I like the idea of humanity as the "fuck it hold my beer" species but that image meme is suffering from some really selective memory or confirmation bias regarding Star Trek.
every person who doesn't like an acquired taste always seems to think everyone who likes it is faking it. it should be an official fallacy.
In middle school I had a friend with a wireless mouse. It skipped from time to time. As a result, I have never had anything wireless. Except internet but never to play games on just for ljke random shit.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
read labels man
I know them all by heart. How do you think I got my mail order Chemistry degree?
Man I hate when you have to poop but aren't near a toilet so you feel that like supreme build up of shitting, and then there's that maddening crunch where you are taking your pants off, but aren't currently over the toilet that you feel like you're about to shit on the floor.
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
I can't shit at home without some kind of activity to occupy my mind. I once shit my pants because I was waiting for my phone to charge before going to the bathroom.
Seriously though I almost would rather shit myself than not have some reading material or something to do. It is fucking madness to just sit there, shitting and nothing else. It's FUCKING MADNESS, I tell you.
Except you. You know who you are.
It's me.
Even if you already put out a-game, placebo effect's got your back.
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
just poop at work it's not that bad
Yeah just imagine your pooping at home.
We actually have Charmin ultra strong in our stalls at work. Top tier job to poop on.
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
This employee satisfaction
That would make for interesting weekends..
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
I had no idea Ultron was mimeing the song
I don't know if it would have been more or less awesome if I had known
you just have to power through it, if you must go, do it in a bag, take the bag to work and flush it there
I was not impressed.
QUICKLY! Wrap yourself in Gorilla Tape! It'll keep all your parts from exploding! HURRY!
take a second job during the weekends just so you always have a time and place to poop while getting paid for it
I might prefer it that way
I own the solo3 wireless.
They are the best wireless headphones I have ever owned, full stop.
A big part of the draw is only having to charge them once every couple of weeks.
Let's play Mario Kart or something...
*recognizes famous people.*
*feels accomplished*
The reprise was better than the prise.
You pooped for free? C'mon man your time is more valuable than that.
Your beard is beautiful tho
read labels man
Remember pooping before phones, guys
I know them all by heart. How do you think I got my mail order Chemistry degree?
Thank you, Suave.
*magazine rack covered in cobwebs*
Seriously though I almost would rather shit myself than not have some reading material or something to do. It is fucking madness to just sit there, shitting and nothing else. It's FUCKING MADNESS, I tell you.