For anyone with experience. So if we assume $107 for a 3 day pass, $X for a hotel for 1 or 2 people, $Y for cash on hand for other expenses (Food/other). What is X and Y, How much would it cost to go to PAX as a ballpark idea?
Looking at the prices, I don't even see three day listed. It just has single days. Would be interesting if they stopped them. At any rate, It's about 200 a night in a hotel. Other expenses would be on you, of course. For two people, I would say another $300 or so.
So if the 3 day pass was$107 I would be looking at $600-$800 for a hotel, $300 for expenses. So about $1007-$1207 for one person, $1114-$1314 for two. That sound right?
So if the 3 day pass was$107 I would be looking at $600-$800 for a hotel, $300 for expenses. So about $1007-$1207 for one person, $1114-$1314 for two. That sound right?
Seems high to me. I am estimating $160 for the passes (no 3-day), $200 for the hotel (I usually split 3 nights 3 ways), $100 for Con expenses (Swag and a board game), and about $240 for food. This is $700 from Thursday-Sunday and obviously you will have to adjust based on your situation. $1000+ seems excessive unless you're planning on going nuts on games at the con.
I do not believe 3 day passes are going to be available this year. Seems like you will have to buy single day passes now. I would say 1200-1400 for two people.
so, we're at 53/day for tickets (lets just round that to 160) with supposedly no more 3 day passes (like West)
2 people at aloft for 3 nights will be 640 according to my reservation for last year.
I'd say at least 30/day for food unless you're eating light or finding other options/skipping meals, so 90 dollars for the weekend there.
i'd easily throw on at least 50/day for general spending on "oooh, thats cool"
I tend to budget 1000-1500 for myself with passes, hotel cost, food, travel and merch. I tend to buy some shit, have at least one or two good meals at one of the seafood restaurants, I drive down from Toronto and gotta pay for parking, etc.
Whatever you're ballparking for expenses, unless you have a good amount of willpower, throw in an extra hundred or two for wiggle room. Your numbers look mostly fine in your second post though.
For me i tend to budget around 1500 or more, as due to the exchange rate a 800 dollar hotel stay is around 1100 Canadian for me (how i love the CAD).
Yeah, I was assuming USD without OP specifying. I'm in the same boat. Thankfully driving(or a porter seat sale)+splitting hotel has always made it reasonable to attend despite the dollar.
For me i tend to budget around 1500 or more, as due to the exchange rate a 800 dollar hotel stay is around 1100 Canadian for me (how i love the CAD).
Yeah, I was assuming USD without OP specifying. I'm in the same boat. Thankfully driving(or a porter seat sale)+splitting hotel has always made it reasonable to attend despite the dollar.
Yeah never had a issue with the CAD in travel, either a 8 hour drive or a 2-300 or so dollar flight on Porter, i have seen some say go to Buffalo but with the exchange rate you will end up paying more.
Sgt.Mays on
Gaymer, Nerd and Fan of Freeman's Mind/Half-life/GTA/Red Vs Blue
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
DominoKeizen MikazukiNew York, NYRegistered Userregular
Jeez you guys spend a lot. I average $400-500 for travel, food, and stay, $150-170 for the badges. I also say $100 for excess, but that number goes up and down +/- $50 depending on the year.
Jeez you guys spend a lot. I average $400-500 for travel, food, and stay, $150-170 for the badges. I also say $100 for excess, but that number goes up and down +/- $50 depending on the year.
I budget around 950.00 or so though really its prob closer to 800.00 I just budget more then I need to be safe
passes 160
train 50
gas to train 30
swag 70
food 150 (normally skip breakfest eat at the con for lunch and then have a nice meal for dinner someplace)
drinking money 300 ( normally its not this much prob closer to 175-200 range but still budget 100.00 a night)
taxi 50 ( I use the shuttle to get to the con but still taxi to a from the hotel from the convention center and then prob once or twice throughout the weekend)
hotel 150
DominoKeizen MikazukiNew York, NYRegistered Userregular
Jeez you guys spend a lot. I average $400-500 for travel, food, and stay, $150-170 for the badges. I also say $100 for excess, but that number goes up and down +/- $50 depending on the year.
Is the travel, food, and stay split with anyone?
Only the stay is, I often stay at the Westin Boston Waterfront, though last year I had to unfortunately stay at the Westin Copley Square. Either way, that amounts to $200-300 for each person in my room. Travel I try to get the $1 buses from NYC, but I'm not too disappointed if I end up with a $15-$30 round trip. Food I don't generally eat a lot, but lunch and dinner under $10 each, so $60 (dinner Thursday, lunch dinner Friday, Saturday, and lunch on Sunday.) I often splurge a little here though, I like barhopping though it's no where near as fun to do in Boston as it is here haha.
Aredhel22Blue Nova CosplayPittsburghRegistered Userregular
And my budget this year is:
Passes - $160
Hotel - $170/night plus tax (3 nights, divided by 4 people.. comes out to $150 ea)
Transportation - $50 (we're driving from Pittsburgh in one of our cars)
Uber from the con - $20 (hotel has a shuttle going there in the mornings)
Food - usually no more than $100
Total necessary expenses: about $500
And then on top of that, whatever alcohol we buy for the room and other stuff I want to spend money on. I usually don't spend more than $150 for both of these
My anticipated East '17 budget, based on my experiences the previous six Easts:
$160 - Badges
$200 - Round-trip flights (from Charleston, SC)
$250 - Four nights nearby hotel, split with three others (I've done three nights in the past, but staying Sunday night makes a big difference IMO)
$200 - Everything else (food, modest amount of merch, ???)
Last number could easily grow but that's already over $800. PAX ain't cheap!
My group usually stays at Logan and split it between5 of us in a room. I'm Canadian as well and I actually spend less this year than I did the previous year.
Passes are usually about $80 and I go all 3 days.
flight is what I saved on this year so $300-$500
hotel was 170 a night for thurs-mon split among 5 of us, so $180 after conversion
$200 American for spending
I've been saving since I left PAX East 2016 so I'm over half way on my saving
FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
150 passes
30ish Gas/Tolls
200ish Food/Drink
250ish Merch
725ish Hotel/Parking (all my friends snore badly and i'm a super light sleeper, so single occupancy close by lol)
1375ish. PAX is one of the highlights of my year, so I like to enjoy the living hell out of it
I live in state about 30 mins away, but I couldn't possibly drive in each day. I take the train in and live PAX for the entire weekend.
$160 passes
$20 for train
$20 Lyft
$200 for food
$300 alcohol and/or parties (I probably wont use this much but I want to be flexible)
$900 hotel/merch (goal is to snag Westin again. If I bring roommates then whatever I save will be going towards swag and games I buy)
Yowza. Never been so happy to live only a train ride away.
Yeah, it's really only the hotel that's all that expensive. If I'm not able to get Westin I might try to take my car in, but I'm sure I'll flip flop on whether to do that over the next five months.
$375 Tickets - all 3 days for me and all 3 days for a friend with and extra Sunday for his daughter. He's currently unemployed but we have been to every pax since PAX East and we can not miss one now because of no job :-)
$30 or so for parking
$20 for gas
$250 for food and merchandise
Gonna reuse last few years cosplay (TF2 Engineer and Fallout 4 Vault Dweller.) So I will have a little more cash this time hopefully.
Where do u find parking for that cheap?. Im thinking of going up the night before instead of morning cause its over a 3hr drive for me. If i go up friday i gotta leave around 5:30am or so. But yea kinda sucks they arent doing 3-day passes anymore cause i spent about how much a single day was more than usual. I'm not sure what im doing yet as far as merchandise/food because i never buy food inside conventions always overpriced and most of the time it isnt even good.
Where do u find parking for that cheap?. Im thinking of going up the night before instead of morning cause its over a 3hr drive for me. If i go up friday i gotta leave around 5:30am or so. But yea kinda sucks they arent doing 3-day passes anymore cause i spent about how much a single day was more than usual. I'm not sure what im doing yet as far as merchandise/food because i never buy food inside conventions always overpriced and most of the time it isnt even good.
I'm not sure if this is what Sepioth does for parking, but if I was to take my car in I definitely would not park it in the Seaport district. Way too expensive for more of the places down there. I would park it somewhere outside of the city. Alewife if you're coming from the north and I think people like Quincy if you're coming from the south. I'm not sure of the actual numbers, but it is so much cheaper. Then, just take the T in from there.
As far as food goes, for lunch you could choose to make some deli sandwiches ahead of time and stuff them in a lunch bag with an ice pack. It would get your lunches down a reasonable amount.
160 for passes
282 for hotel (3 night stay at the Renaissance, divided by 3, plus taxes and fees)
About $30 for gas (Driving from Montreal in one car, split 3 ways)
Food and merch: I play this by ear, usually around $300-400 USD
So I usually budget around $500 each year, this year will probably go up to $600 for the cost of single days vs my usual weekend pass. This includes food, alcohol, public transportation/uber, some spending money, hotel and passes. I live in MA, so its only a 30 min drive into Boston for me.
SkeleVaderYour Friendly Dark Lord of DestructionRegistered Userregular
For people that have flown from Seattle, what is a decent price to try and get for flights? Right now it looks like $280 - $300 round trip depending on flight times.
Ah alright. Yea ill be driving from CT and it was like $70 for just 2 overnights of parking at the hotel. Im def not doing that again this year. Ill rather park at one of the parking garages close to the con. The BCEC says its around $10 per day but is that all day/night every day kind of thing since its open for events only. As far as food where was that bacon truck?. Those sandwiches sound sooooo good . This will be my 4th PAX East and someone def needs to show me. When it comes to Merch i normally just get my usual pin set but spent a little more just to get that PAX Hoodie cause its really comfortable. Ill do my normal snacks throughout the con and late night snacks like normal.
Ah alright. Yea ill be driving from CT and it was like $70 for just 2 overnights of parking at the hotel. Im def not doing that again this year. Ill rather park at one of the parking garages close to the con. The BCEC says its around $10 per day but is that all day/night every day kind of thing since its open for events only. As far as food where was that bacon truck?. Those sandwiches sound sooooo good . This will be my 4th PAX East and someone def needs to show me. When it comes to Merch i normally just get my usual pin set but spent a little more just to get that PAX Hoodie cause its really comfortable. Ill do my normal snacks throughout the con and late night snacks like normal.
Those garages rule set to have all day/all night rates. But over night is what they don't do from what I remember. It is priced differs and they have shuttles services at least.
I'm in the same situation as I come from CT. Last year, I was lucky to stayed at the Seaport Hotel and was able to have in & out privilege and over night stay parking at a pretty good reduced rate.
It was really convenient as I brought my own futon and all. Plus storage if I bought stuff from the con and free swag.
I used to live in CT (yeah CT represent!) and we used to drive up to alewife and take the T in. The garage is secure and only costs around $8/day so you're looking at around $25 for parking and then $5 for round trip fare on the T.
For people that have flown from Seattle, what is a decent price to try and get for flights? Right now it looks like $280 - $300 round trip depending on flight times.
I'm in TX and it's around 250-300 like other have said. It's in March this year, right around spring break.. so be careful. I don't imagine many people going to Boston for spring break, but still prices might spike if you wait too long. I usually wait around 2 months prior
Where do u find parking for that cheap?. Im thinking of going up the night before instead of morning cause its over a 3hr drive for me. If i go up friday i gotta leave around 5:30am or so. But yea kinda sucks they arent doing 3-day passes anymore cause i spent about how much a single day was more than usual. I'm not sure what im doing yet as far as merchandise/food because i never buy food inside conventions always overpriced and most of the time it isnt even good.
Nice seeing some CT posts . I was able to afford the tickets but i have no clue what im doing as far as hotel at the moment. I dont have a job but have $200 set aside for hotel but might have to figure something out thu/fri as far as sleep. Im hoping to find one soon so i dont have to resort to doing that but there is still time. I was at the Seaport as well and it was $72 for just 2 nights. I was like damn thats expensive....
Nice seeing some CT posts . I was able to afford the tickets but i have no clue what im doing as far as hotel at the moment. I dont have a job but have $200 set aside for hotel but might have to figure something out thu/fri as far as sleep. Im hoping to find one soon so i dont have to resort to doing that but there is still time. I was at the Seaport as well and it was $72 for just 2 nights. I was like damn thats expensive....
It seems pricey but then when you realize what the standard rate for these hotels is, you're getting a good night. The Seaport would normally run you close to $400/night without the PAX discount.
I'm not sure if this is what Sepioth does for parking, but if I was to take my car in I definitely would not park it in the Seaport district. Way too expensive for more of the places down there. I would park it somewhere outside of the city. Alewife if you're coming from the north and I think people like Quincy if you're coming from the south. I'm not sure of the actual numbers, but it is so much cheaper. Then, just take the T in from there.
Alewife isn't really that great from the north. You're basically going 15m out of your way. Better to just go to Malden Center really. The only advantage I'd see to going to Alewife is that if you're planning to stay out rather late, you're less likely to run into problems with the last trip out if you only have one line change instead of two.
Alewife is $7 if you can be in and out within 14 hours, $15 after. That's not really much better than parking in the BCEC lots really.
Seems high to me. I am estimating $160 for the passes (no 3-day), $200 for the hotel (I usually split 3 nights 3 ways), $100 for Con expenses (Swag and a board game), and about $240 for food. This is $700 from Thursday-Sunday and obviously you will have to adjust based on your situation. $1000+ seems excessive unless you're planning on going nuts on games at the con.
2 people at aloft for 3 nights will be 640 according to my reservation for last year.
I'd say at least 30/day for food unless you're eating light or finding other options/skipping meals, so 90 dollars for the weekend there.
i'd easily throw on at least 50/day for general spending on "oooh, thats cool"
I tend to budget 1000-1500 for myself with passes, hotel cost, food, travel and merch. I tend to buy some shit, have at least one or two good meals at one of the seafood restaurants, I drive down from Toronto and gotta pay for parking, etc.
Whatever you're ballparking for expenses, unless you have a good amount of willpower, throw in an extra hundred or two for wiggle room. Your numbers look mostly fine in your second post though.
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Yeah, I was assuming USD without OP specifying. I'm in the same boat. Thankfully driving(or a porter seat sale)+splitting hotel has always made it reasonable to attend despite the dollar.
Yeah never had a issue with the CAD in travel, either a 8 hour drive or a 2-300 or so dollar flight on Porter, i have seen some say go to Buffalo but with the exchange rate you will end up paying more.
Attended: East 14, 15 and West 16
Attending West 2019
Is the travel, food, and stay split with anyone?
passes 160
train 50
gas to train 30
swag 70
food 150 (normally skip breakfest eat at the con for lunch and then have a nice meal for dinner someplace)
drinking money 300 ( normally its not this much prob closer to 175-200 range but still budget 100.00 a night)
taxi 50 ( I use the shuttle to get to the con but still taxi to a from the hotel from the convention center and then prob once or twice throughout the weekend)
hotel 150
Only the stay is, I often stay at the Westin Boston Waterfront, though last year I had to unfortunately stay at the Westin Copley Square. Either way, that amounts to $200-300 for each person in my room. Travel I try to get the $1 buses from NYC, but I'm not too disappointed if I end up with a $15-$30 round trip. Food I don't generally eat a lot, but lunch and dinner under $10 each, so $60 (dinner Thursday, lunch dinner Friday, Saturday, and lunch on Sunday.) I often splurge a little here though, I like barhopping though it's no where near as fun to do in Boston as it is here haha.
And my budget this year is:
Passes - $160
Hotel - $170/night plus tax (3 nights, divided by 4 people.. comes out to $150 ea)
Transportation - $50 (we're driving from Pittsburgh in one of our cars)
Uber from the con - $20 (hotel has a shuttle going there in the mornings)
Food - usually no more than $100
Total necessary expenses: about $500
And then on top of that, whatever alcohol we buy for the room and other stuff I want to spend money on. I usually don't spend more than $150 for both of these
$160 - Badges
$200 - Round-trip flights (from Charleston, SC)
$250 - Four nights nearby hotel, split with three others (I've done three nights in the past, but staying Sunday night makes a big difference IMO)
$200 - Everything else (food, modest amount of merch, ???)
Last number could easily grow but that's already over $800. PAX ain't cheap!
PAX East Attendee since 2011
Passes are usually about $80 and I go all 3 days.
flight is what I saved on this year so $300-$500
hotel was 170 a night for thurs-mon split among 5 of us, so $180 after conversion
$200 American for spending
I've been saving since I left PAX East 2016 so I'm over half way on my saving
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
150 passes
30ish Gas/Tolls
200ish Food/Drink
250ish Merch
725ish Hotel/Parking (all my friends snore badly and i'm a super light sleeper, so single occupancy close by lol)
1375ish. PAX is one of the highlights of my year, so I like to enjoy the living hell out of it
$160 passes
$20 for train
$20 Lyft
$200 for food
$300 alcohol and/or parties (I probably wont use this much but I want to be flexible)
$900 hotel/merch (goal is to snag Westin again. If I bring roommates then whatever I save will be going towards swag and games I buy)
$1600. Yup, don't look at me.
Yeah, it's really only the hotel that's all that expensive. If I'm not able to get Westin I might try to take my car in, but I'm sure I'll flip flop on whether to do that over the next five months.
$30 or so for parking
$20 for gas
$250 for food and merchandise
Gonna reuse last few years cosplay (TF2 Engineer and Fallout 4 Vault Dweller.) So I will have a little more cash this time hopefully.
So for now $675
I'm not sure if this is what Sepioth does for parking, but if I was to take my car in I definitely would not park it in the Seaport district. Way too expensive for more of the places down there. I would park it somewhere outside of the city. Alewife if you're coming from the north and I think people like Quincy if you're coming from the south. I'm not sure of the actual numbers, but it is so much cheaper. Then, just take the T in from there.
As far as food goes, for lunch you could choose to make some deli sandwiches ahead of time and stuff them in a lunch bag with an ice pack. It would get your lunches down a reasonable amount.
Hotel (my share) - $505
Flight - $479
Food - $250
Spending - $500
So total for me is about $1900 ... but I kind of like to not worry about money while I'm there.
I live 30 mins away and we get there early enough to park at the main lot. I believe parking is $20 a day.
@RedK232 for food try the food trucks they have had last few years. Reasonably priced and usually pretty good food.
160 for passes
282 for hotel (3 night stay at the Renaissance, divided by 3, plus taxes and fees)
About $30 for gas (Driving from Montreal in one car, split 3 ways)
Food and merch: I play this by ear, usually around $300-400 USD
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
That bacon truck last PAX...
Man, I had one of those grilled cheese sandwiches last year? Damn that was good.
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
Those garages rule set to have all day/all night rates. But over night is what they don't do from what I remember. It is priced differs and they have shuttles services at least.
I'm in the same situation as I come from CT. Last year, I was lucky to stayed at the Seaport Hotel and was able to have in & out privilege and over night stay parking at a pretty good reduced rate.
It was really convenient as I brought my own futon and all. Plus storage if I bought stuff from the con and free swag.
250-300 Round trip, that's pretty standard.
Some of the Hotels include free parking.
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
It seems pricey but then when you realize what the standard rate for these hotels is, you're getting a good night. The Seaport would normally run you close to $400/night without the PAX discount.
Alewife is $7 if you can be in and out within 14 hours, $15 after. That's not really much better than parking in the BCEC lots really.