer if you can leave the expo hall and take pictures in other parts of the convention center.
If I do get the money I may be doing a Heroes of the Storm group with some friends. I'd probably do Lunara, but just a 2-foot faun version rather than full dryad. That's a little beyond my skill level. :P
I'm not sure if I'll do a third or just do my kigurumi like I did last year for a lazy day.
My clownfish shoes got a little dirty, so they need a new coat of paint. My Inkling hat also needs a little repair since the cardboard inside has broken due to the Seattle storm of last year's Pax Prime. Face paint is not my forte, and I don't like putting it on. My Inkling shorts also need the little strip of green reattached, so hopefully that'll get done in July. Guess I have a little bit of work to do in July for prep work.
Anyways, looking forward to everyone's cosplay and hope everyone gets it done in time. I know I'll try.... :}
Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
Also a computer scientist and a streamer.
Gonna road test it at SDCC, it's warmer in San Deigo but the con will still be pumping AC.
There will be a lot! I was at East this year and I saw quite a few on Saturday.
Thanks! Someone else usually gets this thread rolling but 2 days after tickets sale were done, it wasn't up so I said hey, why not?
Also, no worries about getting your photo taken. I'm in the same boat. (that's what I get for cosplaying indie games that usually only the devs know haha)
PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
Thanks for mentioning Undertale. My 10 year old is obsessed with it so I looked up a Toriel costume on Etsy and will likely get that ball rolling as she can wear it for PAX and then Halloween. (Last year she was Foxy from FNAF but didn't have the costume in time for PAX.) Anyway, I sent her the link and asked her if she wanted to do it and she was all, "wow, you paid attention to what I like." :cool: Uhhhh....yeah ... only 'cause she can't stop talking about it.
There's a room share thread stickied here. Have you checked it out?
(May want to specify you'll be cosplaying, and give estimates of how big/in depth it is. I know some people don't like rooming with cosplayers - but if it's small enough/minimal prep time, that could be a non-issue. But it's nice to give people a heads up.)
I would love photos and photos with everyone else too. I've been cosplaying at pax since my second year 2008 and love seeing everyone's creativity. It is definitely something I look forward too.
Re: that rule about the "no cosplayer photos in the expo hall" I want to say that I found it really negative last year and I'd like to see it altered, or at least broadened to not specifically target cosplayers.
For one thing, the sign specifically mentions and targets cosplayers, which I observed (and many people I know confirmed) that if a cosplayer stopped anywhere for even a moment in the expo hall that wasn't within a booth, they were immediately asked to move by enforcers, even when the expo hall path they were standing in was largely empty. Second, when non-cosplayers stopped to take photos or selfies, nobody said or did anything, even when they were blocking crowded areas. Third, explicitly stating that "cosplayers" shouldn't stop for people, rather than a general warning about people stopping to take photos and blocking areas made a lot of cosplayers I know feel unwelcome, some saying they didn't really feel like returning if they were going to be singled out/targeted as if they were not wanted there.
I fully realize Expo Hall is usually the most high traffic area, but singling us out and then aggressively targeting us makes it seem like we're unwanted. A lot of expo hall vendors reward cosplayers by giving them prizes or holding cosplay contests, some also offer photobooths that they might want their picture taken at, so to say that cosplayers shouldn't be permitted in the Expo Hall at all runs counter to what all the Expo Hall booths are doing, and the fact that PAX in part celebrates and permits cosplay (in fact, a significant portion of media attention re: PAX is cosplay related, so it does to some degree benefit them).
Here's the reality: when I walked through expo hall in cosplay, a lot of people asked me to stop and take a photo with them. If I even stopped to talk to them, I was immediately asked to start moving by enforcers, even when there was nobody around and nobody was being blocked. A lot of people either don't see the signs saying not to stop to take photos, or they simply don't care. And then I'm left with the task of apologizing and telling people that they can't take my photo- not because I'm a jerk who won't let them, but because the expo hall is a high traffic area and we aren't permitted to take them there. On some occasions, we were able to stand against a booth to try to take them and keep out of the walk ways, but even then enforcers would try to move me along.
I had one experience where nobody was even trying to take my photo, I was just at a booth watching a panel. The booth was very full. The enforcers kept circling and slowing down near me and kept telling me I would have to move further in (which meant literally shoving people) or I'd have to leave, even though I was within the booth and not even blocking any hallway space.
It's frustrating because I have had nothing but great experiences with enforcers in the past (while waiting in lineups outside the building or outside expo hall in early mornings- when I wasn't in cosplay), but it seems like as soon as I get into cosplay I'm just a nuisance.
Further frustration, which has nothing directly to do with PAX itself, in past years (ie: 2014) Riot had a cosplay repair room which was on the 6th floor which was cosplayer exclusive only, like a green room/break room for resting and changing. It had curtained areas for changing, a dedicated photographer with backdrop, tables with repair supplies, etc. I know Riot has had a huge and overwhelming influence on cosplayers and sees a lot of support and advertisement from them, but it also fosters and strongly nurtures/encourages that which was wonderful to see.
Then last year, Riot had 0 presence at PAX events, not even attending Prime to hand out skins. There was a different booth that offered repair, but its supplies were lacking (there was no seating, if I remember correctly, it was completely open to the public, right at the top of the escalators near the skybridge, and when I was there they only had 1 working glue gun...) I mean, they had a very visually appealing set up that made it look like a medical clinic, but in terms of the things cosplayers really needed, it was kind of useless and I was glad I had no major problems with my cosplay. I know it's never been PAX's responsibility to provide anything for cosplayers, but I do think it'd be nice to see them follow in Riot's lead and set up a dedicated cosplay repair room. It's not that hard as they already have rooms that are out of the way. If I recall last year, all that was in there was a retro arcade. Not saying they need to go to the extent Riot did, but at least provide a quiet room with some basic tables/chairs and basic repair supplies. Almost every other fan convention I know does this.
If PAX West wants cosplayers to continue to attend, they need to at least make us feel welcome. That means, not singling out cosplayers on signage in a negative manner, and considering either a dedicated cosplay repair room, or else maybe suggesting to some of the companies in attendance that someone set one up. As far as I know, Bioware was the only one that even had a contest last year that took place during the convention (as opposed to an after party off-site), and it was on Friday in the day time with no real announcement that anyone would've known about.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, I just wanted to get my frustrations out because 2014 and prior I felt like cosplayers were treated so well, and then last year I really thought someone dropped the ball.
Last PAX West was our first stab at this new policy. We made some improvements at East, and will be tweaking it still until it hits the right balance of reducing congestion in the Expo Hall and providing a good experience for everyone. We certainly don't want to single out cosplayer photography only , and will work on the signage to reflect that. Our goal in general is no stopping in the isles, we will continue to work out the best way to communicate that.
We do take all enforcer feedback seriously, we want every interaction with them to be courteous. Because crowds can form very quickly in the Expo hall and cause issues if they aren't kept up on, the enforcers often need to act quickly. As always we will work towards improvement in their messaging.
Far as the Cosplay Lounge, I love seeing communities manage this and hope every PAX has one. The PAX Aus cosplay community has a mobile cosplay repair guy that attends many cons, has tons of tools on him and can be called to come to you. Innovations like that from the community are awesome.
We want everyone to feel welcome at PAX, and even though we might stumble in that goal sometimes, we try our best to learn from our mistakes. Thank you for letting us know.
I've never had to deal with weapons/props for PAX before but for Neon Katt, I'm looking to get some light up nunchucks. The 2 rods are made out of plastic but the chain attaching them together is stainless steel. Would that be okay with weapons check?
Thanks! I start working on it this weekend. Expect some progress pictures from me over the next month and a half.
I'm bringing Ratchet and Clank at the very least. Currently gutted Clank and am working on his servos.
Wanted to ask! is there a specific day/meetup for all the overwatch cosplayers? I plan on bringing a McCree and Hanzo to PAX this year, and wanted to make sure...!
Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
Also a computer scientist and a streamer.
I look forward to making new friends as well since cosplay friends tend to be the best :P
I have a friend who is working on some last minute stuff for his plague knight costume, and he may be interested. I'll ask and find out for sure.
I ended up changing my lineup and I'll be going as Marie! Hopefully I'll run into you!
YES! I've seen tons of TV/Movie/Anime cosplays at PAX so feel free!! :biggrin: