Hungry For Some Pre-PAX Dinner? Last Call

ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
edited March 2017 in PAX East
The 2017 Pre-PAX Dinner is ON! This is a really fun dinner held the night before PAX where you can meet and hangout with a whole bunch of your fellow attendees. If you're planning on attending other pre-PAX events, like Pokécrawl Go or WestinWorld: Pre-Pax Boardgame Night Showdown Extravaganza, then this is a great place to meet up and grab some grub before heading out into the night!

This event is open to all ages - all are welcome to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Date and Time
Thursday, March 9, 2017
4:45PM - 7PM

The Merchant - Kitchen & Drinks
60 Franklin Street
Boston, MA 02110

The Grub
There will be light app(s) and entrée selections of Steak Frites, Roasted Chicken, Butternut Ravioli, Stuffed Pepper or an awesome Burger (with BACON!)

The ticket price this year is $41.45 + $3.27 EB fee. Yes, yes, I know these tickets are more than last year. This year we are up against restaurant week, limited number of venues that can accommodate a large group, and high minimums. I made every effort to keep costs down, ticket prices cover the cost of dinner, tax, tip and fees. I will be using Eventbrite, this service has been used for other PAX events and seems to work well. Advance purchase required, tickets will not be available at the door. We will be in the Boston Room which is located in the back of the restaurant.


There will be a cash bar for all drinks, i.e. adult beverages, coke, sprite, etc.

When you arrive, please provide a printed ticket, if you can't provide a printed ticket then be able to access your ticket on you phone so we can get everyone checked and to the grub as fast as possible. We are sold out so we can not accommodate any walk-ins.

What to wear…what to wear? Anything that you want…it’s a casual event so have fun with it!

OOOOOHHHH and for those that have attended before you know I like to do ice breakers…this of course will still be a part of the event, but for the final raffle we are asking if you would like to participate without doing the ice breaker, please bring a donation for the Norwood Animal Shelter. Suggested donations include: clean towels and blankets (old ones are welcome), clean bedding (old ones are welcome), canned or bagged dog and cat food. Please know this is not required to attend or even expected, so don’t feel like to have to bring anything.

Final Note - I do not make a profit on this event and if at any time there is any doubt about this I will be more than willing to post all expenditures. All raffle stuff is donated by me.

Thank you all and see you on Thursday!

ClannMorgan on


  • Rabid DogRabid Dog Registered User regular
    My group might be interested!

  • theadman2315theadman2315 PhillyRegistered User regular
    I'd be down
    since I'm going on this journey alone lol

    Chickens can fly
    I've seen it
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    I shall be in attendance, bearing Forum Badges of course


  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    I wont be near a computer for the next 5 days so ill try my best to keep checking my phone. Gonna be in Maryland so the hotel wifi prob isnt gonna be free. If the tickets become available while im away im not sure if this will be ok but if someone can buy me a ticket and i promise i will give you the money for the ticket. Not sure if it its one of those tied to a name kind of thing. This would be my first time going to the dinner. You can message me on here and we can work out meeting before the dinner and ill give you the money then or via paypal. But i will make sure i keep checking this whenever i can.

    RedK232 on
  • MythrilRobMythrilRob Registered User regular
    Had a lot of fun at this last year, looking forward to it again. I should be bringing 3 others this year, at the very least I'll be there otherwise.

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    I have been looking forward to this! Hopefully I'll be able to initiate my oldest son into this as well!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    @RedK232 sent you a pm

  • Mercyd1403Mercyd1403 Registered User regular
    This sounds like a fun! Count me in!

  • RmaxpRmaxp Registered User new member
    I'd love join! Sounds like an awesome way to make some new friends before the show.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Tickets are up.

  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Hey Morgan just got home like 20 mins ago from my maryland trip. Did you already get one for me or do i still gotta buy one?. I dont mind if i end up having to just dont wanna double buy if you already did for me. And ill give you the money before the meet-up. I spent Way too much lol at this convention still havent done my taxes yet.

    RedK232 on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    RedK232 wrote: »
    Hey Morgan just got home like 20 mins ago from my maryland trip. Did you already get one for me or do i still gotta buy one?. I dont mind if i do just dont wanna double buy if you already did for me.

    I just posted the tickets, so not yet. And welcome back!

  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    Thanks was a awesome time first time going to maryland. Could you still get one for me so i can wait for my tax money to come in and like the recent post ill give you the money when we meet up. I hurt my bank hard with this trip just need that recovery money to come in and you can message me what I'll owe you.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Sent you a pm :)

  • SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Yay! A Location!
    And food that looks tasty.
    *Throws money at Eventbrite*

  • darksteelreaprdarksteelreapr Registered User regular
    Ordered my ticket so I will be there with bells on again this year!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Less than two weeks folks, get to getting while tix are up =)

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Tickets purchased! Now to get those forum badges printed....


  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Tickets purchased! Now to get those forum badges printed....

    We don't need no stinkin badges! Oh wait, we do...thank you for bringing them.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    We are just over a week out from the dinner and we are below our expected ticket sales for the event. If you are interested in attending please purchase your ticket sooner than later so I can update the restaurant so they continue to hold the private space for us, thanks :)

  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Would we need a certain amount of people for them to hold the space for it to happen?. If we dont do we need to relocate?.

    RedK232 on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    RedK232 wrote: »
    Would we need a certain amount of people for them to hold the space for it to happen?. If we dont do we need to relocate?.

    We need at least 14 more to hold the space. If we do not meet this minimum then we will either have to have a non-private space or relocate all together.

    Unfortunately this year we are up against Restaurant Week, so places are expected to be packed, and can not accommodate a large group or they want HIGH minimums which would be impossible for us to meet. So if you know anyone one the fence tell them don't wait to get a ticket.

  • davedismynamedavedismyname OhioRegistered User new member
    I am very excited for the dinner this year, and I hope that things can carry on as planned. How close are we to reaching the minimum of 14?

  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    I am very excited for the dinner this year, and I hope that things can carry on as planned. How close are we to reaching the minimum of 14?

    She means we need 14 more people on top of who we already have.

  • davedismynamedavedismyname OhioRegistered User new member
    @hobbseltoff Thank you. I had completely misread that. I will continually hold hope that we can meet the prerequisite.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Yes, 14 more. We're almost there people! Lets get this done...its a great space to hang out and have a good time...and the food is supposed to be really good too.

  • acaraba2acaraba2 Tampa, FLRegistered User regular
    I will be buying my ticket either today or tomorrw, i was just waiting till after the Nintendo Switch Launch.


  • KythosKythos Mister. Registered User regular
    Just bought my ticket!

    PAX East 2017: Badge [X] Lodging [X] Plane Tickets [X] Time Off [X]

    XBL/PSN: MiFengXia Twitter: @MiFengXia 3DS: 2423-3603-7854 Steam: Kythos
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    edited March 2017
    Hey everyone, just a quick update...we currently sit at 24 attends which is a good size group. While we do not meet the minimum of 35 for Central Wharf, the restaurant The Merchant is able to accommodate us in a private room. I don't want to leave either establishment hanging and I will have to give a final number to either place by tomorrow afternoon. So if you would like to buy a ticket please join the waitlist on the Eventbrite page, if I get enough interest by tomorrow afternoon I will reopen ticket sales. If not, we will have to move locations.

    For those that have already bought a ticket I will be sending out an email tomorrow night with additional details...don't worry I got you...there will still be good food and fun to be had by all.

    ClannMorgan on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Updates to the OP have been made. Please note the change of location, we will now be at The Merchant - Kitchen & Bar, in the Boston Room at the rear of the restaurant. Please check your email for meal info...and more. See you all Thursday!

  • SingleWingedSingleWinged Registered User new member
    Would highly like to attend if anyone has bought a ticket and cannot go.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Would highly like to attend if anyone has bought a ticket and cannot go.

    Hi, sending you a pm

  • notso4eignnotso4eign Registered User new member
    I know this is happening tonight... but hoping to possibly get 2 tickets!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    notso4eign wrote: »
    I know this is happening tonight... but hoping to possibly get 2 tickets!

    Hi, thanks for the interest, we would have loved for more people to join us. For room events restaurants require that I give them a head count and food selection several days prior, and with this space we were at full capacity so there was no way to even add anyone even if I've want to.

    Keep this event in mind for next year, because it will be happening again.

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