Tabletop Miniatures at Unplugged?

Doug_HousemanDoug_Houseman Registered User new member
Is unplugged going to have miniature gaming (e.g. Warhammer 40K, Bolt Action, DropZone Commander, etc.)?

If so what are you doing about terrain and other game setup items, as well as setups for learn to play games?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I would hope so, but I doubt any details have been worked out yet. long way to go until the show :)

  • Doug_HousemanDoug_Houseman Registered User new member
    Well as a game runner and terrain provider, I am already looking at 2018 conventions, most of us are. I bring terrain to a convention and take it home afterwards, means taking at least 3 days off work (Thurs-Fri and then Monday). Vacation time is limited, so normally I plan 12 to 18 months out. My boys say Pax events are great, so they are interested in helping - but we are all limited by Vacation days.

  • Udjat_EyeUdjat_Eye [E] Showdown DCRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Well as a game runner and terrain provider, I am already looking at 2018 conventions, most of us are. I bring terrain to a convention and take it home afterwards, means taking at least 3 days off work (Thurs-Fri and then Monday). Vacation time is limited, so normally I plan 12 to 18 months out. My boys say Pax events are great, so they are interested in helping - but we are all limited by Vacation days.

    I've created a few FB groups to gather and encourage folks to talk about Miniatures, gaming and hobbying at PAX Unplugged. (

    I'm also specifically hoping to get a FB group together for Horus Heresy discussion.

    Udjat_Eye on
  • KaladinKaladin Western NYRegistered User regular
    Pretty new to the hobby in general, but I'm personally hoping for some Malifaux.

  • scuddlesscuddles Registered User regular
    Sodapop and CMON are both going to be there. Hoping Wrath of Kings and Relic Knights is played!

  • KaladinKaladin Western NYRegistered User regular
    Looks like Wyrd will be there too, per their most recent news letter!

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