
All I want for Noblegarden is two DPS legendaries. [SE++ WoW]



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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

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    PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    zay is playing warlock now?

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    AdusAdus Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    i'm pretty satisfied by this result

    Adus on
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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    PiptheFair wrote: »
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    zay is playing warlock now?

    Zay would specifically find a way to get his portal to lead off the cliff and then tell people to take it.

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    why i never

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think this is because the parse pool in the current patch is so small but on every fight the bottom third or so of the raid is ranked 0th percentile, that's weird

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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    I think this is because the parse pool in the current patch is so small but on every fight the bottom third or so of the raid is ranked 0th percentile, that's weird

    Its displaying weirdly/wrong regardless.

    On nythendra for example its saying im the bottom ranked spriest, (1332 of 1332) but in actuality im 1191/1332 as by the

    DPS listing.

    Also id like to point out that within my own ilvl? Im #1 of 3 total parses. But i did beat them both by over 100k DPS so I feel gratified anyway.

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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    Ranking by percentile only, I was 2nd dps. Gogo 86th percentile shockadin.

    53rd on healing...

    Hey @Blackbeard7 I logged off and then remembered I was gonna sell you that cloak (you're zau right?) I checked undermine journal and the 875 version is listing for 51k currently. So, somewhere around there with some unspecified guildie discount.

    I could probably do that, cod me what you think sounds fair to expand

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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    PiptheFair wrote: »
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    zay is playing warlock now?

    the portal should have taken you to the center island on the platforming section to where she is on platform 2 in bird form

    if you died to it somehow I couldn't tell you, its not supposed to be a trap

    at least thats where mine was set up, I dunno if there was more than one gateway

    Daebunz on
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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    that was me and I was the other person that died

    I was curious if I could portal through a tornado and that is a negative

    didn't get a chance to move it away from the other gateway that Zau dropped before we pulled

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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    Xehalus wrote: »
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    Also that our execution/speed is in the mid/high 80th percentile compared to all the other guilds, except for spiderbirdlady which is somewhere in the teens.

    We're so awful at that fight.

    today's spiderbirb was particularly bad, hella shit getting flung for some reason

    One of the warlocks said to take their portal on the middle island
    I took the green portal on the middle island. It launched me backwards, towards where we had started, and there was a tornado in the way, which caught me up and flung me off the cliff.

    Whoever placed that portal killed at least 2 people with. I hope you are satisfied.

    that was me and I was the other person that died

    I was curious if I could portal through a tornado and that is a negative

    didn't get a chance to move it away from the other gateway that Zau dropped before we pulled

    Me right now


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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    now my eyes have truly been opened to the possibilities of bamboozling the raid with a network of gateways

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    if you could just walk into mage portals, a portal to dalaran crater between a set of warlock portals

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    AdusAdus Registered User regular
    i think i did pretty well for my item level and talent changes. though i'm #2 for nythendra in my ilevel and the top guy is 40k dps higher and we have similar damage values for nearly all our abilities and there was only a 3 second difference in the fight length but he did 13 million damage with poison bomb whereas i did 6.5. RNG!

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    The Cow KingThe Cow King a island Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    Im going to try and not nap for 4 hours tonight

    Oh yeah I realize this is a bit silly but I've been real shit lately I did learn that my meds make me drowsy but I'll take small 2 hour naps over not sleeping at night at all which happened the last two nights

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    DaebunzDaebunz Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Ranking by percentile only, I was 2nd dps. Gogo 86th percentile shockadin.

    53rd on healing...

    Hey @Blackbeard7 I logged off and then remembered I was gonna sell you that cloak (you're zau right?) I checked undermine journal and the 875 version is listing for 51k currently. So, somewhere around there with some unspecified guildie discount.

    I could probably do that, cod me what you think sounds fair to expand

    actually I am realizing now that it would be silly to drop the dosh when NH is around the corner, so feel free to AH to rake in the cash

    I had a moment of clarity after hours at the training dummy while blasting initial d songs as all training montages should

    Daebunz on
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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    So does anyone have the address of the person who came up with that fucking pacman fight in Brawler's guild?

    I'd really like to send them a box with my shit in it.

    Goatmon on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    ShabootyShabooty Registered User regular
    it was fodo send it to fodo

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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    if you could just walk into mage portals, a portal to dalaran crater between a set of warlock portals

    Speaking of chaining abilities

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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Seriously though, having to play pac-man, only the walls instantly kill you, but you also can't ever stop moving, while also having to chase after three targets that periodically do AOE that hits for half a million a tick.

    For fuck's sake, this is the single most aggravating thing I've done in this game in ages.

    I straight-up never even really got to do much fighting, because out of the 15 or so attempts I made, maybe two of them didn't end with me accidentally stepping on blue shit and getting nuked for ten million damage.

    I only ever killed one of the three targets, and that was only once. Just steering around the insta-death walls that will end me the moment I fumble on a turn is a big pain in the ass.

    It wouldn't be such a big deal, but since there's 10 or more people queued up at the same time, I have to wait at least 15 minutes between each attempt, nearly all of which were cut short in a matter of seconds because the fucking pac-man walls are so easy to die on.

    It is absolutely atrocious. There is zero fun to be had in this encounter.

    Goatmon on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    I had fun doing it

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    Seattle ThreadSeattle Thread Registered User regular
    @Rock Lobster! So you know how there's always a few undocumented changes in every patch?

    Flap now works with Glyph of Stars.

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    so apparently emissary caches have a 75% chance to have a curious coin in them now. that's uhhhhh a pretty substantial increase? makes you wonder if they were supposed to be way higher drop rate earlier on but someone misplaced a decimal point

    also, apparently emissary caches didn't generate loot until opened, which they specifically said was untrue, so saving them to 7.1.5 if you wanted a new legendary was the correct course of action. woopsie. though that wouldn't have changed anything for me because bracers are still the best legendary and i want them now more than ever because i realized the dark truth of not using castigator is that 1 rune can only pop 1 wound if you don't have either castigator or bracers, and popping multiple wounds at once is very good

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    I still only have the one legendary, this system is pretty shit.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

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    JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    the obvious answer is make a new death knight and try again. keep trying again. keep that sub renewed. think of the reward waiting for you

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    Jasconius wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    the obvious answer is make a new death knight and try again. keep trying again. keep that sub renewed. think of the reward waiting for you

    You joke, but some of the top raiders actually did this while waiting for Nighthold. Gotta be BiS for the race.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    but i have so many character specific items :(

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    Lorahalo wrote: »
    Jasconius wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    the obvious answer is make a new death knight and try again. keep trying again. keep that sub renewed. think of the reward waiting for you

    You joke, but some of the top raiders actually did this while waiting for Nighthold. Gotta be BiS for the race.

    yeah i mean he joked but that's literally how the system works. had bad luck on your first 4? reroll if you want to have a realistic chance at a good legendary. it's very bad! i'm hoping with 7.1.5 adding more legendaries they increased the odds of getting a 5+ legendary

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    SabreMauSabreMau ネトゲしよう 판다리아Registered User regular
    I still haven't even gotten a first legendary. Do you have to run many dungeons/raids to get bad luck protection to kick in or is it at least somewhat time-based?

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    LorahaloLorahalo Registered User regular
    It's supposedly "action" based, in that it increases every time you do something that has a chance to drop a legendary. They refuse to actually tell anyone what the base chance is, let alone what the increase does.

    I have a podcast about Digimon called the Digital Moncast, on Audio Entropy.
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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    yeah, time doesn't have any correlation with bad luck protection but it sort of does in that they have increased the drop rate of your first legendary if you don't have one yet pretty substantially since launch

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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    they fixed the softcap. So you can get 5. It's just that each one is twice as shitty to get as the last. So your 5th may take a long long long time. Better join one of those 4-9 maw carry groups and carry people constantly.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    they fixed the softcap. So you can get 5. It's just that each one is twice as shitty to get as the last. So your 5th may take a long long long time. Better join one of those 4-9 maw carry groups and carry people constantly.

    I thought it just always started at 0 again with each legendary

    To throw out some artibrary numbers, the way they explained it led me to believe that you have a chance (let's say 1%) of getting a legendary for each "thing" you do (emissary caches, killing a raid boss etc). The bad luck protection is that for every time you do "thing" but don't get a legendary, your changes of getting one on your next "thing" goes up. This chance keeps going up until you get something, then the bad luck protection goes away, and you have a 1% chance again. I think they did say that the base chance is higher if you don't have a legendary at all yet, but aside from that, now that the soft cap has been removed (which just kept the chance always at 1%, with bad luck protection never being applied) that the chance of getting a 4th legendary, is the same as getting a 7th.

    They did also say that they were planning on gradually increasing the drop rate, as they released new legendaries, but I don't know if that's been done yet for 7.1.5.

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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Zay wrote: »
    so apparently emissary caches have a 75% chance to have a curious coin in them now. that's uhhhhh a pretty substantial increase? makes you wonder if they were supposed to be way higher drop rate earlier on but someone misplaced a decimal point

    also, apparently emissary caches didn't generate loot until opened, which they specifically said was untrue, so saving them to 7.1.5 if you wanted a new legendary was the correct course of action. woopsie. though that wouldn't have changed anything for me because bracers are still the best legendary and i want them now more than ever because i realized the dark truth of not using castigator is that 1 rune can only pop 1 wound if you don't have either castigator or bracers, and popping multiple wounds at once is very good

    I only had like 6 curious coins on my main before this patch and there is stuff that costs 400 on the vendor so that would be my guess too.

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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Lorahalo wrote: »
    It's supposedly "action" based, in that it increases every time you do something that has a chance to drop a legendary. They refuse to actually tell anyone what the base chance is, let alone what the increase does.

    Someone in my guild linked a spreadsheet that appears to correlate with most of the people that looked at it so far in terms of what they did and how many legendaries they got.

    The answer appears to be, if you want legendaries, chain run M+ and make sure you do at least one every week.

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    so apparently emissary caches have a 75% chance to have a curious coin in them now. that's uhhhhh a pretty substantial increase? makes you wonder if they were supposed to be way higher drop rate earlier on but someone misplaced a decimal point

    also, apparently emissary caches didn't generate loot until opened, which they specifically said was untrue, so saving them to 7.1.5 if you wanted a new legendary was the correct course of action. woopsie. though that wouldn't have changed anything for me because bracers are still the best legendary and i want them now more than ever because i realized the dark truth of not using castigator is that 1 rune can only pop 1 wound if you don't have either castigator or bracers, and popping multiple wounds at once is very good

    I only had like 6 curious coins on my main before this patch and there is stuff that costs 400 on the vendor so that would be my guess too.

    the highest cost curious coin thing is 150 (which is still a lot, but not nearly as much as 400)

    Zay on
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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    i just failed a dps check in the brawler's guild and i had 486k dps :(

    the boss was at 2% though

    Zay on
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    ZenyatooZenyatoo Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    Zenyatoo wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    i'm up to 4 which is supposedly when it becomes impossible to get the next, even though there's still like 12 legendaries available to my class??? also i haven't gotten the one i really want and now the odds of getting it are much lower because the legendary item pool just got larger with 2 new bad items

    they fixed the softcap. So you can get 5. It's just that each one is twice as shitty to get as the last. So your 5th may take a long long long time. Better join one of those 4-9 maw carry groups and carry people constantly.

    I thought it just always started at 0 again with each legendary

    To throw out some artibrary numbers, the way they explained it led me to believe that you have a chance (let's say 1%) of getting a legendary for each "thing" you do (emissary caches, killing a raid boss etc). The bad luck protection is that for every time you do "thing" but don't get a legendary, your changes of getting one on your next "thing" goes up. This chance keeps going up until you get something, then the bad luck protection goes away, and you have a 1% chance again. I think they did say that the base chance is higher if you don't have a legendary at all yet, but aside from that, now that the soft cap has been removed (which just kept the chance always at 1%, with bad luck protection never being applied) that the chance of getting a 4th legendary, is the same as getting a 7th.

    They did also say that they were planning on gradually increasing the drop rate, as they released new legendaries, but I don't know if that's been done yet for 7.1.5.

    That would have been sensible. But the crazy data trawlers on various forums have other things to say about it.


    To give the tl;dr
    He looked at every player who looted legendaries. He then measured out the M+ chests, weekly M+ chest, raid boss kills, dungeon boss kills, and emissary openings done, between each legendary for each character.
    This enabled him to model what he calls KP or kill points.

    What was discovered is that as you get a legendary, the average amount of stuff you have to do nearly doubles.
    He also tried to model the BLP by looking at the KP's vs the most recent legendary, etc.

    The point here is that eventually anecdotes fade. he looked at over 10,000 players with hundreds of thousands of loot drops. Bad luck protection fudging or no, seeing the amount of stuff you have to do nearly double indicates a clear and present trend. Which must be based on a modifier built into the drop system. The only other alternative is that a large fraction of those 10,000 players were simultaneously unlucky and had their 2,3,4rth etc legendary take twice as long as the last.

    It should be noted
    1. This data is old. This was before the soft cap change, which is why there's a massive jump between 4 and 5.
    2. Legendary drop rate may have changed since then
    3. as zay said, there does appear to be some sort of "You dont have a legendary yet, so the chance is increased" type effect in place.

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    there was also that long time where barely anyone got legendaries and then one tuesday suddenly what felt like a quarter or a third of the raid got legendaries in one night, and then again the next week

This discussion has been closed.