A couple years ago, I was looking at my forum signature, with the PAX Attended list and a checklist for the upcoming PAX, and it felt kinda cluttered and messy to me. So I decided to make a small image to visually represent the PAXes that I'd gone to.
Last year, I updated that image with a new badge, and refined it a bit because the badges felt too large and the numbers I originally drew didn't feel right. I also prototyped badges for East, South, and Aus (since I've only ever been to Prime/West), and tested variants for omeganauts, enforcers, and future badges ('cause I'm like that – when I get the idea for a set, I want to create the entire set, even if I only use part of it myself). At the same time, I got a request from another forumer who had seen my badge sig and wanted to do the same thing himself. So I pulled up my prototype, copied the relevant badges into a new image, and sent it off.
Now I'm very much a seasonal forumer – I don't look at the forum at all from mid-September after PAX West to mid-May before tickets drop for the next PAX West, and even when I am on I very rarely comment on anything, so my badge sig doesn't get out much. But I come back out of forum-hibernation this year, and I see badge sigs popping up, which is great... if a little surprising.
In any case, I figure if badge sigs are out in the wild now, I should at least go back to my prototype, finish it off, and release it. So here's the set, with omeganaut, enforcer, and future variants up to the end of this year:

Feel free to use this to create a badge image for your own forum signature!
Edit Edit 2022/2023:
Looks like "remyjette" on github made some improvements since I last touched it in 2016, but MetricalSky also made improved ribbons.
I'll look into adding the new ribbons. Some very careful copypasting should do it.
Next day edit: It is done.
https://broadstone.github.io/PAXSignatureGenerator/ is now updated.
Demonstration image after update:
Thanks again!
Do you have a source file in photoshop or illustrator or something like that as well? If you could post something like that, then other folks could continue updating in the future if you don't want to.
As for a source file, well... that top image is my source file. I did all these up in the Mac equivalent of Paint, and my art skills are quite limited (I'm a software dev, not an artist), but I didn't need anything fancy for what I wanted to make. Also, the font isn't actually a font... I drew those manually. But yes, an assets file would be useful, so I've extracted out all the components here:
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Funny you should say that... I was thinking that I should write an auto-generator for these after PAX.
PAX Weast 2017 Status: Badges [X] Room [X] Fried Rice [X]
I was thinking about giving this a shot after PAX. I figure someone with more knowledge and experience will knock it out before I can, but I think I might give it a go anyway, seems like a fun "learn some stuff" project.
Bofur, paint.net is free and works like a charm!
I use snagit to capture and edit. I love it use it almost daily. For more serious editing I use paint.net.
Reminder to move to General and sticky
Edit: Hmm, somehow in assembling these I made them super small. Oh well, works for me.
That was my intent, yes. I personally didn't feel right about showing a full badge until I had actually gone, so I made an outline.
It's super ugly and horrible right now (will probably rewrite a good chunk of it), and the UI is complete crap, but it's functional.
I still have quite a bit of work to do obviously, but here is the source if anyone is morbidly curious and/or wants to help make it less horrible.
Edit: Now with new UI thanks to MetricalSky
So I stole borrowed @Malgaras's asset sheets and code and made a thing:
It's super ugly and horrible right now (will probably rewrite a good chunk of it), and the UI is complete crap, but it's functional.
It runs entirely in the browser, however. You need to save the image and host it somewhere to make it work.
Big thank you to @MetricalSky on that one as well. I made some small updates, but the new UI code is 95% his.
Yup! I had already thought about those two, just based on what I've seen people create from the raw images... plus a few other ideas rattling around in my brain, which I dumped on the repository's issue tracker: https://github.com/gespo89/PAXSignatureGenerator/issues
I don't know exactly when I'll get around to implementing it, but it's definitely on my radar. Alternately, Malgaras can just go and do it right now. Because he's amazing.
Added a BYOC badge and line wrapping for badges.
There's still a bunch of things to add still including badge types, style variations, etc, but for me at least, that's all the time I have this weekend to work on this.
And I can have them organized by PAX now.
And, for now, I love how every South badge of mine is different
Sweet. All black, all the time. Until maybe I become an omeganaut. Until then, look at all that black.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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