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East 2017 Room Shares [part 2] - please read the OP!

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
While strict enforcement of the one post per person rule has cut down heavily on the reposting to get on the front page, it has also caused some problems with posts that need modified late in the game but are stuck on an old page.

There is still a one post per person policy, but I will be starting to cull posts from the thread that have been struck out or marked as no longer valid. I will try to do this as necessary, but there will not be a hard schedule for this purpose. This will mean that there should not be a wall of inactive posts to sift through in order to find active ones. Also it means that if someone had a post that was culled from early on, they can freely re-post it later if shit went south. If you abuse this, your ability to post in this thread will be revoked entirely.


Post here if you are looking to share your room, or looking for a room to share. Please keep your posts up to date!


You get ONE post in this thread per UNIQUE room share situation. Do not re-post your offer/request. Re-posts will be deleted.

If you need to modify your post and cannot edit it yourself (accounts below a certain participation threshold), PM me and I will make the edit for you. Not having permission to edit is not a valid excuse for re-posting.

If you *really* think you have a good reason to post for a second time, PM me first.


If you have a room and want to fill space, use this format:



Total Cost:
Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Number of Spots Available:
My Gender
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes/Requests:


If you are looking for a place to sleep, use this format:


Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes:




  • acaraba2acaraba2 Tampa, FLRegistered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Have Space for Wednesday Only if someone is looking

    Now I know I gotten a couple email and Skype messages from a couple people over that last 10 days. Sorry for not responding. I am responding to those messages in order I received them

    Hotel: Westin Waterfront
    Total Cost: ~$1250 (Thursday Night is a direct reservation with the hotel, unless I get lucky with On-peak in the next couple days.
    Your Cost: $250
    Date Arriving: Thurs (03/09) (Cost does not include Wed.)
    Date Leaving: Mon (03/13)
    Spots Available: 1 Available
    My Gender: Male - 28
    Your Gender: No preference
    Best Contact Method: PM , Skype: acaraba2, or email


    This is a double bedded room. I ask for payment at least one week before, so by March 1. Any questions feel free to ask.


    Hotel: Element Seaport
    Total Cost: $228
    Your Cost: $50
    Date Arriving: Wed (03/08)
    Date Leaving: Thurs (03/9)
    Spots Available: 2 Spots Available
    My Gender: Male - 28
    Your Gender: No preference
    Best Contact Method: PM , Skype: acaraba2, or email


    Most likely single bedded room. So, shared bed and 2 on the floor.

    acaraba2 on


  • madaznmadazn Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Wed 8 or Thurs 9
    Date Leaving: Sun 12 or Mon 13
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: No Preference
    Best Contact Method: Email ( FB

  • BrparadoxBrparadox Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thurs March 9th
    Date Leaving: Monday March 13
    Spots Needed: Whole Room
    My Gender:N/A
    Your Gender:N/A
    Best Contact Method: 516-286-5414 (Text)

    Additional Notes:Looking to take over a hotel room at a Hotel that is very close to the venue. Thank you.

  • divisiontendivisionten Registered User regular
    edited March 2017

    I am legally blind (and a cosplayer), and the max number of people I want in the room total is 4, for safety and mobility reasons. On my end, it's me and one other, nonsmoking, so I'm looking to add up to 2 people.
    I'm blind and older (30+), and am okay with sharing the main queen if the other person is female or someone I know. There is a second queen pullout available. No smoking- alcohol is fine but no parties. The AirBnB does not allow marijuana (even medical) and I am highly allergic to hemp so even if that's legal for you I cannot be near it. (Only mentioning it here as someone asked if they could consume their regulated medical mj since they thought it was my apartment-no, you can't)


    Hotel: Air BNB a block from (<5 minute walk). Includes a queen AND a pullout bed in a luxury apartment with kitchen. (Since this has come up, this is an AirBnB I rented, it is NOT my apartment)
    Total Cost: $125 per person per night (won't charge you for days you come late or leave early)
    Date Arriving: Thurs 3/9
    Date Leaving: Mon 3/13
    Number of Spots Available: Up to 2
    My Gender One female (me) plus one male
    Your Gender: Either
    Best Contact Method: PM me or email sarabethwinters @

    divisionten on
  • akuaakua Registered User new member
    edited January 2017
    Date Arriving: 3/10/17
    Date Leaving: 3/12/17
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Female
    Best Contact Method: email ( or DM here

    akua on
  • Riftblade PrimeRiftblade Prime Registered User new member

    Hotel: Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel (about two blocks from convention center)
    Total Cost: $1040 ($260 per person if all 3 spots are filled)
    Date Arriving: Thursday, March 9th
    Date Leaving: Monday, March 13th
    Number of Spots Available: 2-3
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: email at or PM me here

    Additional Notes/Requests: Have one free bed and floor space available. Non smokers please. Cosplayers welcome!

  • dexo1123dexo1123 Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday March 9th
    Date Leaving: Sunday March 12th
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Either
    Best Contact Method: PM or dexo1123 at gmail

  • Dragonite101Dragonite101 Nintendo, League of legend, Smite, and Dota 2 Fanatic. Mushroom KingdomRegistered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday March 9th
    Date Leaving: Sunday March 12th
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Either
    Best Contact Method: PM or

  • ColdguyColdguy Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Late Thursday
    Date Leaving: Sunday Evening
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: Phone (215-715-0260) or email (

    Additional Notes: I would like a spot in one of the three hotels close to the convention center but if you have a good offer I do not mind. I am driving up so if you need me to pick you up and are north of Philly I could arrange something. Let me know, thank you for reading.

  • juiceboxfarleyjuiceboxfarley Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Friday
    Date Leaving: Sunday Evening
    Spots Needed: preferably king room @ westin
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: n/a - looking for a whole room.
    Best Contact Method: twitter @juiceboxfarley or email

    Additional Notes: looking for a room at the westin

  • FizzsterFizzster Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday 3/9
    Date Leaving: Sunday 3/12
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: email

    Additional Notes: Long time PAX Goer and room sharer. I got stiffed on a room last year from a friend of a friend, so I'm going back to the room share thread where I've never had problems.

  • bloodedgedreaperbloodedgedreaper Registered User new member

    Hotel: Super 8 Watertown
    Total Cost: half of $169.00
    Date Arriving: 3/10/17
    Date Leaving: 3/12/17
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't Care
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes/Requests: I can transport you to the hotel and back Fri night, Sat morning/night, Sun morning. All other times you are responsible to getting to and from con. If I do transport you it would be much appreciated but not required to chip in gas and parking money. Keep in mind I like to arrive early and leave late.

  • VyhkappaVyhkappa Registered User new member
    edited February 2017

    Hotel: Ames Boston Hotel
    Total Cost: $80 a night. $320 total (4 nights).
    Date Arriving: 3/9
    Date Leaving:3/13
    Number of Spots Available: 1 (Might be 2)
    My Gender: Male x2
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: or pm me on here.

    Additional Notes/Requests: Hello, myself and a friend are booked in at the Ames Boston Hotel. A third friend was going to come, but they ended up getting a promotion and are thus unable to make it. I say "Might be 2" because the room is fit for 4 people, but the res was for 3. I am pretty much just posting here to see if anyone would be interested in coming along with us, since I feel it would be a waste to not fill that last space. You would be absolutely welcome to hang out with us at PAX, and I have made plans for restaurants/other things each night if you'd like to join us in those as well. This would be my 4th PAX East. Uber/Lyft to the convention center (and to restaurants if you choose to come with us) is on me. If interested, please feel free to ask me questions via pm or email. For the sake of my health, please don't be a smoker. Thanks!

    Vyhkappa on
  • macbittmacbitt Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Booked up, thanks.

    macbitt on
  • SilentCrescendoSilentCrescendo Registered User new member
    edited February 2017

    Hotel: Seaport Hotel Boston (2nd closest to the convention center!!)
    Total Cost: $1483
    Date Arriving: Thu Mar 9th
    Date Leaving: Sun Mar 12th
    Number of Spots Available: 2
    My Gender: Couple
    Your Gender: female
    Best Contact Method: PM me here

    Additional Notes/Requests: We are pretty quiet, we like to go to bed at like 10:30pm each nite. I typically work at PAX East doing booth hostessing, so that's why I need quiet and I go to bed early. If you or your significant other works at PAX East as a booth hostess that would be perfect :)

    zerzhul on
  • ossipagoossipago Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Reposting since previous arrangement backed out.


    Hotel: Westin Waterfront
    Total Cost: Half (approx. 250)
    Date Arriving: Thursday 3/9 (see note) or Friday 3/10
    Date Leaving: Sunday, 3/12
    Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes:
    This is a two-bed room; you will have your own bed. Will share with one person only. Unfortunately, my Thursday night is booked at a different hotel (Renaissance Waterfront), although I will continue to try to get the Westin for that night. Prefer to do a quick phone chat before finalizing anything. PM me ASAP if interested.

    ossipago on
  • AustinG909AustinG909 Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday, 3/9
    Date Leaving: Sunday 3/12 or Monday, 3/13 - can do either
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: two males
    Your Gender: no preference
    Best Contact Method: or text 302-220-7074

    Additional Notes:
    I'm a writer attending as press with my childhood best friend, we're young (21) and easygoing/relaxed. We won't be spending much time in the room, but are looking for a place to hang our hats. We're down to hang and be friends or just let you do your thing. Him and I are perfectly fine with sharing a bed, if you only have one bed available.

  • EdobeanEdobean Lawndale, CARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017

    Date Arriving: 3/9 (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: 3/12 (Sunday)
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: N/A
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes: I'm basically using room for just sleep and shower. Most of my time will be at the convention or hanging with friends. Hoping to find something that's not too far from the convention. Have no problem sleeping on the floor if need to.

    Edobean on
  • Black6xBlack6x Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Saturday
    Date Leaving: Sunday Afternoon
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: PM me here

    Additional Notes: If anyone is giving up a reservation at the Westin, the Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, or the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, please reach out to me, as I would like to take your Saturday reservation. I have reservations for all of the other days, but that day is where it falls short.

  • rjmckrjmck Registered User new member
    edited February 2017

    Check in: Fri
    Date leaving: Sun
    2 Beds
    My Gender: M
    Your Gender: ?
    Best Contact Method: message here or text 973.229.7468

    My travel partner backed out, so I have a room at the Beacon Inn that may or may not get used. The total cost for two nights is $384 (room + parking fee). If you want to bunk with, I might be able to salvage this trip, otherwise you can buy the room.

    rjmck on
  • Rule of ThreeRule of Three Game Designer Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Anyday from Thursday Onward
    Date Leaving: Sunday
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes: I have a booth at Pax; this is mostly a place to toss my things and shower for me. Ideally, I am seeking something in the Westin or very close by as I don't live very far away, but convenience is important.


  • LadyAriaLadyAria Registered User new member
    edited March 2017
    HAVE SPACE AVAILABLE: 2(+) updated 3/2

    Hotel: Doubletree Club Hotel by Hilton Boston - Bayside
    240 Mt. Vernon Street,
    Boston, MA 02125. 3 miles from the convention and on the shuttle route.

    Total Cost: 216.31 Price reduced! $175 for the weekend for one person, less if there's more people. ($432.62 before split)
    Date Arriving: as early as needed Friday
    Date Leaving: Sunday
    Number of Spots Available: double bed (2) but I don't mind fitting more folks if possible with a fold out or something.
    My Gender: Couple (M+F)
    Your Gender: any. Just be a respectable and responsible individual please.
    Best Contact Method: text works best. Please let me know you're from here in your intro message. 7815100227

    Additional notes: while I plan to be out late for some after parties and hanging with devs and vendor pals, my partner might be turning in a bit earlier. Either way, we aren't a rowdy bunch.

    zerzhul on
  • ausjamausjam Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday 9th
    Date Leaving: Sunday 12th
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: M
    Your Gender:any
    Best Contact Method: jfwilson at gmail dot com

    Additional Notes: I've booked a last minute trip to PAX from Australia, so looking for a reasonably priced place to stay for the three nights!
    Easy going and could sleep on floor/couch if needed.

  • RanadicusRanadicus Registered User new member
    edited March 2017
    HAVE SPACE (1) edited 3/5

    Hotel: Best Western Plus
    Total Cost: $800 split between occupants ($200 each if we get 4)
    Date Arriving: Thursday 3/9
    Date Leaving: Monday 3/13
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: 2 Male and 1 Female
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: or @Ranadicus on Twitter DM is open

    Notes: This is a suite with 2 queens and a sleeper sofa. Everyone will have their own bed!

    zerzhul on
  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Element Boston (super close!)
    Total Cost: $823.50
    Your Cost: $205.50 in total for the three nights
    Date Arriving: Thurs 3/9
    Date Leaving: Sun 3/12
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender One male (29) and one female (24)
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM or cell 6032034958

    Additional Notes/Requests: Like all rooms at Element it is complete with full size refrigerator and kitchenette. Check it out on the Element website here. Something has come up and we need to save some money than we initially planned and hope to do so by adding a couple people to the reservation. We're easy going, mainly just going to use the room to sleep and shower. She's cosplaying a few characters over the weekend so getting ready for that too. We're down to be friends if you're looking for that or if you're looking to do your own thing that's cool too. Looking to receive total amounts by Sunday, so I can cancel Monday if I need to. Payable via Paypal. Of course I'll give you everything I can for peace of mind and such too. No bed space available, but we can try to get cots for yas. Shoot me a PM with some information about you and your plans for PAX and we'll go from there.

    robirex on
  • mawreesmawrees Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Boston Park Plaza Hotel (1.75mi from venue)
    Total Cost: $407
    Your cost: $100
    Date Arriving: Friday Morning, 3/10
    Date Leaving: Sunday Morning, 3/12
    Number of Spots Available: 2 (Willing to fit more. Just gotta bring sleeping bags)
    My Gender: Male (Both roommate and I)
    Your Gender: No preference
    Best Contact Method: Email

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    - Two double beds in the room.
    - I don't have a preference on who rooms with us, but I would love to room with anyone plays fighting games. (Smash included)
    - Please be clean and respectful. My roommate and I are super chill.
    - I would love to bring some adult beverages, so keep in mind of that.
    - We also ask of a deposit to ensure spots in the room. Unfortunately, I have been screwed in past with payments. I only ask for half of the fee, which would be $50. If you can pay the full amount, then that's even better. We'll hold the payments until the day we arrive to the hotel.
    - Any other questions, feel free to contact me via email. Thanks!!

    mawrees on
  • ChoujicosplayerChoujicosplayer Cape Cod, MARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Seaport Hotel
    Your cost: $150
    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Number of Spots Available: 1 will need to bring a sleeping bag
    My Gender: 3xM 1xF
    Your Gender: No preference
    Best Contact Method: Pm me here or tweet me @ChoujiSenpai

    Choujicosplayer on
    Get some cookies, so you can eat 'em and grow up big and strong and kick Piston in the butt-butt.
  • pujolsrox11pujolsrox11 Registered User regular

    Looking for hotel CLOSE TO VENUE (prefer walking distance) Will pay cash in hand. Floor space IS FINE.

    Date Arriving: Saturday Morning
    Date Leaving: Sunday Morning is fine (can use baggage claim at hotel)
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Whatever
    Best Contact Method: Phone at 603-903-2490 (text please 24/7) or email at

  • CapDaintyCapDainty Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Omni Parker House
    Total Cost: $888.12
    Your Cost: $111.00/Night each for one person / $74.01/Night each person for two people
    Date Arriving: 03/09 (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: 03/13 (Monday)
    Number of Spots Available: 1 or 2(if a couple/willing to share a bed)
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Dont Care
    Best Contact Method: for email or text (765)775-0217

    Additional Notes/Requests: I have a double bed room, most likely will be higher level floor (I like having a view). I am fairly chill but will be attending parties so any anti-drinking or people who go to bed super early probably wont be a good match. Also will possibly be bringing an xbox and some games to play especially since Im getting in a day early.

    CapDainty on
  • TheDoctrTheDoctr Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Newbury Guest House
    Total Cost: $706.17
    Date Arriving: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
    Date Leaving: Sunday, March 12, 2017
    Number of Spots Available: 2 (1 Room, 1 Queen Bed)
    My Gender: N/A (See notes)
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: Email.

    Additional Notes/Requests: I have a booking on for PAX East. I will not be in the room at all and it will be transferred entirely to you.

    TheDoctr on
  • jpangjpang Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Langham Hotel Boston
    Total Cost: $1,091.56 (before split) $272.89
    Date Arriving: Thu Mar 09, 2017
    Date Leaving: Sun Mar 12, 2017
    Number of Spots Available: 3/4
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes/Requests:

    Need to know by tomorrow morning! Or else I'll have to cancel the room!

    jpang on
  • BrparadoxBrparadox Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday 9th
    Date Leaving: Sunday 12th
    Spots Needed: 3
    My Gender: M M M
    Your Gender:any
    Best Contact Method: 516-286-5414

    Additional Notes: Looking for a room to stay in or a reservation to take over for a hotel close to the convention. Text me

  • MasterLedZMasterLedZ Registered User new member

    Hotel: The Beacon Inn (1750 Beacon St, Brookline, MA 02446)
    Total Cost: $333 ($166 for you, total cost for 3 nights)
    Date Arriving: Thursday, 3/9
    Date Leaving: Sunday, 3/12
    Number of Spots Available: 1 adult (your own double bed)
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: Text 309-721-3920 or tweet to me @TVReeh

    Additional Notes/Requests: Fair warning, this hotel is about 7 miles from the convention center. I have my own planned transportation to PAX, but this hotel is a short walk to either the bus or T subway stops. If you're driving, let me know ASAP so I can secure hotel parking. I'm super chill and flexible, just looking for a respectful roommate! Coming in from late nights not a problem with me at all.

  • NoxFundoNoxFundo Registered User new member
    Hotel: Westin Boston Waterfront
    Total Cost: 482.98
    Date Arriving: 3/9
    Date Leaving: 3/11
    Number of Spots Available: 2-3 Floor Space
    My Gender Cis Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: On here is fine, or email

    Additional Notes/Requests: There are currently two of us in the room. I made a mistake when booking so check out is on Saturday, though I will be attempting to book for Saturday if there is space. Saturday night is at currently another hotel (See below).

    Hotel: The Westin Copley Place
    Total Cost: 269.80
    Date Arriving: 3/11
    Date Leaving: 3/12
    Number of Spots Available: 2-3 Floor Space
    My Gender Cis Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: On here is fine, or email

    Additional Notes/Requests: This hotel is about 2mi away from convention center, so not too far. There are currently two of us in the room. Again I will be trying to book the Waterfront for Saturday, but if that fall through then this is the backup.

  • phyxius149phyxius149 Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Boston Park Plaza
    Total Cost: $814 (Total Cost) Looking to split
    Date Arriving: Thursday March 9th
    Date Leaving: Monday March 13th
    Number of Spots Available: 1 or 2 if willing to share (1 double bed available)
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Male preferred, but not required
    Best Contact Method: PM or email phyxius149 at gmail dot com

    Additional Notes/Requests: Currently booked for 1, but I'd be willing to let 2 more join if they're willing to share a bed.

    phyxius149 on
  • Skeptic42Skeptic42 Registered User new member
    edited March 2017
    No longer available

    Skeptic42 on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Hey @zerzhul I suck at deleting posts (or maybe I just can't?) feel free to delete this. Thanks. Hope to see ya this weekend man. :)

    Giving up AN ENTIRE ROOM at the Renaissance Boston Waterfront

    Hotel: Renaissance Boston Waterfront
    Total Cost: $848.08 (Full cost the reservation quoted me for, taxes etc. already included)
    Date Arriving: Thursday 3/9
    Date Leaving: Sunday 3/12
    Number of Spots Available: As much as you want, honestly (though the room is technically booked for 1, but they typically don't care)
    My Gender: N/A
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: twitter or email

    Additional Notes/Requests: I had no idea that I had this reservation, but it's likely too late to cancel without having to pay a full days charge as a penalty for late cancellation unless they remove that penalty for con rates which would be amazing. And if anybody knows this for sure, please let me know! (at one of the above contact methods)
    ANYWAY. I will not be staying here, therefore I would transfer the room to somebody else. I can be there any time tomorrow (Thursday) after noon to check in with you and transfer the information over (I've done this before, it's easy). So if there's any group of friends looking for a place to stay, or if any of you in here want to group up and take this, please let me know ASAP because otherwise I will be calling them within the next few hours to see if I can cancel it penalty-free.
    I will delete this post when the room has either been cancelled or somebody has claimed it. So if you are reading this, it is still open.

    Coldbrew on
  • ricincakesricincakes Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: March 10
    Date Leaving: March 10
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: female
    Your Gender: don't care
    Best Contact Method:

    I live about 45 min from Boston and it would be easier to just stay the night there Friday to say. I have one male friend with me.

  • SuaveScarletSuaveScarlet Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Either Thursday 3/9 or Friday 3/10
    Date Leaving: Sunday 3/12
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: via email

  • Jeeves_The_ButlerJeeves_The_Butler Registered User new member
    edited March 2017

    Hotel: Westin Boston Waterfront
    Total Cost: ($380 per night Total) But $90 per person
    Date Arriving:Thursday
    Date Leaving: Friday
    Number of Spots Available: 3*okay, 2 spots left
    My Gender: Male, +another male
    Your Gender: Anyone
    Best Contact: (978) 875-0184, then
    Notes: Awesome! people are roomin' wit' me! I might hurry up... if I you want a spot :)
    I'm working Fri morn through Sun Eve for a vendor, But tonight, I'm going to have fun gaming with other boardgame peeps.

    Need space again; ideally in the Westin Boston Waterfron.

    Jeeves_The_Butler on
This discussion has been closed.