Hey guys. I'm in an Introductory scripting class in college. MEL scripting. Coding is a lengthy, LOGIC-filled process full of a bunch of crazy symbols and numbers. A lot of commands seem to be pretty fucking esoteric to me. While I have an idea in my head, it's damned hard to find a way to actually word it out in Script-speak. My mind has a hard time doing that.
Anyway, so here's this assignment I need to do, and it really has me stuck.
Write a procedure "decoPoly(string $mesh)". The procedure
puts a small/tiny ball at each vertex of the given polygon $mesh.
The essence of it being that I need to create a simple polygon like say a plane. I need to figure out a way to create a small sphere at each vertex in the plane. However, I have to work with a
String? The hell?
So far, I've figured out how to make the script editor spit off how many vertices the plane has (25 by default), how to select said vertices, and how to figure out each vertex's coordinate location. What REALLY bugs me, though, is creating spheres and THEN placing them at each specific vertex as opposed to moving them to a vertex's general area. Again, this damned thing is supposed to be a String.
Any ideas? I'd greatly appreciate them.