
[DCEU] launched a streaming service which has Young Justice S3



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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Affleck said the final movie is mostly reflective of Snyder, so take that as you will.

    Sounds like PR, they're not in position to change the director's credit for the Director's Guild - plus it'd look bad considering how Snyder left the project. It's already blatantly obvious Whedon's put his stamp on some scenes.

    Harry Dresden on
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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    I kinda assumed that much, because I felt that given the circumstances Whedon was going to be respectful to Snyder's vision.

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    Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    He also doesn't have the budget or the time to actually re-shoot an entire new movie. Particularly when CGI is involved.

    Vast swaths of the movie are basically locked in, and all Whedon can do is play at the margins via dialogue with small scenes on small sets. People are going to be sorely disappointed if they think that he will be able to make this movie go from an D to a B. He is likely starting with a D+ and barely edging it towards a C.

    Or, given what we have seen up to this point, starting with an F and turning it into a D.

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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    Saw Thor Ragnarok last night, the trailers before the movie were Justice League, Black Panther and Star Wars.

    I've seen the JL trailers before but watching them on the big screen with two other big movies just made it look even worse by comparison. Just terrible looking CG.

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    ViskodViskod Registered User regular
    Clips of this movie are bad.

    I know it sounds odd to say this, but this movie doesn’t feel earned.

    Thanks to Marvel playing the long game and setting up The Avengers, the way the plots seemed to logically move toward making even civil war seem like a plausible outcome and the set up for infinity war, this Justice League movie just out of the blue seems way too soon and just doesn’t feel the same.

    Too much seems rushed in and slapped together at the last second.

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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Personally, I'm worried the tone will be a complete mess. Here I'm thinking of bits of the heroes grinning like idiots in the middle of a blood-red apocalypse. I'm sure a memo came down from the studio heads saying "LAY OFF THE GRIMDARK" but it's a weird clash when the background looks that dire.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    Cyborg is just not feeling unique at all, and Flash being the Spider-Man comic relief definitely feels a lot cheaper than even Justice League animated. The more time passes I really feel they missed a chance to bring in the CW universe stuff, though I suppose that clashes with the Supergirl show's version of Supes.

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    ViskodViskod Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Personally, I'm worried the tone will be a complete mess. Here I'm thinking of bits of the heroes grinning like idiots in the middle of a blood-red apocalypse. I'm sure a memo came down from the studio heads saying "LAY OFF THE GRIMDARK" but it's a weird clash when the background looks that dire.

    Snyder and Whedon couldn’t be more different. The tone of this film is going to give people whiplash.

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    KingofMadCowsKingofMadCows Registered User regular
    Viskod wrote: »
    Clips of this movie are bad.

    I know it sounds odd to say this, but this movie doesn’t feel earned.

    Thanks to Marvel playing the long game and setting up The Avengers, the way the plots seemed to logically move toward making even civil war seem like a plausible outcome and the set up for infinity war, this Justice League movie just out of the blue seems way too soon and just doesn’t feel the same.

    Too much seems rushed in and slapped together at the last second.

    It's not odd at all to say that this movie doesn't feel earned, because it isn't.

    Just the way they talk about Superman is very inconsistent with what they've shown. And not just from the audience's perspective. BvS was all about how controversial Superman was and how so many people didn't trust him. Now, suddenly he's a beacon of hope for the world? Wonder Woman fits that role far better than Superman.

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    The WolfmanThe Wolfman Registered User regular
    The CGI effects are just... wow. With the backgrounds, it doesn't look like the actors are really there. Or to be more exact, it's wholly evident that I'm looking at green screen footage. And even the incidental stuff looks bad. The bit with Batman jumping off the gargoyle looks terrible.

    Marvel falls into this pit too, but not nearly as often. I don't know what voodoo they're using, but for the most part I can believe the action I'm seeing is really happening. This movie, I'm just acutely aware I'm looking at completely fake shit, and it pulls me right out of the movie.

    "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."
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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    I can't get over how bad Cyborg looks.

    BNet • magicprime#1430 | PSN/Steam • MagicPrime | Origin • FireSideWizard
    Critical Failures - Havenhold CampaignAugust St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    I can't get over how bad Cyborg looks.

    He's also just so, so generic. Unlike Aquaman and Flash who atleast have some character traits, I can't peg down what Cyborg brings to the table

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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    They've also really thrashed his personality that's been established over the last decade and, well I don't know how to really describe that attitude he has in the trailers/spots thus far. But it's not the Cyborg I've come to recognize.

    BNet • magicprime#1430 | PSN/Steam • MagicPrime | Origin • FireSideWizard
    Critical Failures - Havenhold CampaignAugust St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    The Teen Titans CW show will likely do a better job with like, 1/50th the budget

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    Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    I can't get over how bad Cyborg looks.

    He's also just so, so generic. Unlike Aquaman and Flash who atleast have some character traits, I can't peg down what Cyborg brings to the table

    He’s black?

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    ViskodViskod Registered User regular
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    I can't get over how bad Cyborg looks.

    He's also just so, so generic. Unlike Aquaman and Flash who atleast have some character traits, I can't peg down what Cyborg brings to the table

    The idea that someone would look at what was done to the designs of Transformers for Michael Bay and think “Hey, that’s a good idea.”

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    He also doesn't have the budget or the time to actually re-shoot an entire new movie. Particularly when CGI is involved.

    Vast swaths of the movie are basically locked in, and all Whedon can do is play at the margins via dialogue with small scenes on small sets. People are going to be sorely disappointed if they think that he will be able to make this movie go from an D to a B. He is likely starting with a D+ and barely edging it towards a C.

    Or, given what we have seen up to this point, starting with an F and turning it into a D.

    Supposedly they spent millions of dollars reshooting the movie, so while Snyder's vision may be dominant the execution and added scenes alterations won't be minor.
    MagicPrime wrote: »
    I can't get over how bad Cyborg looks.

    He's also just so, so generic. Unlike Aquaman and Flash who atleast have some character traits, I can't peg down what Cyborg brings to the table

    He's their Iron Man, kind of. Except less charismatic.
    The Teen Titans CW show will likely do a better job with like, 1/50th the budget

    Cyborg's not in that show, remember WB has weird embargoes which they don't follow half the time. Like Flash having a tv show.

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    shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Cyborg had an excellent personality in the Teen Titans cartoon. But the Geoff Johns version they're pulling from for the movie is a big nothing cypher. They could have the Bat Computer talk to them and drive robots and it would be very similar.

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Vixen or Dr. Light would be more interesting

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Vixen or Dr. Light would be more interesting

    Tao Okamoto's second shot in the DCEU.

    Harry Dresden on
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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    DC's TV rules about which characters they can use us so dumb. Cyborg and Harley Quinn are off limits but Superman isn't? What even...

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    AspectVoidAspectVoid Registered User regular
    DC's TV rules about which characters they can use us so dumb. Cyborg and Harley Quinn are off limits but Superman isn't? What even...

    Well, originally Superman was off limits. Than the movies destroyed him completely, so they allowed him on TV.

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    Something that also hugely bugs me about everything about the JL movie (as shown in previews and clips so far) is how they talk about Superman.

    The Superman they constantly allude and remember and the one that was actually shown in the last two movies are like two completely different people.

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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Something that also hugely bugs me about everything about the JL movie (as shown in previews and clips so far) is how they talk about Superman.

    The Superman they constantly allude and remember and the one that was actually shown in the last two movies are like two completely different people.

    Yup, same with Batman. Suicide Squad spoilers
    You'd think Deadshot would notice Batman's no longer packing heat or trying to murder people by the dozens by running them over with his Bat mobile.

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    DevoutlyApatheticDevoutlyApathetic Registered User regular
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Something that also hugely bugs me about everything about the JL movie (as shown in previews and clips so far) is how they talk about Superman.

    The Superman they constantly allude and remember and the one that was actually shown in the last two movies are like two completely different people.

    On one level, that's good because I think that's the Superman that folks actually wanted to see so actually going a bit closer to the source material should make folks happy.

    On the other hand, they have no fucking clue how to write that Superman so when he inevitably shows up somewhere around the end of JL they'll go right back to fucking it up and everybody will be unhappy again.

    Nod. Get treat. PSN: Quippish
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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    Kyougu wrote: »
    Something that also hugely bugs me about everything about the JL movie (as shown in previews and clips so far) is how they talk about Superman.

    The Superman they constantly allude and remember and the one that was actually shown in the last two movies are like two completely different people.

    On one level, that's good because I think that's the Superman that folks actually wanted to see so actually going a bit closer to the source material should make folks happy.

    On the other hand, they have no fucking clue how to write that Superman so when he inevitably shows up somewhere around the end of JL they'll go right back to fucking it up and everybody will be unhappy again.

    Another thing is there seems to be no character progression on screen, or characters noticing and reacting to this change organically, so it covers off as insincere/retcon.

    edit: I'm definitely intrigued by a Whedon written Superman, he can't do worse than Snyder has.

    Harry Dresden on
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Well, keep in mind we're getting a "dark" Superman music bit when he shows up, so he probably won't be the Whedon Superman you're hoping for.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Well, keep in mind we're getting a "dark" Superman music bit when he shows up, so he probably won't be the Whedon Superman you're hoping for.

    And he'll likely still be more Superman-like than regular Superman. :)

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    SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    "can't do worse than Snyder"

    I feel like someone just took that as a challenge.

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    Inquisitor77Inquisitor77 2 x Penny Arcade Fight Club Champion A fixed point in space and timeRegistered User regular
    Can you guys imagine if Zack Snyder and Scott Buck started a company together? I feel like the results would be The Room levels of amazing.

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    One of my biggest annoyances about MoS and BvS is that it wastes just an amazing Superman theme on that Superman.

    So hopefully JL gives us a good moment with that theme.

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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Apparently WB/DC thinks it's okay to do post-credits scenes now.

    Wonder if it'll just be Darkseid or if they'll try way too hard to replicate the shawarma scene.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    cloudeaglecloudeagle Registered User regular
    Mashable read the tea leaves on Justice League.

    The review embargo lifts one day and 16 hours before it's released -- at 2:50 in the morning, no less. Generally that window is reserved for the stinkiest of stinkers. On top of that, it comes out next week and there haven't been any social media screenings for curated audiences (you know, they show the movie to a bunch of reviewers and influencers who gush over the flick on Twitter).

    By comparison, reviews for Wonder Woman (which everyone liked or loved) were able to be posted 13 days and 21 hours before release, and had a social media screening in the same timeframe.

    So, brace yourselves.

    Switch: 3947-4890-9293
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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular

    I didn't realize that Danny Elfman was scoring Justice League, and apparently he decided just to use Batman's theme from 89.


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    Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    I’m not sure how I feel about bringing back that old theme.

    Using Williams worked for Superman Returns since it was a quasi-sequel.

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    Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular
    I'm guessing if JL bombs big they'll just act like it didn't happen and move on

    Bets on how quick Superman shows up in tv spots to sell more tickets?

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    KingofMadCowsKingofMadCows Registered User regular
    edited November 2017
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Mashable read the tea leaves on Justice League.

    The review embargo lifts one day and 16 hours before it's released -- at 2:50 in the morning, no less. Generally that window is reserved for the stinkiest of stinkers. On top of that, it comes out next week and there haven't been any social media screenings for curated audiences (you know, they show the movie to a bunch of reviewers and influencers who gush over the flick on Twitter).

    By comparison, reviews for Wonder Woman (which everyone liked or loved) were able to be posted 13 days and 21 hours before release, and had a social media screening in the same timeframe.

    So, brace yourselves.

    Well, Fury Road reviews were embargoed until release day. Maybe Justice League will be as good as Fury... ha ha ha ha! No, it's totally going to suck

    KingofMadCows on
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    jdarksunjdarksun Struggler VARegistered User regular
    cloudeagle wrote: »
    Mashable read the tea leaves on Justice League.

    The review embargo lifts one day and 16 hours before it's released -- at 2:50 in the morning, no less. Generally that window is reserved for the stinkiest of stinkers. On top of that, it comes out next week and there haven't been any social media screenings for curated audiences (you know, they show the movie to a bunch of reviewers and influencers who gush over the flick on Twitter).

    By comparison, reviews for Wonder Woman (which everyone liked or loved) were able to be posted 13 days and 21 hours before release, and had a social media screening in the same timeframe.

    So, brace yourselves.

    Well, Fury Road reviews were embargoed until release day. Maybe Justice League will be as good as Fury... ha ha ha ha! No, it's totally going to suck
    ...and was lifted three days early.

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    MagicPrimeMagicPrime FiresideWizard Registered User regular
    BNet • magicprime#1430 | PSN/Steam • MagicPrime | Origin • FireSideWizard
    Critical Failures - Havenhold CampaignAugust St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
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