From this point on, speculating in thread about the age of someone's account or their possible status as a russian plant is an instant jailing and dismissal from the thread.
Use the report button you gosh darned detritus.
I think this....event...deserves a separate thread. I am seeing a lot of people posting about this event in various threads across the forums. One thing I have noticed is a lot of people believe Buzzfeed originated the report which is untrue. CNN posted it first. The report existed for months in the hands of various officials. The actual report was compiled over a year ago.
I have made a timeline for the events that we know so far and how they line up over the past half a year or so.
Discuss all human fluid related presidential matters here.
Come up with a better thread title because I feel literally embarrassed to name something Pissghazi on our hallowed and cherished forums.
My Take:
With a 35% approval rating before taking office, a majority of Americans wanting DJT off Twitter, this news is 100% disastrous. Is it catastrophic to Trump's legitimacy as a president at the constitutional level? Who knows. Does this start off his presidency in 100% the worst way, absolutely. Is any of the report verifiable right now?
No. Are the last two pages of the report far scary than pee pee beds?
Things To Note:
This report has been sitting around a while. Journalists have known about it a while. I think no one was willing to risk their enterprise to publish it alone. Now that one has, every big player in journalism has decided to go all in.
Senator John McCain passed documents to the FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself.
The material, which has been seen by the Guardian, is a series of reports on Trump’s relationship with Moscow. They were drawn up by a former western counter-intelligence official, now working as a private consultant.
The Guardian has not been able to confirm the veracity of the documents’ contents, and the Trump team has consistently denied any hidden contacts with the Russian government.
Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but late on Tuesday, Trump tweeted: “FAKE NEWS – A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!” He made no direct reference to the allegations.
An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.
Some of the reports – which are dated from 20 June to 20 October last year – also proved to be prescient, predicting events that happened after they were sent.
One report, dated June 2016, claims that the Kremlin has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Trump for at least five years, with the aim of encouraging “splits and divisions in western alliance”.
note: McCain passed a copy of the report but the FBI was already aware of the report.
A dossier making explosive — but unverified — allegations that the Russian government has been “cultivating, supporting and assisting” President-elect Donald Trump for years and gained compromising information about him has been circulating among elected officials, intelligence agents, and journalists for weeks.
The dossier, which is a collection of memos written over a period of months, includes specific, unverified, and potentially unverifiable allegations of contact between Trump aides and Russian operatives, and graphic claims of sexual acts documented by the Russians. BuzzFeed News reporters in the US and Europe have been investigating various alleged facts in the dossier but have not verified or falsified them. CNN reported Tuesday that a two-page synopsis of the report was given to President Obama and Trump.
Now BuzzFeed News is publishing the full document so that Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government.
note: Buzzfeed was scooped by an hour or so by CNN so they leaked the entire .pdf instead of just an article on the contents of the report itself.
Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.
The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible. The FBI is investigating the credibility and accuracy of these allegations, which are based primarily on information from Russian sources, but has not confirmed many essential details in the memos about Mr. Trump.
The classified briefings last week were presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs -- Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers
According to the dossier, Trump brought hired prostitutes to his hotel suite in Moscow's Ritz Carlton, where he knew President Barack and Michelle Obama had slept, and asked them to defile the bed by peeing on it. From page 2 of the dossier:
"According to Source D, where s/he had been present, TRUMP's (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a 'golden showers' (urination) show in front of him."
note: the salacious pee pee story you filthy animals
The first google result was for a company called Hakluyt & Company, but I didn't find anything about the first few related names being stationed in Moscow.
Looking elsewhere, Sir John Scarlett was stationed in Moscow and may be involved with/own private firms. He was also involved in the "sexing up" of the Iraq WMDs report, apparently.
I think he would be disappointing.
Like, how do you explain not reporting on this until the same month that this lunatic is to be sworn in?
They didn't think he could win.
1. Trump wasn't going to win, lol
2. Single partisan source that they cannot corroborate because they don't have the resources and this story would be insanely hard to follow up on without knowing who sources were
Not saying Gawker wasn't incredibly shitty, but that's gotta have a chilling effect.
Red Alert 2
Urea's Revenge
The FBI had this information for a while - see timeline above.
They actually asked for a warrant on it (or another agency did) earlier in 2016. It has been leaked now presumably because the intelligence community thinks it's credible and wants it out there before he takes office.
Allegations that trump has been passing information to the Russians in exchange for info on his opponent, Clinton, and stuff like renting out a hotel room in Russia that the Obamas used, then hiring a bunch of prostitutes to defile the bed with piss related sexual activities. Or course, all this may be on tape because the Russians may have camera'd up the room, giving them a lot of blackmail material on Trump.
The report alleges this collusion has been going on for years.
It leaked today because the upper echelons of the elected portions of the US security apparatus (The Gang of Eight, POTUS, PEOTUS) only just got briefed on the information last week in a two page document exclusive to those people. That two page document leaked and confirmed the veracity of the author of the 35 page detailed document. Notably the 2 pager doesn't contain information from the 35 pager but summarizes it.
That means that the top echelons of the US Security council and the POTUS didn't get information on this paper, despite the fact that the FBI got in handed to them directly sometime around JUNE!
I'm aware of the timeline, that's exactly why both McCain and Comey can get fucked.
Hahaha what in the fuck? am I high?
what is even
this is not a joke but it should be a joke.
It's in the original CNN report, which they verified with their own sources.
The report exists. Media is reporting on its existence. Not fake news. Not what fake news means.
Also, releasing unverified classified documents is probably a bad idea on a number of levels.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
TBH as high as the stakes were and with what Comey did the week of the election, fuck it.
Trump is a dank meme generator made orange flesh.
100% bullshit.
These same media agencies had no problem at all taking entire WikiLeaks dumps of classified or allegedly classified information and publishing them, without any kind of verification. They did this on multiple occasions, including during this election cycle for the sake of keeping things 'interesting' and slinging mud at Clinton. It was an embarrassing pendulum act throughout the election: 'Oh, whoops, bad footage of Trump admitting he enjoys sexually assaulting women; time to go find something bad about Clinton to print. There we go, even stevens.'
In the last quarter of the campaign I did just some rudimentary Googling on Trump's movements / relationships with regards to Eastern Europe, and yeah, he very clearly knows a few folks in Moscow (in fairness, that doesn't necessarily mean much on its own) & hosted Gaddafi during his stays in the U.S.
I honestly don't rate the overall impact of these shenanigans, but it seems clear enough at this point that the FBI & most of the large television press networks had a plain partisan motivation that aligned with the GOP.
I expect this to be dead before Friday. Everyone involved got played, hard.
We'll see. By my count that leaves 30 other days he could have hopped a jet.
Trump may have been compromised by the Russians?
Who could have believed this of the man who'll bully and insult absolutely everyone, but refuses to listen to anything bad anyone might say about Putin?