Hey friends,
PAX South is in less than 2 weeks! I'm exploring practical ways to carry my collection, which is somewhat small, with me around PAX (besides on my lanyard). My current idea is a CD case that has been sitting around, as a hard shell, and has fabric/plastic pages. It can fit 3 rows of 4 pins comfortably so I think it will work perfect for me and it won't take up any space in my backpack, so there will lots of room for buying other goodies! I think that a binder would take up to much space, and bags dedicated to carrying pins don't seem to accommodate space for other things, that's my opinion at least. While my method may not be as pretty looking as others, it can be grabbed out of my bag quickly and does exactly what I will need.
I'll post photos below, and I would love to see photos of anyone's methods and/or link me to any other post on the forums for such things and maybe I'll use them!
Thanks for stopping by!
- Zyn

(not my whole collection)

(PA pkmn pins pls thanks)
No need for murder - http://www.pokemoncenter.com/clothing---accessories/pins-s0102-0007-0000/ivysaur-charmeleon-wartortle-pokémon-pins-(3-pack)-710-01962
I would be willing to trade charmeleon if you offer me something good
If you're feeling crafty, I would recommend sewing some soft fleece to the back side of each page, to prevent unintentional wear. Some of the Pinny Arcade pins have silkscreened print elements that may come off if they're continually stressed. Or if you don't want to sew, you could probably get away with just sticking some fleece squares in there.
I say fleece because it's a soft, non-abrasive fabric. You could use any fabric you want, but beware of the aforementioned printed elements.
It fits my collection just fine and there's plenty of room for more! That's a good idea too, I may look into that in the future