You know the game with the flippers that makes a lot of noise and you spend a dollar to sewer your ball 3 timea in 40 seconds. ITS GREAT FUN
WHY SHOULD I PLAY? Mostly cause its awesome! Secondly you get high scores! Thirdly there are a crap ton of different tables each with different styles, goals, and possible wizard modes you can achieve and feel like a real boss.
Glad your shouting pinball is something to get excited about! Wizard modes are like the secret final boss of a pinball table! Usually achieved by completeing a bunch of different stuff a game and not always worth the most points but reaching (and sometimes beating) is a lot of fun and very rewarding. Well if you like pinball it is.
Heres me getting my first one on Black Knight 2000 (and doing terrible, also This is The Pinball Arcade game) also the first machine to have one
Compared to the more modern LOTR which takes a bit more effort
Well your in luck look at this
I found a demolition man machine and a bowling alley yesterday and wasted a hour there it was GREAT. Also gotra plan a pinball trip to toronto!
The other option is virtual pinball! I know you've all played the windows space pinball and its pretty good. I've been playing The Pinball Arcade its technically a free game but you have to pay for the tables. However they are real tables that have been liscenced from pinball manufacturers. They are a ton of fun to play! I recommend Medieval Madness, Star Trek TNG, Fish Tales, and Twilight Zone are all amazing.
Hope you dont mind the rambly random post that ive lost three times to express how much I love PINBALL and you should love it to!
Or you can tell me what the deal with skee ball is because I think that game is lame as heck
But I've only played pinball virtually. No good places for it in buttsville ohio.
personally no but I also use the lights and sounds to hide the fact im mouthing off to the machine and giving it the come at me bro stance when I sewer a ball
it's also not really a JACKPOT if there isn't a loud ass noise and a bunch of lights, it's mostly part of the experience for me and a lot of tables have really good sounds and lights so you'd be missin out anyways!
Had to login to farsight
I used to live across the street from a convenience store that always had a couple of arcade machines, and usually one or two pinball tables. For some reason the owner kept the volume on a med-high setting, and when you're playing games like Hook or Jurassic Park, which tend to have loud music and sound effects, let's just say I'm surprised no one had any complaints because the tables were there for years.
Those two are among my favourite tables to play, with Addams Family maybe rounding out the top three that I fondly remember.
Steam: TheArcadeBear
Quite the opposite. I need blinking lights and grimy squeals to tell me ramps are active, modes are on, bonuses are accumulating, and shit like that. From a distance, it all absolutely looks like a soup of strobe lights, for sure. But spend enough time with a table and you get into some real "all I see is blonde, brunette, red head" shit.
Plus, like, if I'm playing Doctor Who and I can't hear Daleks screaming at me, what even is the point.
This is one of the things that always drives me crazy about the Zen Pinball tables. From a usability and UI standpoint, that game blows Pinball Arcade out of the god damn water, but their tables are just so... quiet. They always seem really lifeless to me.
Have you tried playing instead by... sense of smell?
That and not even close to the free 50billion yoi can get great table
Ive ended up with season 1 and 3 so far and some tables I didnt mention are Attack from Mars, Dracula and Taxi which are all fantastic
My patents have a old 1980s spiderman in the basement which is a lot slower to play but a lot of fun as well
A second in my heart is the Starship troopers one
If I ever have the money I will get them. But one of the silly things I have found out is most of them are on the east coast and people selling them will not use couriers. or travel more than 80km to sell it
Thank god for Pinball FX humble bundles
So pinballs given me that
Instant sewer pinball why WHY