I don't think is a problem but checking

WiseManTobesWiseManTobes Registered User regular
I'm a big fat fingered meat behemoth, so a lot of times while scrolling on phone, I flag/report posts by accident, I then unreport/unflag, but I'm not getting anyone in accidental trouble or anything am I?

Steam! Battlenet:Wisemantobes#1508


  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    I'm a big fat fingered meat behemoth, so a lot of times while scrolling on phone, I flag/report posts by accident, I then unreport/unflag, but I'm not getting anyone in accidental trouble or anything am I?

    Flag brings up a pop-up, "Report," after which you have another Pop-up where you fill in details then confirm it. Are you doing 3 separate button-pushes accidentally? Otherwise I don't think it does anything.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
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  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I checked the reports, and nothing has come from you recently

    For what it's worth, even if you did send something by mistake, a mod has to actual look at the post in question and determine if action needs to be taken. So you wouldn't have gotten anyone in trouble.

  • HevachHevach Registered User regular
    edited October 2016
    I've occasionally followed threads doing the same thing. I came home from work the other day to hundreds of notifications and thought, "Damn, something blew up the Star Trek thread!" but, no, I'd just followed the chat thread somehow. Don't think it's an actual problem, as long as you watch for and correct it, and even if it is, the problem's not with the forum but with the touch screen.

    Hevach on
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