I would like two versions, the cheap edited down single disc version and then the four disc set with every single panel, random crowd and line shots and walk-by shots etc. And the everything that ever happened on a stage. Edited a little bit but basically everything. I would buy that for $50.
graizur on
GrathI'm a much happier person these daysRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited September 2004
Worlds Greatest grandma trophy must be on it.
and I would fuck suzie and lj at the same time
they are both a couple of hot women
however I wouldn't touch William with Borfase's dick while moriveth pushed.
the panels
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
edit: Now that I think about it, it's probably the thought of seeing that skinny goon naked that makes my skin crawl. :P
you're one to talk, fatty
You're a sad man.
and I would fuck suzie and lj at the same time
they are both a couple of hot women
however I wouldn't touch William with Borfase's dick while moriveth pushed.