Hey yo! (said with the inflections of Scott Hall/Razor Ramon)
As we prepare our event scheduling for the Handheld Lounge, we totally want your input!
With three platforms to work with, we're super curious about what sort of games would you want to see us run tourneys on. 3DS, Vita, and mobile are all in the mix again, so please throw down some ideas! The big Nintendo staple titles can be expected of course, like Smash and MarioKart. But we don't want to just keep running on the same stuff every time, and I've unfortunately been pretty busy with life and work and unable to stay on top of the latest and greatest.
Come at me, wolf! Let us know what you're interested in and we'll see what happens!
PS: BRING YOUR VITAS. Not just for entertaining yourselves in line-ups, but so our Vita events get a decently enjoyable turnout!
palicoes ftw forever
These are some solid ideas, and we'd already been considering Mario Party and Monster Hunter! (MH4U went *very* well last year)
And great idea about a Triforce Heroes meet-up! DONE.
Still looking for any other ideas, too!