So Talon's working his call center job where he calls people to take a quality assurance survey about their last trip to the vet.
it's a pretty boring job and he's looking to make it interesting so he's having me make this dumb thread.
so who wants to throw in their phone number and pose as the people he's supposed to be calling?
fuck around all you want but keep in mind sometimes his supervisor listens in to his calls
he's calling
east coast numbers right now and working his way over to the west, he'll let me know as he changes time zones.
The Apocalypse Has Never Been More Fun
Secret Satan Wishlist!! Thinkgeek Wish List
Oh jesus.
3DS: 5241-1953-7031
Antics shall ensue.
no animals are harmed by Talon's fury
he has to call you
PM your number and I'll text it to him
but it has disappeared.
they were bees.
but dooooon't fuck em
cause if you want he can totally call me in fuckin england and we can hit it up and waste the company a lot of money.
Talon stuff
Furry 76
Bees 22
Tacos 2
never going a single comic-con without being punched by wook
t Carnivore, america
That didn't stop us from teasing them mercilessly.
Secret Satan
it's quality assurance for Banfield pet hospitals
so where ever there's a petsmart he has to call
Thanks, Rank
I think you're keen, too
There are enough threads for your entertainment here.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom