I need help finding a costume for my wife's work Christmas party this weekend. This year's theme is "Old timey carnival".
I could just wear a suit, but I've got a bit of a reputation for wearing funky costumes. Last year I was told in no uncertain terms by the owner of the company that they were disappointed I didn't dress up. I do not want to disappoint this year.
I've put this thing off till the last minute as I am wont to do, but if I can find a costume on Amazon, I can take advantage of my Prime membership and get free 2 day shipping.
So, I'm asking you all for help. Please help me find an awesome costume (preferably uncommon) that I can get to wear this weekend. I'd like to keep it under $50 if possible, but I'll spend more on a rad costume if it's worth the extra cash.
Thanks in advance.
I get to do this solo.
Browse and enjoy. There are a lot of images from that show that are awesome.
Edit: Basically very worn out three piece suits or suspenders with ragged pants, worn out boots and an old hat.
This sounds like a job for Calendar Man!
Was wondering exactly this.
I've been wanting to do a Stig costume, but (1) it's not cheap to do decently and (2) no one will get it unless they watch Top Gear. It does have the benefit that I can go to parties and be perfectly OK not talking to anyone.
That's awesome. I'd even dress up like a female gypsy and make a crystal ball and cardboard booth if I had the time.
Anything to embarrass my wife.
Sadly, it doesn't look like Amazon has any decent costumes for an adult male. Even the ringmaster costumes seem pretty crappy.
I fear I might have to just wear a suit and tie again.