Welcome Once again, to the PAX East Challenge Coin Thread, 2017 Edition.
And Orders are closed, we managed to just eek out enough interest for a third batch.
The 2nd batch was meant to ship out last week, I just sent Kiddercorp an email for an update about that.
And I'm placing the order for batch 3 at the same time, ETA on that will be added to this post when I get a response.
And Batch 3 is shipping out today! We're done unless anyone has any problems getting their coins!
I hope everyone liked the coins!
Regular Coins $5
Color Coins $6
US Shipping is $3 for 1-3 Coins, $4 for 4-6, and $6 for 7+ Coins.
International Shipping is $15 USD for 1-6 coins, and $31 for 7+ Coins. (That kinda hurts)
Coin Order Form
Instructions are at the top of the form, remember to send the money via paypal and get your paypal transaction ID for the form!
Feel free to PM me if you think you may have made a mistake on the form, I'll send out PMs or emails if I notice errors in responses.
Voting has concluded, our winning sides are
Duck Hunt
Boston Skyline Copley View
What's this then?It's the Pax East 2017 Challenge Coin Thread!Here's a bit of history about the PAX Challenge CoinsWhen can I order some?It'll be a while.Interested in one or more coins? Express interest below. You'll be sent a message when coins go on sale! This form is not a binding agreement to actually buy coins.2017 Challenge Coin Interest SheetVotes/Choices:Landmark Side Voting Form!
Google docs only gives a 1-10 scale, there are 11 choices.. So, I guess you can all have two favorites, or two you really really don't want to see.Two landmarks were pretty popular, so they get to face off during the gaming side vote!
Face Off! Also, Gaming Side!Landmark Side:
Vote underway!
Gaming Side:
Share your thoughts!
PAX Aus figured out how to do VR, so we should probably table that idea for the year.
Coin details.
1.75", as per tradition
Silver, as per tradition.
Smooth Edges, as per tradition.
Theme: Let's figure this out together!
More Information!
Links to other coins threads!
2016 East Coin Thread2016 West Coin Thread2017 South Coin ThreadPax Aus 2016 Coin Thread
2015 and 2016 coins:
(Everything below this was removed almost immediately)
Swan boats would be cool. Last year the Bunker Hill monument had some backing. Additionally, I will throw out a few ideas to get brains churning. I am interested in the Boston Harbor skyline (not one of the most recognizable skylines comparative to other cities, but it's ours). I like the idea of putting the USS Constitution on there too. Faneuil Hall or the Statehouse could show off Boston's very cool architecture. Lastly, Harvard could be discussed as a possible landmark option. If I had to choose I would probably go with Old Ironsides.
I will update this post with new info and images as needed.
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 1):
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 2):
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 3):
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 4):
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 5):
Swan Boats (Landmark Design 6):
State House (Landmark Design 7):
Faneuil Hall (Quincy Market) (Landmark Design 8):
Boston Skyline (Prudential & Huntington Building) (Landmark Design 9):
Boston Skyline (Copley View) (Landmark Design 10):
Boston Skyline (Harbor View) (Landmark Design 11):
Nintendo Timeline (Game/Theme Design 1):
Harvest Game (Theme/Game Design 2):
Rock Band (Game/Theme Design 3):
Rock Band / DDR (Game/Theme Design 4):
Satoru Iwata Puppet W/Bananas (Game/Theme Design 5):
Duck Hunt (Game/Theme Design 6):
Updates to post:
10/24 - Updated images with PAX East 2017 and March dates. Also made them in silver.
10/24 - Removed USS Constitution due to fact it was done in 2012
10/25 - Added Swan Designs 5+6
10/25 - Added Game/Theme Design 1
10/26 - Added Landmark Designs 9-11
10/27 - Updated Game/Theme Design 1
10/28 - Added Harvest Game Design 2
11/01 - Added Game/Theme Designs 3-6
I really like Swan Boat #2, with number 3 being a close second.
The Constitution and the buildings are solid choices, too. I'd lean against buildings since last year we had one (BCEC itself) so it's always nice to change things up, but the boat is nice and very iconic of Boston's maritime history. I had never heard of the swan boats before this thread, but that's fine too, and the ducks from a few years ago are always good. What's with Boston and waterfowl, anyway?
If I may be so bold, I think that this might make a slightly cleaner swan boat image:
PAX East Attendee since 2011
I added your image as Swan Design #5
Thanks for pointing out the USS Constitution. Did not know it was already done. Removed from post.
I updated post with 2 more swan designs (5+6).
Also to everyone here in this forum/thread. These coins are a community project. All constructive feedback and suggestions are very welcomed so don't be afraid to ask. The more we talk and bounce stuff off of each other the better these coins will be.
What are the plans on the design besides the images on the coins??
Color, No Color or Both (Like Last Year)?
Ridged or no Ridge?
Silver or Gold?
I'd like to keep things silver so my set matches.
I don't have an opinion on ridge vs non ridge except to keep things as they've been, for the same reason. I think that's ridged? But I'm not in the same room as my coins right now to check.
I'm definitely a fan of the Swan Boats, but I do have a big place in my heart for Fanueil Hall/Quincy Market, especially seeing as there have been many a pre-PAX event based around there. There is definitely something though about the idea of a Boston skyline coin. You can see a little bit of it behind Old Ironsides in the 2013 coin but its not well defined.
AFAIK, all the East coins (besides the 2012) have been a smooth edge, as there was a consensus a few years ago that East coins would have a smooth edge and Prime/West would be ridged. (Just checked all of mine and 2012 is the only East coin with ridges, 2011 was smooth)
Also to answer your question about waterfowl, I think it really stems from just about EVERY kid getting a copy of Make Way for Ducklings or reading it in elementary school. That led to the statues, etc. Plus the Duck Boats, and all of that.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
Smooth Edges, as per tradition.
Silver, as per tradition.
Color has only been done on the gaming side so far.
Any thoughts on the gaming side?
Some kind of Harvest Moon/Farmville/Stardew Valley style farm plot with powerups from different classic games instead of plants?
Does the coin typically come with a display to present (plastic case, sleeve, large box where the coin fits in) the coin? If it does, then a cool add on would be two rectangular pieces on the sides of the coin that would hold the coin up. They could be designed similarly to the switch controllers. Then, on the coin we could illustrate mario or another game. Of course if the coin does not usually come with a display this would be an additional cost. It also doesn't align itself with the rest of the set in this case so perhaps it is not worth it.
Another landmark option, the Boston Marathon finish line. Buildings on either side, someone crossing the line with their hands in the air and the line would be a cool thing to put some color on if we decided we wanted to color the landmark side this year.
That depends on the manufacturer we go with. In the past, the mint we used sent the coins in individual hard plastic cases. Last year they came in a thin plastic-esque sleeve to protect them in transit/storage. Any display is something you would do yourself.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
So I came up with this idea.
Game Side Design 1:
Its a timeline going around the edge showing off the major steps in Nintendo's history of Consoles/Handhelds with the center being the obvious Switch.
As cool as I think it looks I really do not see this actually possible on a coin. But who knows.
Can I swerve the design in another directons? As a Bostonian I don't get all that jazzed up about the Swan Boats - always thought those were a horrible tourist trap imo. How about the big skyline? Something like this:
or as someone else suggested you could do the Harbor skyline:
Looking at what's been done in the past I'm surprised a skyline featuring the Pru/Hancock hasn't been featured. Add in the new Millenium Tower and I think you'd get an awesome looking coin! I'll buy 4 either way, but that's what my vote is.
This pretty much sums up my feelings as well. I'm not crazy about the swan boats and I'm not sure how well they represent Boston. I love the two skyline pictures you presented. I couldn't find anything nearly as good.
For the timeline I agree on replacing the 3ds as well as the wii u.
I'm not sure I see anything as eye catching as the space needle in the Boston skyline.
I think making a switch controller stand for the coins sounds awesome, but would probably end up costing as much as, or more than the coins themselves cost.
I'll toss up a form to vote on whatever ideas seem popular Friday evening.
Not gonna lie, I'm holding out hope for the swans remaining popular, even if they are a tourist trap, I blame Fallout 4 a little bit.
Boston Skyline (Prudential & Huntington Building) (Landmark Design 9):
Boston Skyline (Copley View) (Landmark Design 10):
Boston Skyline (Harbor View) (Landmark Design 11):
The biggest issue with the Boston skyline is its so spread out. The major buildings are not close to each other so it spreads out the pictures. Great for a nice Panoramic pic but not so good for a coin.
I used a similar picture that @gregchick1 linked on the second design (already had it saved :biggrin: ). I'm not to keen on the idea of using the Harbor skyline though. While it is a really nice skyline with plenty of nice buildings even I would not recognize it and I grew up here
I also updated the Nintendo Timeline design to depict the Original 3DS as well as the Wii U Console (not just the controller.
New Nintendo Timeline (Theme Design 1):
Seeing as we did Fenway last year, and you can see the Citgo sign in the background of that sign I would lean away from Kenmore. Also, according to friends and family who remember it well, Kenmore is much different than the Kenmore of old that the Bosstones got their start in. RIP the Rat.
I definitely like design 10 as you've got the Hancock building, the Pru, and the Longfellow Bridge all in one shot, and that's definitely an scene I think of whenever I think of home.
If we're still talking about distinctive buildings, there's always the Great Dome at MIT.
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
As far as the gaming side goes, I am not sure what I think of showcasing one company. The very first coin did have a DS on it, but it was being held up by a hand, showing the pax tradition of holding up DSes instead of lighters in the concerts. If the group does go with that, though, you probably shouldn't include the actual nintendo branding anywhere.
For the landmark side of the coin, i'm actually really liking the skyline idea. The Boston Skyline (Copley View), option 10, is really speaking to me from the current options. I'm really not feeling the Swan Boat idea, mainly because up until it was suggested in this thread, i've never really associated them with Boston.
For the Game/Theme side, I really really like the idea of a VR theme; for the timing, it just seems appropriate. VR has been around for a long time, but as of the last year or so, it has really exploded into the market, and is becoming a bigger deal each month. It definitely fits in terms of "what is relevant this year." The Nintendo design is cool, but i'm not sure about dedicating a face of the coin entirely to a single gaming company; don't get me wrong, i'm REALLY hyped for the Switch, but there is good chance it won't even be out by PAX East (no official date has been given yet, but its been speculated for mid-March, which would miss PAX unfortunately).
Also, any idea if we will be going back to Phoenix again? Or are we sticking with the mint from 2016? I'm really impartial to the option of color, but for some reason I feel like the actual coin quality was a bit better with Phoenix. Maybe it's just me.
God, I sound really negative...
@Rapid99 VR has already been done on the Theme/Game side just recently for PAX AUS. And done quite well to I might add.
I'm really at a loss right now for the theme side other than what I have already done. Half my day at work is wasted thinking about it
@gregchick1 Thanks for the suggestion. And I do apologize for saying the wrong member in my above post. I saw the links but did not realize it was a quote from you. Post corrected :biggrin:
Here is a Harvest Game Style Theme side as requested by @SutibunRi
Harvest Game (Theme/Game Design 2):
As for the game/theme side I wish I had an equally big contribution to make, but alas I'm at a loss as well. Maybe since Harmonix is a Boston company and the guitar games have made a recent retro return, we go that direction? Something with all the rock band instruments, the DDR type arrows, etc? Just an idea (and I have no idea how to design it) but tossing it out there.
PAX East 2019!
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