Penny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Captain Forever Remix

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited August 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Captain Forever Remix

Gabe and Tycho play a game for 15 minutes and then judge it accordingly. This week they play Captain Forever Remix.

Read the full story here

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  • ObstreperousObstreperous Registered User regular
    I love how Jerry makes normal words fancier. Roboids, laserions, etc

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    I can not have been the only person who was reminded of the board game Galaxy Trucker. Was I? No. Surely not. No.

  • ChronocapChronocap Registered User new member
    This was really the first time one of these has caused me to impulse purchase a game. This looks like it's right up my alley

  • DisorganicDisorganic Registered User new member
    edited August 2016
    Really enjoyed the game on steam, but then I played the hell out of the original on (like you guys tho, my lingering thought has been 'oh god the art style'. I like the aim-at-kids, make-something, learn-about-angular-momentum, but... considering the original was darker and a lot more claustrophobic I'd have liked something a little more UltraGrimDarkSupreme™. I'd like a bigger, badder sequel, please!

    Disorganic on
  • squidgetsquidget Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    I know the guy who made this (1 of the 2 person team) and it totally made his day when I showed him his game on PATV. It's pretty fun little game and I'm glad gabe and tycho had a decent time of it.

    squidget on
    "Work is the curse of the drinking class." - Oscar Wilde
  • AllisturAllistur Registered User regular
    This is great fun! Is there a longer version ?

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    Great episode! :+1:

    In a newspost long ago, I recall Jerry saying he can't play games like Galactic Civilizations because he crawls into the ship designer and never comes out; a disease we have in common.

    So I loved that Jerry practically barked at Mike not to skip the ship building, and his excitement throughout regarding that aspect was as palpable as it was relatable. I want this game.

    That is also one of the coolest, if unintentional, local-coop mechanics.

    ArbitraryDescriptor on
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