This is one of my favorite indie games of the year. Test after test of pure skill, amazing music by real techno's the best boss rush game I've ever played. See this one through!
There's this interesting part in the "dodge" section of the tutorial, where you can see charged shots obliterate the orb projectiles, and I think it turns green ones into health pickups. It's a decent mechanic, and kind of interesting that the developers made the conscious decision to not tell you that's how it works, like they expect you to figure it out as a matter of course.
I wonder how I would have reacted playing it for my first encounter rather than watching.
Felt to me like he's set up to be a tutorial boss. At the start it teaches you how to shoot with the right stick, and he counters other stuff, then you go into melee and it teaches you how to parry, which gives an opening to hurt him.
Then the next healthbar is charged shot and charged slash respectively.
Then the next healthbar is ranged dodge and melee dodge.
Now he combines his attacks from all the "tutorial" sections so far, and you need to react to what he's doing rather than just doing the on screen prompt for your attack.
DemonStaceyTTODewback's DaughterIn love with the TaySwayRegistered Userregular
Whenever you wonder why games have so many tutorials just watch Mike play something for the first time.
I always find watching Mike playing games to be really frustrating because he always pushes blame onto the game rather than himself. Furi is a brutal game but it's very fair about what it does, and it's annoying to see somebody repeatedly do the same thing that doesn't work and blame the game for it.
CAGs? The only acronyms I could google were "Cheap-ass gamers" and "Computer assisted gaming" (auto aim?)
The game itself looks like a fun challenge. Putting it on the ol' wishlist.
(edit: one of the tags on the Steam store was 'character action game.' Not really sure what that means either (pretty vague). The games listed make me think it translates to third-person action games?)
I love the boys but sometimes watching them play games it seems like it's their first time ever rather than something they've done their whole lives. They very frequently miss entirely blatant on-screen cues and tutorials, and there's *two* of them!
I get frustrated watching anyone struggle to play a game though.
CAGs? The only acronyms I could google were "Cheap-ass gamers" and "Computer assisted gaming" (auto aim?)
The game itself looks like a fun challenge. Putting it on the ol' wishlist.
(edit: one of the tags on the Steam store was 'character action game.' Not really sure what that means either (pretty vague). The games listed make me think it translates to third-person action games?)
Character Action Games - games that focus on a singular character with a complex and technical moveset. Examples include Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising. Similar to third-person action games like God of War, but distinguish themselves through generally focusing solely on action and combat.
lol @ all of the "git gud" flexing in this thread. Note: Mike and Jerry don't "play games for a living". They write and draw for a living. This is not an e-sports website.
This game looks like an awesome action game, but maaaaaaan that dialogue is terrible. I could do without that bit.
Felt to me like he's set up to be a tutorial boss. At the start it teaches you how to shoot with the right stick, and he counters other stuff, then you go into melee and it teaches you how to parry, which gives an opening to hurt him.
Then the next healthbar is charged shot and charged slash respectively.
Then the next healthbar is ranged dodge and melee dodge.
Now he combines his attacks from all the "tutorial" sections so far, and you need to react to what he's doing rather than just doing the on screen prompt for your attack.
And he plays games for a living!
Still entertaining though.
The game itself looks like a fun challenge. Putting it on the ol' wishlist.
(edit: one of the tags on the Steam store was 'character action game.' Not really sure what that means either (pretty vague). The games listed make me think it translates to third-person action games?)
I get frustrated watching anyone struggle to play a game though.
Character Action Games - games that focus on a singular character with a complex and technical moveset. Examples include Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising. Similar to third-person action games like God of War, but distinguish themselves through generally focusing solely on action and combat.
This game looks like an awesome action game, but maaaaaaan that dialogue is terrible. I could do without that bit.