Penny Arcade - Comic - I Zhan, Yuuzhan

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - I Zhan, Yuuzhan

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • StarWarsExplainedStarWarsExplained Registered User new member
    Darth Revan, Darth Bane's story, and pretty much anything pre-Phantom Menace. Love the comic, by the way :)

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  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Of those things listed, I know Mara Jade and Delta Squad. What's so bad about a Vong of the Yuuzhan persuasion? Dash Rendar was cool, though. They could bring him back.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • iyumcropusiyumcropus Registered User new member
    "What's so bad about a Vong of the Yuuzhan persuasion?"
    The smell of powergaming authors taking a piss all over the SW universe...
    Let's see, lets burn this planet, lets wreck this race. Oh! oh! We'll also make them immune to the force and really into pain and leather.
    They were like a race that was invented on some school shooter's Trapper Keeper.

  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    Weren't they like some kind of Earth analogues that went nuts after their planet went to shit then brought their planet on a intergactic voyage to be dicks?

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    Weren't they like some kind of Earth analogues that went nuts after their planet went to shit then brought their planet on a intergactic voyage to be dicks?

    Eventually it turned out they had done something bad enough that The Force (the whole thing) was like "Fuck you Vong guys" and severed their connection to it.

  • LinktmLinktm Registered User regular
    Thank you comments section for explaining this comic to me. This was the first time I ever truly felt lost on a Penny Arcade strip.

  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    This comic makes no sense to me as somebody who never read anything in Star Wars EU. That's okay, this one just isn't for me.

  • NightslyrNightslyr Registered User regular
    Ever see the old GI JOE cartoon movie? Where they introduced the dumb bullshit that was Cobra-La, with actual snake people and body/biological horror that really had no place in a setting about near future technology and an international force of soldiers fighting against terrorists?

    Take Cobra-La - the people/monsters, the biotech, the weirdness - add a dash of masochism, and make them Force resistant. That's the Yuuzahn Vong.

  • EseellEseell Phoenix, AZRegistered User regular
    Not as bad as Abeloth, but the Vong were definitely the beginning of the end.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    This comic makes no sense to me as somebody who never read anything in Star Wars EU. That's okay, this one just isn't for me.

    "Remember all the cool stuff? Like the X, and the Y, and the Z... okay, not the Z. Yeah, never mind the Z. Let's just all forget about that."

  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    May the entire old EU remain ash. Salt the earth where it once stood.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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  • poipoigirlpoipoigirl Registered User regular
    I am excited to see Thrawn coming back to cannon. Loved him in the novel.

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Please leave Revan in the tire fire where he belongs

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  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Please leave Revan in the tire fire where he belongs

    What did Revan ever do to you?

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Just the most awful Mary Sue writing imaginable. Revan was a non-character in KOTOR by design, and has now been elevated to The Most Powerful And Best Jedi Who Can Use All The Powers because making the player surrogate a badass is an easy win.

  • hurricane567hurricane567 Registered User new member
    Given the Ghost's penchant for dealing with scum and villainy, i don't think them fighting Big Gizz and Spiker would be out of the question. Also, Ezra wouldn't be so quick to claim he's Lando if that claim caught the attention of Drebble. Action figures for all of them, too!

  • Trogdor6135Trogdor6135 Registered User regular
    I don't know my discarded lore, but wasn't the Yuuzhan part the only time Boba Fett was actually a badass?

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    iyumcropus wrote: »
    "What's so bad about a Vong of the Yuuzhan persuasion?"
    The smell of powergaming authors taking a piss all over the SW universe...
    Let's see, lets burn this planet, lets wreck this race. Oh! oh! We'll also make them immune to the force and really into pain and leather.
    They were like a race that was invented on some school shooter's Trapper Keeper.

    So, Space Drow? Did their super powerful magic weapons turn to ash when you tried to loot them, too?

  • FindecanorFindecanor Registered User new member
    Vong is Wrong!

    But Mara Jade should definitely be brought into canon IMHO. She is a bigger fan favourite than Thrawn, there is opportunity for her origin story in Rebels and she would have died before the time of The Force Awakens anyway according to the EU.

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    I don't know my discarded lore, but wasn't the Yuuzhan part the only time Boba Fett was actually a badass?

    Let that remain in the past, too.

  • BremenBremen Registered User regular
    iyumcropus wrote: »
    "What's so bad about a Vong of the Yuuzhan persuasion?"
    The smell of powergaming authors taking a piss all over the SW universe...
    Let's see, lets burn this planet, lets wreck this race. Oh! oh! We'll also make them immune to the force and really into pain and leather.
    They were like a race that was invented on some school shooter's Trapper Keeper.

    So, Space Drow? Did their super powerful magic weapons turn to ash when you tried to loot them, too?

    Yes, actually. The explanation was actually that their weapons were living things, but that's pretty much how it worked.

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    Didn't they get severed from the force because they fucked up their symbiote-planet?

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Just the most awful Mary Sue writing imaginable. Revan was a non-character in KOTOR by design, and has now been elevated to The Most Powerful And Best Jedi Who Can Use All The Powers because making the player surrogate a badass is an easy win.

    Huh, that's pretty spot on. I view Revan favorably because my experience with them was custom tailored to what I like.

    Wouldn't mind them stumbling across my favorite sass-mouthed murderbot though.

  • Bobart RobskyBobart Robsky Registered User regular

    So, Space Drow? Did their super powerful magic weapons turn to ash when you tried to loot them, too?

    Pardon my butting in, but we call those chaps "Dark Eldar"

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular

    So, Space Drow? Did their super powerful magic weapons turn to ash when you tried to loot them, too?

    Pardon my butting in, but we call those chaps "Dark Eldar"

    Those posers don't even have grey skin. They just wear black.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    May the entire old EU remain ash. Salt the earth where it once stood.

    Ash is actually a decent fertilizer, so that would probably just cancel out to neutral.

  • JimayoJimayo Registered User new member
    No mention of Dash Rendar? I am disappoint.

  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Just the most awful Mary Sue writing imaginable. Revan was a non-character in KOTOR by design, and has now been elevated to The Most Powerful And Best Jedi Who Can Use All The Powers because making the player surrogate a badass is an easy win.

    I didn't know anything about Revan past KOTOR 2 and even then he was getting kinda silly. Apparently SWTOR powered that up over nine thousand from what I'm reading.

    This is why I always liked Luke. Even when he is the one supposed to stop the Emperor he never does it without help hell he flat out didn't even stop him himself let alone take out the Death Star 2. His story, even awkwardly making out with his twin, is of a flawed kid trying to be a hero and moderately succeeding.

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    Kagera wrote: »
    Tube wrote: »
    Just the most awful Mary Sue writing imaginable. Revan was a non-character in KOTOR by design, and has now been elevated to The Most Powerful And Best Jedi Who Can Use All The Powers because making the player surrogate a badass is an easy win.

    I didn't know anything about Revan past KOTOR 2 and even then he was getting kinda silly. Apparently SWTOR powered that up over nine thousand from what I'm reading.

    This is why I always liked Luke. Even when he is the one supposed to stop the Emperor he never does it without help hell he flat out didn't even stop him himself let alone take out the Death Star 2. His story, even awkwardly making out with his twin, is of a flawed kid trying to be a hero and moderately succeeding.

    Ultimately the problem with Revan is the same problem with Biowares approach to the Force in general. In Bioware games the Force is functionally identical to D&D magic. It's something you become proficient in and that proficiency coupled with nebulous innate aptitude lets you cast whatever spells the plot demands. There's Dark Side entities which might as well be Baatezu from D&D for example.

    This is because Bioware deals in power fantasies first and foremost. And when your power fantasy allows the player to be good or evil you need to be as ethically neutral as you possibly can to avoid hurting any body's fragile ego. So you have Revan master the Light and the Dark side and throw combined Light/Dark kamehamehas and have mysterious Empires that are exactly like the Sith but aren't Sith because we say so invade known space and blah blah blah.

    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
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