Watch tonight as the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, Tim "ArKaineine" Kaine squares off against Mike "Pencer" Pence in a
Pokemon Battle debate moderated by CBSN anchor Elaine Quijano.
Streams here:
The debate is 90 minutes long, divided into ten minute segments. Quijano will ask a question, give each candidate two minutes to answer, and use the remaining time for rebuttals/followups. Expect both candidates to use the questions primarily to make themselves seem more affable and tie their opponent to their unpopular running mates.
More info.
You should be able to watch it anywhere, but you should watch it with us!
Discord is a free chat/voice client. I will be moderating the chat but I will not be voice chatting tonight most likely. Come to the chat room for real time discussion and dank memes.
Please don't post pure reactions like "wow" or "Did he really say that" and such without providing context for your remark. Reaction posts like that are more fitting for the chat room. The thread will already be moving fast.
Likewise no tweet dumps unless you have some actual commentary to share.
Many different issues will come up during the debate, obviously, if you find yourself getting into the weeds of a policy discussion like the merits of charter schools please take it to PM or start a thread.
No image macros.
No satire links.
Don't be a dick.
Thanks to SIG for the OP!
I expect nothing spectacular.
red and blue
not adam and steve
Mega-Evolution doesn't count. It's the Intelligent Design of the Pokemon world.
Done, and done. Now where do I submit that to?
God help me.
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Apparently Mike Pence already won it!
Everyone go home, nothing to see
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
I wanted Tim to win, but now I want him to Dad like he's never Dad'd before. Destroy Pence, Tim! Do it for us! FOR GENCON!
Starting in 5:00
QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
Mike pence is virulently anti-anything not heterosexual.
I'm so into these dads gonna dad it up only I do not like pence.
1) Utterly unable to choose between two of the most drastically different candidates ever
2) Expressing support for Trump because he'll keep jobs in the US (without apparently being aware he's never had a product made here)
3) Unable to recognize Kaine or Pence from photos
I just..
I just want to fucking shake people.
Nothing against Holt, but it's a shame they didn't swap the moderators for these two debates. I think Trump's meltdown could have been even more entertaining/self destructive had it been a woman trying to correct him.
This is completely and utterly unfair to Race.
It looks like the real Trump is tweeting.
They're not done with the first question and you're already playing the Race card?
I'm going to need someone to monitor and cherry pick this for me.
He's not even in the public eye for a night and he has to randomly be a dick?
Yeah, I thought the mods Bannoned using it.
Showing myself out
They tried to bury us. They didn't know that we were seeds. 2018 Midterms. Get your shit together.