
x86 Assembly help, one last time!

clsCorwinclsCorwin Registered User regular
edited April 2007 in Help / Advice Forum
Tried to tack this onto an old thread, but she got no love.

I'm running into some issues with a macro in my program.

INCLUDE input2


.STACK  100h

	basePrompt	db	'Please enter a number for the base: $'
	expPrompt	db	'Please enter a number to raise the base to: $'
	base		db	?
	exp		db	?
	binBase		db	?
	binExp		db	?
	baseSize	db	?
	expSize		db	?
	answerSize	db	?
	answer		dw	1
	divider		db	10
	ASCIIanswer	dw	?
	cheat		db	'$'


	mov	ax, @data
	mov	ds, ax
	lea	dx, basePrompt
	mov	ah, 09h
	int	21h			;display prompt	
	INPUT	base			;get base number
	lea	dx, expPrompt
	mov	ah, 09h
	int	21h			;display prompt
	INPUT2	exp			;get exponent
	call	GETNUMBER		;convert numbers to binary
	mov	ax, 0
	mov	al, binBase
	call	GETSIZE			;get number of digits in base
	;mov	baseSize, bl		;set base size
	mov	ax, 0
	mov	al, binExp
	call	GETSIZE			;get number of digits in exp
	;mov	expSize, bx		;set exp size	
	call	POWER			;raise base to exp power
	mov	ax, answer
	call	GETSIZE			;get number of digits in answer
	mov	bx, 0
	mov	answerSize, bl		;set answer size
	call	PUTNUMBER		;convert answer to ascii for printing
	call	PRINT			;print answer
	mov	ax, 4c00h
	int	21h			;terminate program

	cmp	ax, 10000		;compare num to 10000
	jb	NOT5			;if smaller, jump to NOT5
	mov	bx, 5			;else size = 5

	cmp	ax, 1000		;compare num to 1000
	jb	NOT4			;if smaller, jump to NOT4
	mov	bx, 4			;else size = 4

	cmp	ax, 100			;compare num to 100
	jb	NOT3			;if smaller, jump to NOT3
	mov	bx, 3			;else size = 3

	cmp	ax, 10			;compare num to 10
	jb	CONTINUE1		;if smaller, size = 1
	mov	bx, 2			;else size = 2
	mov	bx, 1			;size = 1

	mov	ax, ASCIIanswer
	mov	ah, 09h
	int	21h			;print answer



	lea	bx, addr		;load addr into bx
	mov	cx, 2			;set counter to 2
	mov	si, 0			;set pointer to 0
	mov	ah, 01h
	int	21h			;get char from keyboard
	mov	bx + si, al		;put char into bx
	inc	si
	loop	INLOOP

This is the output I get upon trying to assemble lab8.asm:

Turbo Assembler Version 4.1 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borland International

Assembling file: lab8.asm
**Error** lab8.asm(61) INPUT(8) Too many registers in expression
**Error** lab8.asm(66) INPUT2(8) Too many registers in expression
Error messages: 2
Warning messages: None
Passes: 1
Remaining memory: 413k

Tool completed with exit code 1

Mind you, this is 16 bit assembly for x86. Why is it complaining about the macro?

clsCorwin on


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    BamaBama Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I looks like you're trying to put the sum of two registers in another register with a mov instruction. Shouldn't you be using an add? I can't think of an instance where an expression is a valid instruction parameter.

    Bama on
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    SmasherSmasher Starting to get dizzy Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I have no experience with x86 assembly, but I'll give this a stab. Take with a grain of salt.

    It looks like it's complaining about one of these two lines, depending how it counts line numbers in macros:

    int 21h
    mov bx + si, al

    The int seems to look fine, so my hunch is that you're not allowed to add bx and si together like that. I don't know if that's actually true, but I notice you don't do it anywhere else in the code there. Try summing them in an extra register first (if you have a free one) and using that in the mov statement instead.

    Smasher on
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    clsCorwinclsCorwin Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Yep, I'm a jackass.

    clsCorwin on
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    FristleFristle Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    mov        bx + si, al                ;put char into bx

    Yea that looks invalid.

    If you need to put AL into the address [BX plus an offset of SI] then you will have to store that address in another register first, then do a mov of AL to that address.

    Edit: beat to the punch!

    Fristle on
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    ecco the dolphinecco the dolphin Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    mov [bx + si], al

    Is what you want.

    Ha, sorry about the other thread - absolutely forgot about it last night.

    EDIT: Woah, lots of answers all of a sudden. Anyway, no need to have another register - you can directly add si to bx in this context.

    ecco the dolphin on
    Penny Arcade Developers at PADev.net.
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