You can watch the opening ceremony at 11 AM PDT on 11/4 for
free, but the other panels are going to
cost you. The virtual ticket will also provide you with some nifty in-game loot, if you so desire.
There is a lot of stuff to sift through (
here's the full schedule) but here's a rundown of what was announced:
This is Diablo's 20th anniversary and Blizzard has decided to remake the original Diablo and patch it into Diablo III. They are including the old bosses and even a retro visual mode that pixelates the graphics. Next year, they will be selling a class add-on, the Necromancer. No mention of a Diablo IV.
Sombra was officially unveiled and will hit the PTR soon. Additionally, they announced an "arcade mode" (which looks like it will house smaller specialized modes) and the Overwatch League, Blizzard's foray into making esports actual sports.
Varian Wrynn and Ragnaros are the new characters. There is a limited time event running that will get you free heroes and an Overwatch skin as well, simply for playing with friends.
Gadgetzan expansion announced. Some new cards were shown too, but I don't understand CCGs.
Not much news. I imagine there will be some patch updates at the Warcraft panel.
Starcraft II is the new game that will challenge DeepMind, the A.I. that will soon destroy us all.
There will also, of course, be loads of costume contests, concerts (Weird Al! Hodor!), and interviews as well. So gird your loins and review your ARG notes, it's time for some giant shoulderpads, zerg rushes, legendary loot, lane pushing, tavern card brawls, and omnic racism. Most importantly,
have fun.
It let you roll through barrels!
And maybe we'll see some 7.2 stuff for WoW.
Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| CainLoveless
the most popular
They did seem to be trying to do smaller but more frequent updates this expansion cycle. I could sort of see a PvP-focused patch coming out around the same time the Nighthold opens. Maybe with the next PvP season?
There was some talk back around the beginning of the summer that they were looking at reworking some of the battlegrounds. Some of them are *really* showing their age and probably need to be nuked from orbit by some Legion missiles and rebuild from the ground up.
I'm looking at you, AV and WSG and IoC and Twin Peaks and Strand of the Ancients and Silvershitty Mines.
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Wow should be pve focused full stop. should have been from Day 1.
I feel bad for falling off the bandwagon so fast on it again. I just fell behind for various reasons and catching up will be basically impossible I feel.
It's similar to the Diablo 2 design, but I feel like there's too much neck.
I guess it might not actually mean anything, but it's something I noticed.
Regardless of whether it's a second D3 expansion or D4 I hope they use smaller numbers. Damage numbers don't need to go into the billions.
I hope they don't abandon diablo 3 diablo's design though, id like for them to stick to their guns a little bit instead of constantly apologizing for the game not being diablo 2 again
I like it a lot better on PS4, actually. I think it plays better with a controller than mouse.
A D2 remake with a more D3-style gameplay would be pretty cool.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
Also, if they actually do make Diablo II HD, then I hope they tread very carefully on what gameplay mechanics they decide needs "modernizing" and what doesn't. There are definitely things that need it, while other things might be better left alone.
Gonna try and get the OW voice actors to sign my goodie bag in a box after their panel.
D2 with upgraded graphics sounds good.
Although the old graphics have a certain charm. Simpler times.
Also the enemies of Diablo 2 were a lot more menacing. Everyone in D3 is a fucking ham who won't. shut. up.
They really dropped the ball on atmosphere with D3.
why can I only agree with this post one time
Also I will as always, hope against hope for a Warcraft 4 announcement.
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
God yes, please give us Warcraft 4 already
PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
I think it has atmosphere, it's just a hair too... strange, to be the thing they want it to be
Like it's not lighthearted and cartoony or anything, but a game that has that god dang witch doctor character isn't a game that's trying to convey a purely gothic-horror atmosphere, y'know?
Bloodborne it ain't
But also it is way, way, way, way too early for Blizzard to even be talking about Diablo 4 at this point. Come on now.
My heart goes out for you, brave soldier, for I was once in your shoes.
When they do Diablo 4 I'd be fine with Diablo having a different more classically inspired design, I just hope if they bring back Diablo for this last Diablo 3 expansion they keep it more like the Diablo 3 design
I mean they could make the argument that in D3 its actually the prime evil and so if Diablo comes back solo it would look like the old design but I would never think that is the real reason for the design change
1995: Warcraft 2
1996: Diablo
1998: Starcraft
2000: Diablo 2
2002: Warcraft 3
2004: WoW
2010: Starcraft 2
2012: Diablo 3
2014: Hearthstone
2015: Heroes of the Stone
2016: Overwatch
I wonder how much WoW fucked around with Blizzard's production of other games.