Hello dear adventurer! Might I strike your fancy towards an illustrious table-top experience!?!
If you're a thespian at heart and incredibly xenophobic, like to a sociopathic-level, might I encourage you look at any numerous versions of classic fantasy role-playing games? You can play the role of a Dwarven barbarian or an Elven mage or an Orc bard, either way you will undoubtedly murder people different from you & steal their possessions off their still warm-bodies.
Like these folks! Look at these perfectly quaint creatures! You'll murder them!
But perhaps you're more of a painter, one who lives to mold an idea into physical being through many hours of pain-staking work! In that case you have many options, as many options as your credit score can afford!!!
Look at these little guys! Aren't they awesome! I bet you'll pay any large-sum of money for them! We certainly hope so because their business model, if you can call it that, depends on it!
Oh but maybe you like trains!?! Do you like building train routes? What capable adult doesn't want to spend an evening with his chums competing over train routes!?!
And I could be all wrong about all of this. Maybe you just want to betray your friends? Maybe you're a horrid man-beast wearing a person costume? Maybe you're a
Either way, welcome to a hobby everyone's jumping into it. It's hip, it's groovy, it's never going away!
I'm thinking of running it for my group.
Any suggestions of good house rules or errata to be aware of? I noticed that it uses dicerolling for main characteristics, which I'm generally not a fan of.
Oh hey, I played Secret Hitler with my family yesterday. I was doing great as Hitler until my brand new Sister in law forgot she was a fascist and/or that I was Hitler and shot me. All in good fun though.
Mega Dungeon is currently on it's 5th level and counting. We'll just have to see how grand the Tomb of the Khan of Khans gets before someone stumbles on it.
what's cooler:
Snake-like dragons or bird-like dragons
bird-like dragons
we are fucked
I'm most partial to generic western dragons with 6 total limbs, 2 of which are wings, despite the anatomical difficulties, but if it's just between wings-as-forelimbs dragons and snake-y eastern myth dragons I'd go with birdwings dragons
Blood Bowl is great
signed up for the official league at my local store yesterday, league doesn't start until January but it'll be fun
probably not fire-breathing, that could get a bit dicey
I call these "blankzillas"
But I also like the idea of a feathered dragon
cat-like dragons are the best
Best I've seen honestly
A coat made out of dragon feathers, a magical quill
and really if you think of dragons as dinosaur like, feathered dragons just make sense
little hatchling dragon with down feathers
I like feathery kobolds and lesser lizard folk, and my dragons either snake or catlike
Kind of like dwarves, humans and halflings are so close they are related in some way
Did not expect to be saying that in 2016.
Yup, first league ends before Christmas and plans for a second league are already in place.
Looking forward to playing a lot of stuff at my local GW, guy who runs it is a treat, I've known him since I was in Junior Highschool. He got me into 40k back in 3rd edition. Ah... old times.
Plus I like the new direction GW seems to be heading in:
but larger dragons are scale covered, but rare and dying off. Whenever an Old Dragon dies the Mother of Nature weeps for it is one of the last of its kind.
Like exactly like the Saw Movies.
It was pretty cray.
Fuckin' fuck you 40k I put you down stop making me want to pick you up
I should probably do something with my 20,000 points of Imperial Guard. They are just sitting in meticulously organized storage boxes right now.
I want to play Imperial Fists with Solar Auxilia and grav tanks so bad you don't understand
I have a platoon of old Rouge Trader Imperial Army models so I'm already part of the way there!
Vulture Gunship
Thunderbolt Fighter
Vanquisher Leman Russ
Alternate model Hellhound
A Warhound Titan
Various other Imperial Guard upgrades and kits.
I have spent far too much money on that stuff.
Because I'm an idiot and decided: hey, lets supplement my 40k swarm tyranid army with a 30k swarm marine army.
At least the models are super cool.
It's never enough
God I miss 55 point IG vet squads made up of a Sarge and three dudes, with Plasma Guns or Meltas and Deep Strike. Just fucking throw them at a terminator squad or a big tank and who cares if they all die they killed triple their point value!
Probably going off 3rd Edition IG Codex is what killed 40k for me. Sure there was a ton of broken stuff but it had way more heart and character. You could do a lot of super dumb things.